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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. 5.5 years ago, Mrs opened her [our] new salon/shop, she employed 2 staff and a house maid, i kept the books and and after all deductions was making about 22k a month, Very Good!!

    At that time there were 3 salons in the 500mtr road, now there are 9, Mrs works alone now, house maid once a week, and lucky to break even in the month,

    Like other posters have said, if a thai sees a good thing and will do the same, Monkey see, Monkey do,,

    In conclusion OP, getting the place walled up,plastered, lights,fanTV ect, something like 450k would/should do it, then there is shelving,fridge and stock to buy, perhaps another 70k+? What i have seen in some local shops is shelf framework made from the blue 19mm water pipe, now that has got to be cheap and sturdy, plywood cut to size, and takes a lot of weight.

    Another good suggestion was selling plants, being farmers, they could make there own compost, bag it ect, and sell pots and flowering plants ect, this would keep them in touch with the background they know, rather than being bored to tears watching TV all day,

    • Like 1
  2. Yes that rain did look bad, Eurosport commentators were convinced that Sandra was gonna let the Malay fella win it, as he had already won the title,

    Sad in the Moto 2 race as well, red flagged and went back 2 laps, Angelis won, Not Gino Rea,,, Ant West finally made the podium,

    Any rider who finished in the GP is darn good, to handle 200+bhp in those conditions,

    Ringside seat for me nowadays too, with some sarnis and a few beers, cant beat it,,

  3. You got me with the pic BT, Yourgaye looks about 8 years old and with Fiat Yamaha shirt, really dunno mate, unless they are talking him into doing the Rockstar shoot?

    Josh Waters [Ozzie SB champ] was testing for Crescent Suzuki at Arragon with Leon Camier, so he might be a possibillity for next year starting at Philip Island Feb 24th, so thats not so far away im pleased to say..

    Yes i reckon Yourgaye is up for it this year, cant see anybody heading the top 3 now, unless they take eachother out in every race,

    What was up with Sandra, Danny got past, sandra tried to get back at him, took out 2nd place and hiself, and blamed Danny, but he did apologise later,

    This BSB showdown thing, nobody likes it, J Brookes got the most points this year and Shakey won it because of Podium credits? Same last year, Shakey got the most points but Tommy Hill won it?? bloody weird setup, but it gets the fans in apparantley, so theyve not gonna stop it anytime soon i suppose, gonna have a look at the Tube now see if there is any Kiwi SB racing, i think ive nearly exhausted all the other races, Cheers..

  4. Well yes, i live in the sticks too, 525bht month tot BB, and watched all the BSB races today, ok, bit of refreshing going on, but i dont think you can get BSB on any Asian sat channel?

    Shakey done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first Kawasaki championship since John Reynolds, 1992, Shakey won all 3 races, Brookes was leading the last race till about 15 of 20, Byrne slipped through,[didnt need to] and won,

    17yo won the CS on Kawasaki in the 600 superstock race, Lee Jackson, Glen Richards [ozzie] is BSS champion on a Triumph,

    All in all, a perfect days racing, Wasnt there something going on in Japan?

    Ive seen the results and a big pat on the back for Danny Kent, well done!!

  5. Watch it all live on this link, the latest ive found this week and is very good,

    Check British Eurosport TV listings for times ect,


    Bluetongue, seems Josh has already signed for Tyco Suzuki next year, Tommy Hill is looking to get back to WSBK, so he might be a stand in for Hopper,

    Rossi 5th in FP2 Motegi, thats good, Redposa top, Lor 2nd, will be good to see QP1, Smith & Redding 2.3 in moto2 FP,

  6. Just watched both races on the Tube, awesome stuff, the wet race 1 was a display of how top riders can gel with there bikes, feeling the feedback and ride as fast as possible in poor conditions, many top riders didnt make it though, shall we say hot blooded italians and spanish?

    Race 2, tom led the whole race, well ok, bluejean got through for a mille second, and that was it, Tom new what he had to do and done it,

    Blimey BT, youve into next year already!!, dunno if Tyco Suzuki will let Josh go, specially if he wins BSB this weekend, {Cmon Shakey, you can do it!! } Wouldnt Brett McComick be a better choice now that Effenbert have collasped, he knows the circuits and had a good result at portimao, To be honest, i think Cresent Fixi Suzuki could poach any Ducati rider right now, until the Pancake proves itself, Scott Smart has ridden one in BSB this year, and its more or less broken down every time, clouds of smoke, electrical of course!!! but they seem to be doing well in Superstock guise, not so much engine tuning allowed,,

    Jack Burnicle and Jamie Whitham were saying that the reason Yourgaye was there was because Max got him into racing, and that Tom Sykes lived a few doors down from Mick Grant, Whit was told by Grant about Tom, and they nutured his career together, gotta love the commentary these 2 give,

    Sylvan Guntolli lives in UK, and his english/french accent with a tinge of cockney makes me laugh, great bloke!!

  7. Goverment oficials are a bit mindless as to what a farmers needs are, they make some weird rules without really looking into the subject, hence i gave up trying to make a living [joke] out of farming, but the bad luck continues,

    Last weekend my pet mouse Elvis died, he was "Caught in a Trap"

    And if that wasnt bad enough, the hospital called today, saying my father had died, then my brother called, His father died as well, and then Sister called, Her father died as well, so all this bad news in 2 days has left me a bit shaken, but not stirred,

  8. Heres a coupla links to race 2,


    and Toms podium interview,


    Max said "its my time now, and Tom is next" Lets hope so, thanks to all the riders for a great year, Motogp isnt going to the last race like WSB did im sure,,

    On reflection, i would say that what Max said, "its my time now, but next is Tom" that was great, and a lot of us want that to come true,

    Yes, with you Soihok, thanks to all the riders for a great years racing, its been a love/hate sorta year, but thats normal,

    Cheers, Lickey..

  9. You done better than me Soihok, i got all settled down at 3pm with my beer and prawn mayo sandwiches, nothing on the net at all, well there was but it was all blocked, the only way i could sorta keep in touch was WSBK homepage, watching the race times and positions, i rekon i found 6 new sites to watch, but it was the same story, never mind it will be on the tube in a day or so,

    As far as im concerned Tom is equal champion to Max, 1/2 a point ?? its nothing, the honour should be shared,

    Top manufactors Apprila,Bmw,Ducati,which is very good for Europe, top Jap, Kawasaki,Honda,Suzuki,

    Already looking forward to next year, Hopefully Triumph will join in, [perhaps Slippery Sam with Percy Tait ]

    So weve got BSB showdown at Brands [season finale] cmon Shakey, and Motogp next weekend,

  10. Im pretty sure we all wonder where Tom would have been in the points if the Kwacker engine hadnt blown last time out, Hes got a steep hill to climb but even 2nd would be quite acceptable, I was hoping Baz would be up there, but who knows what will happen? im backing Tom, so keep your powder dry Tom and go for it, Join Softglu by winning another championship for Kawasaki, going to be great racing tommorow, off down the beer shop in the morning,

    Eurosport are showing all, SB,WSS,WST 1000 and WST 600, Starring has an outside chance in WST 1 class, although the weather forecast isnt that good, it might go in Toms favour if its wet,

    Fingers crossed, big day and last one this year for WSB,

  11. Soihok, you dont know what youre missing mate, got WSB final this weekend, Tom is in with a chance if things go to shit for Max,,

    GP sorta unfolded slowly, after the crashes ect the only thing for me was the way Vale got through the CRTs back up to 8th, but 8secs off Rea, Rossi afterwards said he was taken by suprise by Reas slow corner entry speed,

    Yep, well done Scott, that was a hard race for all concerned, 250 the same, must be getting near the end of season and some riders havent got a place next year??

    BlueTongue, i really hope you get a decent connection soon, the BSB 2nd race has been descibed as the best ever in the history of BSB, yes it was so bloody good mate, well, both races were superb, Shakey is leading with Brookes 2nd going into the showdown at Brands, Shakeys home track, and Ozzie Glen Richards now leads the Supersport on a Triumph, that was a helluva race too, the superstock was exciting, Farmer, Kawasaki won that, and i think crowned champion, with a race to go,

    Silverstone seem to have suffered from crowd attendance again, a spectator circuit it isnt!, flat as a witches tit, went there for the 1st GP after IOM lost its status in 1976, saw some bikes come past on the hangar straight and that was it, Before they built the new pits complex at Brands, you could watch from Paddock hill bend and see the whole Indy circuit, Brands Cadwell and Oulton being my favorites, Arrogon looked great from the air,

    Just to end on a bit of sad news, My pet mouse Elvis died today, he got "Caught in a Trap"

  12. Good info BT, thanks, yes i had forgot Magee, just watched some youtube stuff on the acciedent in Usa, with Bubba Shobert, seems Shobert was congradulating Lawson on his win while Magee was doing a burn-out on the slow-down lap, these are normal antics on the slow-down and Shobert wasnt watching the track, and a fierce collision happened, seemed it was the beginning of the end for Magees career and certainly the end for Shobert.

    Aragon free practise, it was pissing down, Spies is top, with Redposa a close 2nd and Lorenzo 3rd, Hayden 4th, and the forecast is it could be wet for the race,

    During the start of the Moto2 practise, the comentaters asked people to twitter in the GOAT, [greatest of all time] riders, getting replies like Rossi,Ago,Hailwood,Swantz , Rainey,Lawson,Fogarty, Geoff Duke, Read, Sheene,Roberts,Mamola,Minter,Stoner ect, i agree these are all great riders.

    These riders couldnt hold a candle to Joey Dunlop, 26 TT wins,24 Ulster Grand Prix wins,North West 200, 13 wins,5 times Formula 1 TT world championships, MBE & OBE awarded for his charity work, he was never outspoken and mainly prepped his race bikes himself,

    So onto the weekend, Motogp Aragon, BSB Superbike showdown Silverstone, Steak & Kidney pie and veg, a box of Leo, and im all settled for the action..

  13. Rea is definitly riding this weekend, and on Crash.net Stoner talks about V8 supercars next year, [another boring series]from what ive seen on the box,

    Cmon Blue Tongue, dont be down in the dumps about lack of Ozzie riders, like UK, youve had a good share of them in the past, heres my favourites,,

    1 A Gobert WSB

    2 Rob Phillis WSB

    3 Troy Corser WSB

    Troy Bayliss WSB

    Kork Ballinyton MGP

    4 Wayne Gardener MGP

    5 Mick Doohan MGP

    6 Ant West Chris Vermullen Jack Ahearn

    And more i cant think of right now, Ive always liked Ozzie racers, all laid back and get on with the job, although ive read that Doohan was a toughie in the pits pre-race,,

    Didnt see the missing finger man, was it the little finger? classic low-side injury, When i met Phil Read in the Brands hatch paddock 1972/3 his little finger was curled up and dead, but ideal for the twistgrip he told me,

    Oh yeah, i do remeber at the Salzburgring Corser got unhinged about something,and bopped some pit lane marshalls, 94/95 WSB, that was a good race, Fogarty & Corser Dukes, cleared off at the front Gobert Slight Nakai Tardozzi? having a real battle for 3rd, it was well worth the 1100mile journey, and it was as hot as hell, had to drink a lot of cold beers after the schintzel an potatsalad,

    • Like 1
  14. It does seem a bit strange to me why Honda and other Jap manufactures would build there factories in a flood prone area?

    I really dont know how many years this flooding problem has been going on, but if its only rainwater why dont they build some real pumping stations? where i lived and worked in east anglia,UK, its below sea level, and most of the stations were built in the 20s/30s, Tydd Gote is a prime example, 1000 tons a minute, no flooding probs,

    Its up to the goverment to research and apply,

  15. 8.5 hours on Superbike Sunday, WSB & BSB, i must admit that this time the net wasnt good, lot of stuttering ect, re-freshing and stuff, from about 9pm onwards it was perfect,

    Mrs thought id gone potty when Tom won the restarted 1st race and Shakey Byrne won the 1st at Assen, could have cried when the Kwacker expired in race 2, and then Brookes done the classic last bend manewvoure on Shakey, there was a backmarker in the way of shakey, but the "creative' overtaker Brookes won the drag to the line, {jamie Whitham comment]

    Melandri, what was he thinking of? hes got a fast bike, let the race settle down, and then pick them off, gawd knows how Max wasnt took out as well? if Max had gone out, Tom would look very good for the last round in France,, ah well, perhaps next year??

  16. Good post Lop, my dear mum [84 next month Oct] sends me two cakes a year, one for birthday and one for Xmas, without the marzipan and icing, i dont have a sweet tooth, so i supose they are basically Dundee fruit cakes, laced with brandy and the useual ingredients, im not sure but mum always puts walnuts and almonds in the mix, after the baking these are very tender, im not sure cos i dont know if nuts go into a dundee style cake?

    Wrapped in silver foil, a 3lb cake will last me 3 months, a nibble now and then, if i could find the ingredients here near Udon i would make my own,

    Cheers, Lickey.

    • Like 1
  17. Blimey mate, that is slow,,, bit like early dial-up, I saw a friend tonight who uses an aircard, he says hes never had much luck with it as far as youtube goes, but then it depends on reception,weather ect, i think the start price is 1200bht with 30hours free, worth a try..

    So folks, im looking forward to Superbike Sunday, BSB goes to Assen for the first Showdown, and WSB from Potimao, Just read that Effenbert Liberty have sacked Maxine Berger, so thats Smrz and Guntolli, all 3 sacked, and race winners too, theyve taken on another rider for the last 2 races, i think the team will be wrapped up over winter..

  18. Hi Bluetongue, in a way i agree that some top riders were missing or crashed out, but Rossi has a new swingarm and different steering head angle, [stuff hes been waiting for a long time] so his 2nd place was great, youve still got Dovi in the mix, regular top 5 finisher,

    Rea, top works Honda, beaten by the sattelite bikes,suprised he got to the end really,

    The link below is irish road racing from Youtube, its a fast download, if you can watch this with your present setup without a break, you might be ok for live streaming..

    dont know about aircard ect? always had BB from the landline here,

  19. Great fun indeed, went to many WSB races in Europe, that was the Foggy era, just checked, he was 13th in both races, a renowned water baby,,

    Sykes was saying they have a new tyre,used it in Russia, and ok, but at the Ring, part worn would cause a lot of rear end chatter, hence dropping of the pace again, but all is not lost, 4 races to go, Cmon Tom,,,,

    Good racing as usual though, but some of the corner names,Coca Cola curve, MGK bend ect, Perhaps they are sponsors?Perhaps not enough German champions to name the corners after?

    For me the race of the day was the British Superstock 1000 from Donnington, the new Duke Pancake led for all the race, until he got into a powerslide on the race to the line, he was pipped by a Suzuki, 1000th sec, 3rd place fight was brilliant, about 7 bikes going for this, chopping and changing all the race, looking forward to more,

  20. Eric, most rev counters are usually powered by the alternator, not sure about the rest of the panel? quickest way to find out is remove plug from alternater and start engine [if not easy, take off fan belts] if the panel is dead, then the fault is with diodes in alternator, Yes it will still charge battery ect but it does sound like the brushes are getting low in the alternator,

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