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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Totally agree. As everyone now knows, and its impossible to deny, hes a pathological liar, the figure should be more like 99.99% against (the 0.01% allowing for Trump and the other mentally challenged voters),,,,,but we are talking about americans after all.
  2. Searching for something new yesterday I stumbled across this documentary which, while initially put off by its Sand Sharks vs Godzilla type title, turned out to be a real find. If you are even mildly interested in sharks, fish or fishing you will find Shark vs Tuna extremely interesting. I watched it on lookmovies. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10625716/
  3. Have a search under the title "Just 6.5" and available on lookmovie2.to.
  4. And the repetition, especially in the Thai Examiner article, over and over and over. Reminds me of US news reports where they are desperate you believe it.
  5. A smart man once questioned why we boast our failures at the front of the news (papers) and our accomplishments (sport) at the back?
  6. Last week or so my attention has been taken up by my wife mostly (lol), but in between I have been watching: Blue Lights The Devils Hour The Godfather 1 - 3 (again!) Lawrence of Arabia (couldnt resisit it....for the 20th time) The Power of One True North 2006 Avatar 2023. All great shows with the exception of Avatar which I felt dragged. An old favourite I want to revisit soon is "All the Pretty Horses" with Matt Damon. If youve never seen it and you are a Matt Damon fan you should not miss it and same with "Good Will Hunting".
  7. So the article mentions nothing about actual organ harvesting, only "....blood tests and organ examinations such as xray....."
  8. Well you do provide quite a well constructed and informative arguement lol!
  9. I heard the Indians were <deleted> off that the Pom got in there first. ????
  10. Oh ok I didnt realise the US had exclusive rights to selling to the enemy.
  11. I usually like to binge watch complete seasons but as soon as you mentioned Underbelly I couldnt resist. Thanks for the recomend, great show!
  12. Thank you, Ive been sitting here for 20 minutes trying to recall the name. Excellent for such a job and they may still be supplying it for free (from Govt Ag).
  13. Very obviously it is brake failure again tho I bet the insurance company has doubts lol! However I congratulate the driver on being able to use reverse gear, quite rare up my way. ????
  14. Yes very puzzling considering that Thailand will only be utilizing its skills in making the sandwiches and afternoon teas while korea will be in charge of all technological and scientific endeavours.
  15. You know that, and I know that, but I cant believe Big Joke acts all surprised like its not common knowledge to him? I cant quite work him out.
  16. Yes but at least with Catholicism you only have to say 3 hail mary's and alls forgiven. Thats why the mafia and politicians (the other mafia) are often catholic! I was taught by Christian Brothers and nuns and while no-one actually touched me I heard and witnessed some very strange behaviour. My sister was a border with nuns who forced girls to sleep without blankets, even in dead of winter, if caught with their hands under the sheets. Mustnt be tempted to touch yourself! Talk about sickos!
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