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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. Good Luck with the move Soihok, im sure you wont be offline for long,

    This weekend SBK and BSB,

    Ah, Nurbergring, went there in 98, for SBK, got to Hoek Van Holland about 2pm, GF and me ZZR1100, Brother and GF Triumph 900 Trident, from Holland into belgium, and about 20ks from the german border we found a campsite, at 5.30, The boos man said, the bar is not open yet so please go put your tents up, 20 mins later, he came along with a tray of 4 pints of dark beer, "have a drink while you wait for open bar" we got so pissed that night, we didnt go to fridays practice, just went boating on the nearby lake, Saturday it was about 90ks to the Ring, lovely sunny day, great riding on good roads, and the only way i could keep up with brother and get past him was on a few straight bits, he soon took me back on the twistys, and another good boozzy night at the campsite, dark beer and local cheese, we were all blotto by 9.30, Raceday, it pissed down all day, it was cold and miserable, the free spectator banks turned into a mudslide, i cant remember who won, we all wanted to get back to the warm bar and a Fillett Steak with lashings of Beer and wine,,,

  2. I seem to remeber that there was a thread on this forum about dongles, the general conclusion was that the further away the dongle was from LT/PC the better they worked,

    I had one when cuts were frequent, supposed to have 30hours for 100bht, never got anywhere near that, seemed to be dead after 5/6 hours, and I wouldnt think you would be able to watch Youtube with it, but ok for mail ect,

    Thank Budddha i have BroadBean here, fast internet can relieve the boredom of a Thai village, its like your only contact with the real world,,

  3. Hi all you NRL fans, i have a good friend from Sydney who needs a bit of help, i will paste his mail so you fellas can see for yourselves,

    Here's the story if you have a few minutes.

    About twelve months ago I was approached by a friendly ruddy faced little bloke named Andrew charles who had been given my name by a bloke who runs and edits a Rugby league magazine here in Sydney. The Editor and me go way back to well before my time spruiking for the Sydney Bulls R.L..F.C and as we had discussed the expansion of Rugby League in Asia one animated night with International Rugby league boss, Tas Batieri at the table. He had been to several Chinese Univerities on the Chinese East Coast just to test the waters. Andrew had earlier dabbled with the idea of a Nines competition in pattaya that fell through for various political reasons but he brushedhimself down and got blessings from the IRL to play a test match against fellow fledgling The Phillipines. I was seen as a natural fit as a "consultant' of sorts on this mad attempt to get a foothold for Rugby League (Rugby XIII) in the Kingdom. Now to tell you the truth, I ain't much interested in what goes on South of Kon Kean but we registered 30+ players from various Bangkok Universities (via their Rugby assoc.) and hired a few locals (quasi- Events managers) to run with the concept.

    Two or threee major problems I see looming at a pace for Andrew. One, the Pines side has several elite NRL players in their squad which is paramount to premier League soccer players playing park amateurs-so the Thais are on a hiding to nothing. Two, THE VENUE. Two potential venues were suddenly made unavailable so there's some frantic searches going on to find somewhere appropriate to play Rugby XIII in or around the Din Daeng area in the Northern Suburbs of Bangkok, close to HQ which is the Chaoprayo Park Hotel.

    Obviously without a venue nailed down as yet for a game to be played Saturday October 20th at 3pm (?), sponsorship drives are that much harder to close as ticketing and match-day magazines are affected.

    Now as of yesterday I told Andrew that he really should be going hard for the TNB Police Stadium which has held sevens comps and rugby events in the past. The Army cnuts have already knocked us back....even though the domestiv thai soccer season finishes in a few weeks.

    Mate if Pan's brother (the copper) can give us a name or number to approach the Stadium management in order to book the bugger, there's two free flights to Bangkok and seats in the sponsor's marquee in it for ya.Consider it an early Birthday pressie.

    So there you have it, Mrs has been in touch with Brother, but he dosnt work in BKK, and is on a course at the moment, so cant devote much time to finding out,

    I cant either, i live way up country and have health issues, so wont be going, and im sure Bomber is good to his word that if anybody can help with some contact names/numbers, they will be in the Sponsors Marquee all free,

    If anybody can help i will PM you Bombers mail addy, Thanks in Advance, Lickey..

  4. Have they replaced the Everest yet?

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    Not yet, it still has Leaf springs and am 99% sure the new one (based on T6 Ranger) will also have leaf springs.

    We do a lot of suspension development at work and can honestly say a leaf sprung pickup can be made to both handle and ride nicely without compromising load carrying ability. they also stop well with 350mm front discs and Harrop 4 pot calipers.

    I want mine to be more comfortable not that bothered about load. But I suppose 5 people and a bike. So about 600 -700kg load. 2004 ranger 4 door. Any tips biggrin.png

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    You could take a leaf out of the rear springs, or tyres about 22psi,rear, i do this with our 4 door Ranger and its quite comfortable, no uneven tyre wear after 4 years,or normal pressures and 2 big bags of sand in the back,

    The only real answer is air suspension, big Trucks in 1st world countries have had it for years, its totally automatic, the more load you have, by way of a load sensing valve, the more air goes into the bags and vice versa, the ride is always the same,

    Which in turn means that Manufacturs have to fit a compressor to the engine, which wont happen soon, there BHP is already sapped by power steering pumps,Alternators,AC pumps ect, Volvo Trucks developed a system where if enough air was in the tanks, and full engine power was needed for hills ect, it would cut the compressor,

    Perhaps one day a manufacturer will find a way to make an AC compressor to fill air tanks for suspension, air ride seats ect,

  5. If the wheels and tyres are uni-directional I would swap the 2 front, thereby reversing each one, and see if the situation remains the same. There has to be a reason the braking efficiency diminished. Try one thing at a time and you will end up with the solution!

    There is, the rotors are glazed and the pads to hard..

    NOT suddenly via a new wheel set up. The bad brakes would have been felt before the wheel change.

    Maybe maybe not, besides who says it wasn't there already and nothing to compare it to? I've driven other competitors race cars when they thought it was perfectly set up and it turned out to be junk to an experienced professional and the same goes for brakes. Likewise have had others drive my cars and come out saying Jaysus! What a difference! Like it's on rails! With the track times to prove it..

    Additionally now he has up-rated everything and it magnifies his problem which may have been less noticeable before.. Anyway wish I could have seen them before as he's not likely to get anyone who can give him a proper evaluation..Unless they end up agreeing with my diagnosis of course biggrin.png ...

    Warpy, i tried some time ago to PM you, and recently, it seems you are not accepting PMs on your profile, is this how you have set it? Cheers, Lickey..

  6. You on the run Jim, Hiding in the Jungle???

    Mrs said to me 7 years ago, it gets really hot here when big storm come, i thought it would be cooler, when the power went off, i understood what she meant, the fans stop working!!

    Having a big thunderstorm right now, the house is all concrete with a tiled roof, but all the awnings are the preesed steel variety, the noise is incredible, cant hear the tele ect, sit here waiting for the power to cut, Laptop batteries not special, about an hour at the most, so play card games, solitaire ect, when the PC fades away,i light a candle and read if im not tired or go to the top floor with a beer and watch the storm,

    One of the best investments we ever made is a large icebox, keeps my beer chilled 24/7,

    some nights can be very romantic with a candle lite bedroom as well, Would i change anything? yes, i would love a good Roast Beef dinner twice a week!

  7. OP, with 20 rai of good land, i would be inclined to do what the Mrs mum & dad did years ago,

    They planted many different fruit trees, Tamarind,Mango,Orange,Coconut,Banana,Custard apple,Bamboo,[edible shoots] Papaya and so on, cant remember all the different ones, With this there is always some fruit in season, so the family could always be fed, any excess was sold,

    They didnt plant Lime trees though, Kaffir Limes grow wild and locals just help themselves, when there is some on the market, 20bht kilo,but thats Kaffir Limes, golf ball size, never see big limes,For me there is no difference taste wise, Mrs uses them in cooking ect,

    Good Luck with what you decide, Cheers, Lickey..

  8. I like to do lap time comparisons between Moto GP and SBK, the one ive found is from Brno, very similar weather conditions, dry and sunny,

    So weve got Tom Sykes, renowed pole sitter this year at 1.58.010,

    Jorge Lorenzo, fairly quick bloke on Yamahas best, 1.56.274, a gap of 1.736 secs.

    This means Tom would have been 11th on the grid, in front of all but 1 CRT riders,

    It does make me wonder if WSB bikes had bridgestone GP rubber and engine and weight restrictions were lifted what they could achieve in a mixed prototype and superbike race,

    The days when a rider would compete in all classes has long gone, [thankyou for the days, Kinks] but not in Irish Road Racing, on pure road circuits, none of stop the race, and airbag has been punctured, there aint none,

  9. Dont really miss true atall, find all the sports [live] on the net and a lot more than Star or Espn ever broadcast, Films and UK Drama series on Youtube,

    We still have dreambox and the supplier doesnt want rental on it now, still get about 50channels, 3 english, Mrs is very happy, I watch what i want here, her what she want on TV, will get a HDMI lead soon, so can watch sports on the big screen, all for BB 525bht a month, never mind platimum at 2k plus,,

  10. Thanks Smokie, will try that, yes it could be a weak connection, but it does seem strange that i can watch live sports TV channels when this happens,

    Cheers, Lickey..

    PS, it usually happens in the Issan Forum, others seem to be ok,

  11. First thing to do is get your Mrs to learn to drive, pass the test [easy] and if you dont trust her in your million bht motor, get her a cheap motor, then she is independant, its a great way of getting a days peace and quiet,

    And dont bother too much about learning the lanuage, they dont want us to know what they are talking about anyway,

  12. CQ, check the crankcase breather, not sure where it is on a Fresh, it might be a rubber pipe going into the airbox/filter housing, if this is partially blocked it will increase case pressure at lower revs and clear at higher revs, if it blocked it will cause piston and valve blowby,

    Another thing you could try is start engine, remove oil filler cap, put your thumb over hole and test for pressure, none means its breathing ok, pressure means that the crankcase breather is blocked,,

  13. Dunno if Rea was entirely faultless with Max, lap after lap Rea would come in early to get a tight apex on the corner,[forever the opourtunist] nothing wrong with that, its just his unorthodox style, had he known Max was coming, perhaps he would have picked it up,knowing the Apprilla is faster?? i would think that the brush they had knocked Maxs hand off the brake,causing the collision with Haslam,,

    Cal done well, 3rd place, he seems a bit more settled since he re-signed for Tech 3,

    Very good suggestion you made BT, Rea should go on the sattellite bike, let young Bradl try the real stuff, but no doubt politics and contracts ect involed,

    In an interview with Carelless, he told Duke he doesnt want the new Pancake yet, although its faster and higher revving due to big bore short stroke engine, with 6 races to go, he doesnt want to learn a new bike, i think yhey should let his team mate evaluate it under race conditions to help get it ready for next year,

    BSB cadwell was good, Triumph 1/2/3/ BSS race, [Mondays Races] Kawasaki 1/2/ in Superstock 1000, Tommy Hill done the double BSB Swan Yamaha, Shakey & Haga were non-starters cos of shoulder injuries, Saturday crashes,,,

    • Like 1
  14. So Funcat, with these huge wide wheels and tyres, did the OP have to remove his front wings to allow the car to steer under heavy braking??or did he have his suspension jacked up which alters brake perfomance by way of the sensors?

    I do find it a bit sad that all the so-called experts on this forum havent posted the correct info about so called bigger wheels, IE, steering stops, [regulates how far the wheels can turn without fouling bodywork ect]

    Warpy, good to see you posting again !!!!

    • Like 1
  15. Thanks Norman, [from Mr Grimsdale] I thought i saw an overtaking maneveoure from Yourgay on the last lap, my mrs shook me awake to look, then Redposa overtook him, for me, the CRT results are more interesting,

    Johnny Rea gonna ride Moaners bike for 2 races? Honda, please just throw the bike in the dustbin now, if you dont Dangerous Rea will !!!

    Well done Huddersfields Grinner Tom, 1+2 can only get better, seems Kwackers have sorted the tyre wear thing at last, Eurosport commentater Jamie Whitham really made me laugh, he reckons Chaz Davies is so gangly he can scrape both knee sliders in the same corner,,

    Cadwell BSB, had the first of the BSS races today, [sunday] a Triumph 1/2/3/ , Gawd knows why you sold yours Soihok, its a winner!!

    Bank Holiday Monday in the Uk, the BSB starts about 6.30 pm thai time, might be on the sites i posted or this one i found today,


    Cheers, Lickey..

    • Like 1
  16. Yes, MotoGP is getting a bit F! ish again, another reason i found Eurosport online, for those posters who have never seen British Superbikes at there best, have a look at this from Youtube, last years final race from Brands Hatch, [whats happened to Hopper since???]

    Superbike Sunday [and saturday evening ] Eurosport 2 should/could be on this link,,


    This link will take you to the best site ive found so far, if its not on the screen, scroll down, look at the live tv broadcasts, look at the pics, Eurosport is a bit like the mix of letters and numbers, there is a full programme of bikes starting about 1.30 thai time,


    Thats the Sunday listing,

    • Like 1
  17. Amazing, Pedrosa manages to do a ride which could have helped Stoner - had he not been a bit f---ed up by his injuries. Either that or Lorenzo let him go, figuring a, major challenger Stoner is behind, and b. green track hairy and dangerous why bother.

    Anyway looking more likely for Jorge now although the commentators tried to talk Dani up.

    Valentino's body language said to me "only going through the motions now". Next year what makes Yamaha think will be any different from 2010. Never go back. I know he's loved but for mine his day is done. Proven wrong I will walk to Sepang next year (but only from the Airport) to catch up with Mr Soihok. Maybe he will give me a lift back on his new Monster 1100 which in Malaysia might be cheaper than Thailand 1mill plus.

    Moto 2 hats off to Marc. I hope Tech 3 dont think Bradley will be anywhere near Dovi or Cal, he cant even beat perennial back marker Westy. Sorry you Poms but it has to be said.

    Moto 3 always good to see a new winner pretty good last couple of laps dooay.

    I'm surprised Effenbert aren't going to Moscow but then I noticed last race that one or the other of them (Guintoli or Smrz) was in a different team so maybe funds are the issue. Anyway its a new track so I'm going to predict the old pro Checa to come to the fore but expect the others will want to argue. Pity I dont get BSB, for the Aussies its getting thin on the ground I've been watching Speedway to get a fix, I think True must have bought it late so it's all out of date but the Crump and Holder are going good, I used to go and cheer Crump'ys old man Phil, at the Ekka speedway in Brisneyland, those were the days 15 rum and cokes then drive home (til I got done of course in a famous car called the pieces of 8 which was a Holden V8 with a bit of go and plenty of passengers not many drivers)

    Blue tongue, you can watch it mate, online live, just need a good internet connection, just enter British Eurosport 2 live tv in a google search, you will get many sites, add them to favorites, if 1 doesnt work, try the next, ive done this since True changed to mpeg 4 whatever, and my dreambox doesnt work for a lot of channels, Mrs is happy, still has 60 odd thai progs, and only 3 english speaking, and now that is free, if you cant get it to work, check Youtube a day or so later, full race or hilights usually, try and get it done before this Sunday, 26th, also find TV listings for eurosport, dont forget to add on time difference, action starts about 1.30pm thai time,

    Yes, Checa is leading in RUS after todays testing, HASlam then Sykes,

  18. Im still having problems with this, after pressing the post button, it says saving post in bottom right hand corner, so where is it saving it to????

    This underline is another thing, whenever i want to write, it crosses out or italics or some other stuff, is there something wrong with my setup or is it normal,


  19. OP, years ago i had a Ford Escort 1.8 diesel, i bought it with about 160,000 miles on it, the fella who sold it said he had renewed the injectors,heater plugs,starter and battery, and it still wouldnt start without either, me being in the motor trade for many years knew how to start it, so hoping your heater plugs and injectors are working ok, pre-heat it, wind it over a turn or 2, pre-heat it again, and it should/might start, it always worked on the escort..

  20. You done the right thing Soihok, falling asleep, i think most of the track fans did too, after Puff the magic dragon [spies] went out in a cloud of smoke,

    Spose Moaner did well to compete, thats ok with a chipped bone or 2, but with torn ligaments ect, they need rest, hes gonna end up with a permanet limp,

    Well done Hernandez, got some new frame bits ect, 9th place, beating some prototypes,

    Got a good weekend coming up, GP brno, WSB Russia, BSB Cadwell Park, i will be watching, !!!!!

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