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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. Graeme Crosby, blimey BT, he raced a lot in UK, and will always be remebered for his sit up and beg Morowaki Kawasaki and Youshimura Suzuki, [this is from memory not web ] great bloke indeed and always easy to spot in the pack,

    Also Simon Buckmaster, was ok always a top 10 bloke and now i think a team manager in WSB?

    Favourite Kiwis are Slight,Crosby,Crafar,Britten, top blokes they are..Dunno if there are any new Kiwis coming through??

  2. Seems there is no western substitute for: Cockroaches,Maggots,Chicken Feet,Bloodcakes & Pigs Ears and Tails.

    I believe there is a sububstitute in the West, not nameing names, but most of them are in Goverment.

    If you are correct? it doesn't say much for Thai Politicians!

    It dosnt does it,, but back on topic, Mrs loves falang food, in 6.5 years she spent 8months in UK, learnt some of my favorites from Mum and cooks/bakes these often, so im a happy chappy, funny thing is, even with a lovely steak & kidney casserole, she will put a glob of sticky rice and chillies on the plate, well, thats thais, they want there rice same we want our Taters and bread i suppose,

    But street food, no way, looking at the cooking oil, its almost black, full of carcogenics, mrs is the same since i pointed it out to her,,never touch it, otherwise, yes, Mrs votes for good fresh falang food, [no KFC Chickking or MC Crap]

  3. Hey, so good to get chatting about Bike Racing again, and looking forward to 2013,

    I will of course watch Moto Gp and comment, but my main interest is WSB & BSB & Irish Road Racing & the TT, i will try to keep you all up to scratch with these, can watch live or Youtube recordings, {yes, i live in Thailand}

    BT, you ask,or talk about family bike racers, and im sure Kwasaki will bear me out with this, Michael Rutters dad, Tony Rutter was in the 250/350cc racing british championship class for many years, 70s & 80s, it was a real hard charching series, all on tz250/350 yams,

    Dunlops, what can you say about this family? I had a good long chat with Joey years ago at the Alley Pally bike show in the HRC Caravan, [he had forgotten his baccy and spotted me rolling up an Old Holborn] but a good genuine bloke, then his big crash at Paddock hill bend with Stephane Mertens put him out of racing that year, although i was a spectator, i cant remember what happened,

    Joeys brothers boys Michael and William have there bikes sorted for the coming year, thats good news, could you imagine an Irish race or a TT without a Dunlop??

    Better go, mrs just waved the chequered flag, more soon,,

    • Like 1
  4. QC, thats a bit more info for us mechanics to digest,

    Although it might have something to do with the engine being warm, i wonder if your mechanic checked the clutch drive cogs ect, from what you describe it could be grating teeth in the drive line somewhere, Alloy castings expand a lot when warm,

    Also it would not hurt to check the carb, when its warming up on choke its getting a rich mixture, when the choke is off, it could be getting a lean mixture and overheat, there is also the possibillity of a piece of crap in the float bowl that gets sucked up to the main jet now and then.

    Does it have a oil pressured or sprung loaded cam chain tensioner? with the oil pressurred types if the pressurres is low, chain will rattle, spring types are normally ok, unless the spring breaks, this would be very noisy all the time perhaps below 2000rpm.

    Theres some new ideas for you, you dont have to take heed, as said in the previous post i know nothing about engines!!!

  5. Alas I have to report continued troubles with the old Yamaha Fresh. I took it back to the mechanic who had rebuilt it, and he did quite a lot of adjusting, at no charge. The bike ran slightly differently when I left, but the same problems returned just as bad - after the bike is warmed up a little, it begins to jerk and buck, and will even occasionally die, including while driving at speed, though mostly when one is beginning to slow down a bit from higher speeds (don't get me wrong, not high speeds, its just a 60 km/hour kind of runabout).

    I've no idea what it could be. Seems to be bad trouble in side the engine, varous bad noises coming out. But, it still runs, and it will run normally at times.. at any rate when first started until warm.

    Guess I should've passed on buying this one and found another old two-stroke sad.png Don't seem to have any luck with these old four-strokes.

    Just caught up with your posts CQ, What you are describing sounds like a gummed up main jet in the carb, this will cause "pinking" pre-detonation of fuel and bang and popping from the exaust on closed throttle when slowing down,

    I see you are away for a week or so, but try to contact mechanic and tell him to overhaul/clean carb..

  6. And.....for the Local Forums Poster of the Year nominations are:











    yermanee (added by me!)



    Still time to add a few more of your favourite quality local forum posters.

    Nominations close midday Bangkok time on Tuesday. wink.png

    You missed HelloDolly..........I proposed him at the same time as I proposed Dave2. annoyed.gif

    Issan Aussie is a great poster on the farming forum, has a great knowledge of all crops and machinery,

    • Like 1
  7. About 4 years ago, we used to buy english bread in Udon on our monthly shopping trip, very good, but a short shelf life and not so good after being frozen for a few days or so,

    We took one of these rolls to my wifes friend, she has a bakery, she tried it, "No Sugar" was her first remark, I said Yes, thats what i want, no sugar, she made a batch, great, then some loaves, these are about 10in long and 5in wide,about 6in high, and they are great, 20bht a loaf, order today, delivered next day, half the loaf for sandwiches and the other half for toast, weeks supply of bread for 20 bht, no messy mixing and hoping it will be ok ect,

    {Jon at Arkwrights, if you read this, sorry, but still love your pork pies and steak & kidney pies and your great selection of cheeses ect,}

    Cheers, Lickey,,

    • Like 1
  8. Hi Windy,

    Remeber when we went to that waterfall place near the Mekong in the truck? That road from Songkram to Thai Bot is quite twisty and a good surface, with some nice viewing places of the river along the way,

    I was gonna suggest getting a Versy, shortens the straights a bit, but if you keep your Traillie, you should be able to ford the Mekong into Laos, Jan/Feb, it will be pretty dried up by then.

    Yes, still some warm days, but dress up warm if out after 4pm, the wind chill will soon give you more chest problems,

    Cheers, Lickey,

  9. Yes Somo, it has gone a bit weird,

    On the other hand my Mrs has found Christianity, after being a devout Buddha for 45 odd years, she now says they have done nothing for her, despite all her praying ect, im a christian athesist of sorts and her change had nothing to do with me, If she is happy with this and doesnt throw anymore money and food to the monks [temple opposite our house] im happy too,, and it does gall me a lot when i see these monks with a 10k I.pad or the latest phone, seems to me it destroys all what they are suppossed to set out and do, Solitude comes to mind,

    Would it be fair to say that what happened with RC priests in Europe, the allegations of child sex abuse could also happen worldwide?

    Im not sure what causes wars nowadays, is it religion or oil??

  10. I really dont think that what i do I recommened to anyone, as i said, what i do for a better life may not suit others who have a reliance on tablets,

    Yes, it seems i have an allergy to warfarin, and huge doses of antibiotics, my daughter is a pharmacy boss, and the maximum dose per day is 1500mg, and only for 5 days, that is UK, not 1 month as suggested by the Thai doctor,

    Futhermore, i stopped warfarin October last year, i had a CBT complete blood test in Febuary, all good, i will go for another blood test in the new year, and post the results here.

    If i can live another 10 syptom free years without warfarin, rather than 12 years with, im happy with that,

    Its just "My Story" none of what i do i have recommended to others, Thankyou..

  11. jesse, please tell us, now you have new universal joints fitted, does your car "vibrate" or does it feel normal?

    Is it a one piece prop shaft or a 2 piece with a center bearing? most 2 piece propshafts have an "idiot spline" which will only go together one way, ensuring correct alignment, some props dont!!!

    I have never heard of props needing to be re-balanced after a new UJ is fitted, perhaps only if the small tack welded on steel balance strip falls off.

  12. I wrote this post to say how wafarin and antibiotics knocks your body about, and there are more natural ways without strong drugs to maintain your heart and other organs,

    I agree antibiotics are great, they will clear the problem, but too much can near destroy your imune system, it seems to me that thai docs over prescribe them, thats what made me look for alternatives,

    The only tablet i have now is the 81mg asperin, to help thin blood, my BP is good for my age and history,

    What im saying is, once you are over the illness and strong tablets, get yourself back into good shape with natural things, it works for me, but it might not work for others who are reliant on tablets, i weaned myself of all those crazy tablets and now i feel more vibrant than i have for a long time,

  13. for 2 years now ive had some serious health problems, and they usally start in the hot season and now when its hot and dry, stuff like shortness of breath,water rentive legs ect, 1 doctor [after a week in hospital started me off on 4mg warfarin 6 days a week, after a few days of this i couldnt drive, lost appetite,dizzy spells, had to stop this, and find an alternative,

    This year while exercising, i overdone it, streched some muscles in my chest and developed a rather large abcess on my right lung, that was really painfull, the hospital sent a nurse to my home and gave me an injection to numb pain so i could go for an x-ray, ended up in the city hospital, the good doc inserted a catherta tube into the abcess, after 2 days, 150cc of poisin came out in 2 days, he then sent me back to my home town hospital for 2 weeks of IV fluids, I had to go see him again for x-rays ect, he said all good, and took out the catherta, and put me on a course of Amoxacillin 2000mg a day for a month, about 10 days into the course, my legs filled with water, i had bad dirrhea, stomach cramps,tooth ache,headaches,double vision,very lethargic,my scrotum went bright red and itched like mad,

    I cut down the tablet to 1000mg a day, and then finished before what the doc said, I also bought a BPM, so i can keep an eye on my blood pressure, this was high when on all these tablets,

    I also bought a nebulizer, with this, i use a saline solution, it clears my airways quickly and helps cough up phlemg in the dry season,

    My only medication now is eat 2 raw garlic cloves a day, 1 81mg asperin and 3 cod liver oil tablets, my blood pressure right now is 132/88, pulse 90, im 60 years old and a smoker for 45 years, so i dont think too bad!!

  14. I wonder if one day they would say that we care, Like a Puppett on a string,

    The need to have to talk is a good indication of insecurity, in old age, meditation and yoga is better than trying to learn a complicated lanuage,

    6 years now, i know sweet FA issan, and i really dont want to learn, its enough learning the culture,

    Anybody who can speak the Issan/Lao lanuage, well done, but they will still talk behind your back or go into a like rhyming slang so youve lost anyway,

    Best way, Stiff upper lip, just keep smiling, specially if a thai buys you a beer,,,

  15. You can also choose where you live, you might listen to your G/F and buy some land from her parents, This really sounds great dosnt it???

    So after the house is built, or even before, your mind is a little befuddled, all you think of is your pretty Thai Lady and the new house, so then you move in, er, do we have BB internet? no, do we have main sewer? no, where is the nearest beer shop, 12ks, and the nearest Supermarket? 100ks, We live in the middle of Namsom, no transport costs atall,,

    Bugger, the power has stopped again, so no water cos the pump has stopped,my PC batterie has finished after 1 hr, we have no more candles so i cant read my book, off to bed at 7.30pm,

    All that was in the not to distant past, now, it seems powercuts are of a max of 30mins, no probs, i have a big icebox for my medicine,,

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