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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I dont know what all the fuss is about because surely the police will follow normal protocol and email Thaksin to just pop into the local police station at his earliest convenience after he returns.
  2. You probably wouldnt believe me if I told you, just as I probably wouldnt believe a few of the posts from you lol!
  3. Yeah they havnt actually been 'rushing' to the scene this time lol!
  4. Im 70 years old and have never had a credit card. I use an Australian debit card and a local debit card. Have never needed a credit card as I only spend my own money. You may have to contact your Thai bank to advise you want to use your debit card for international transactions such as Aliexppress b4 it will work.
  5. So with the Elite Visa you avoid the leg munching escalators. I guess thats a positive!
  6. Hahahahaa! yes, heres a snippet from the report from Wednesday, somewhat different lol, but they did however get the colour of one guys attire correct "The men, resembling a Kuwaiti tourist group of more than 10 individuals, ordered the tourists to kneel while pointing their weapons at their heads, reported Daily News."
  7. And the photo posting Japanese Tourist has been banned from returning to Thailand for 20 years for his tarnishing of Thailands image overseas.
  8. Your mates reckon you submitted quite happily??
  9. Wonder if she can claim loss of income?????
  10. Exactly! One group known for zero baht tours leaving nothing for the locals and the other crew famous for sharing a single beer with 4 straws and their 6 brothers hiding in the wardrobe and under the bed waiting for their mate to bring a girl back for an already discounted short time lol. That'll get the baht rolling in lol!
  11. The americans have been welcome here too??
  12. Thanks, for a minute there I thought it was only me lol!
  13. The US always does. Look at Nixon and Kissinger, two of the biggest mass murders in history, pardoned. George Bush juniour and his cronies the same, got away with mass murder and theft of oil supplies. All criminals from way back.
  14. Hope no-one has mentioned this already, apologies if so. Blackadder: The Lost Pilot 2023 IMDB: 6.6 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28106608/ Sir Tony Robinson tells the story of the lost Blackadder pilot, and meets Blackadder co-writers Ben Elton and Richard Curtis, before screening the pilot in full for the first time ever. Found this on lookmovie and enjoyed it so much I will be taking a look at all the seasons as I have only ever seen an episode or so back then. Hope you enjoy too.
  15. Maybe he will do a Pablo Escobar and offer to build his own luxury prison complete with secret underground access to the BTS and its own TV station.
  16. The Russian FM only arrived a few days ago too.
  17. No you wont get it. You werent brought up to get it. Your govt and news medias do everything in their power to make sure you dont get it. The education you were provided makes sure you dont get it. However thanks to the internet and social media today allowing people to make up their own minds we are more and more starting to hear the words "We started it, WE are the bad guys!"
  18. Aid is a very misunderstood word that some may say is actually more related to bribery and corruption. It is certainly not just a handout lol. For example, if you recall the "Coalition of the Willing", some of those 'willing' partners were only 'willing' because otherwise their aid would be withdrawn.
  19. Its hard to believe that a country, who not so long ago, had a leader whose behaviour even caused embarassment to Donald Duck by sharing the same name, has the audacity to criticise how another country is run. LMFAO!
  20. No disrespect to Biden but I think a box of rocks would be better suited to the job than Trump, even if nobody knows more about rocks than Donald.
  21. Many years ago I was in Kuta, Bali winding my way back to my accomadation in the wee hours, when I took a wrong turn into a lane and came across a van full of beggers. My curiousity led me to stop at a drink stand nearby to use as a cover while I watched what was going on. Over the next 20 minutes or so about another half a dozen or so beggers arrived out of the shadows from different directions and each handing over a small bag to the driver before entering the van. Apparently the whole thing is organised, call it mafia if you like, but these people were brought in from outlying villages to beg, even the babies were often hired out and didnt belong to what you think is its mother. Very similar happenings go on today with the flower seller kids in Klong Toey.
  22. "Darling, quadruple the order for straws this week please, theres going to be more Indians coming".
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