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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. If you drive from Thai Bo to Nong Khai along the banks of the Mekong this month you will see many beds of shredded tobbaco leaves drying out in the sun, a 50gramm packet with papers will cost 10bht, so how much does the farmer make? im thinking of the cost of the packet and papers,

    So i would guess 2bht for 50gram, profit for the farmer, and to enjoy this profit, you need to live like a poor thai farmer,no Net, no True tv, no big Pick-up ect,

  2. Blimey Kwackersaki, you really gonna wait till April? Im looking forward to 24th Feb when WSB starts at Philip Island,

    Ive exhausted nearly all the bike racing on the Tube and need a new fix, 1 months time should do it for me,

    My dear Mum sent me a Jarno Saarinen DVD for Xmas, watched it twice already, main reason [although Sari was a great racer] is that the MVs of Read and Ago create a marvelous soundtrack, having witnessed them over the early 70s and even sat on Readys MV in the Brands paddock,

    Everything nowadays is 2/3/4 into 1 exhausts, sounds ok i suppose, but 4 open megas, the screaming/howling noise was a joy,

    Crash.net polls,

    Redposa MGP rider of 2012

    Tom Sykes WSB

    John Mc Guiness Road Racer of the year,

    Michael Dunlop, Irish road racer of the year,

    Valentino was about 12th i think, but that should change this year!!!!

  3. Never had sinus probs till i moved to Thailand, 6.5 yrs now and have had problems during the dry season, Asthma was my first thought and an inhaler did help, but not the answer,

    About this time last year i bought a Nebuliser, the phials were expensive, so after a bit of web research, saline is ok and can use it as much as you want, I use it 10mins before sleep and 10 mins when i wake, it clears the mucus from my nose and chest quickly,

    During the day, if i feel a bit blocked, i will chew on a raw onion, or a raw garlic clove or two,a half teaspoon of hot english mustard or horseradish cream is excellent as well,

    Mrs also introduced me to Euca oil, in a little roll-on bottle, put some on under your nose before sleeping will help a lot, and a few drops in steaming water, inhaled through the nose will loosen all mucus/snot quickly,

    Anything that makes your eyes water is good for the nasal tubes, without having lots of different medicines,

  4. Find the biggest money lender in your area, he will have the papers to land he lent money to, people that cant repay him/her, thats what the for sale signs say, "weve broke,please lend money"

    But not in Thai writing, but thats what they are implying, it happens all the time here in our area of Issan,

    Also SA, find a place that has easy access to electricity,water and internet, to add these things later could cost 100/150k bht, and think about getting a 30 year lease, [in case the family decides to out you,or your Mrs dies] then you will be protected,

    Theres lots of stuff to mull over and consider, Good Luck,

    • Like 1
  5. SlyAnimal, youve got to tread carefully here, and keep a close eye on dehydration, dont loose weight to quick,

    eg, i was 94k am 6ft tall, in 1 year i went down to 74 k, ok, thats good, but i got so sick, my body thinking there was a drought coming started to store water, my feet and legs swelled so i could hardly walk 20 mtrs,

    The only way i got over this [besides a raised leg postion in bed] was to drink a lot of water, with a fresh squeezed lime in it,

    Good luck..

  6. Known in the UK as Bodgers Snot,

    mainly because so-called mechanics when re-fitting a steel sump,timing cover or rocker cover didnt clear the protruberances [indents] that the bolts made in the fitting side of the cover, then they would use 3-bond stuff to make up for the poor fit, if done correctly, Wellseal is good enough,

    Perhaps OP could tell us what he wants to seal, if not, no problem, Cheers, HNY,

  7. I know its a different ballgame but many Superbike Racers use Mineral oil to help bed in the piston rings quicker, and on raceday, change to fully synthetic for the extra slippiness,

    Personally as others have said, have it changed, and filter,

    Even tell them you want to take the old oil home, if it isnt too black, it will be ok for topping up old motorbikes or oiling door hinges ect, even a few drops in an ants nest, they will be gone,

    A 10,000kilometer oil change might be good on todays santised engine builders, but yours could be the odd one out, peace of mind ect ect,,,,

  8. The wind was blowin like hell, the rain was lashing down, my 5 yo daughter needed the toilet, well, back in them days we didnt have an inside toilet,

    I told her do your best in this bucket and i will get rid of it, so when she finished, i opened the front door and threw it out,,,

    10 seconds later there was a knock on the door, This fella said "theres some dirty barstards living here" I said to him, "Who are you to talk? standing there all covered in shit"

    • Like 2
  9. Somo, thanks for your reply,,

    I think the fella must of upset some people with his successful agri buisness, or undercut there rates or something like that, not a 100bht note, perhaps a bad-mouthing mrs yes,

    So the poor sod took a beating, Hes going to heal and be home soon, Perhaps he meet with the other local tractor boys and organise a bit of sub-contracting for them, that way the work is shared and your mate makes a little money and doesnt get anymore beatings,

    If the above is the case, then i think that would be the best advice you could offer him,,

    Good Luck, & Happy New Year,

  10. Its 3am and i said to my mate, my mrs is gonna be bloody angry with me when i get home,,

    he said, Look mate, all you gotta do is at the bottom of the bed, creep in under the covers and give her a good muffin!, i said ok, i will try that,,

    So i did, and after about 45 mins i needed a pee, so of i went to the toilet, the Mrs stuck her head round the door and said,

    Dont go in our bed tonight darling, Mother is in there,,,

    • Like 2
  11. Seems Somo wants to go in the witness box from his above post, and as Sirchai pointed out, and then was refuted by Somo about the armed guard??

    This is getting tense,,

    OK Somo, 1st Question,

    Why did your friend [victim] not want you to visit him in hospital?

    and im sure there are many more to come from other posters,,

  12. QC, ive just had a poke about on the web to see if you car has an electrical fuel pump or a mechanical one, cant find much so far,

    If its electric pump, these stop with the ignition off, a little pressure is still in the fuel line at this time but the needle valve in the carb should cope with that, if not, on re-start the engine will pre-ignite causing pinking because of excess fuel, even so, a hot engine will evapourate the petrol quickly,

    A Mechanical pump is run of the camshaft, whether it is overhead cam or on the side of the engine, this has a diaphragm inside that is prone to wear, and a small amout of fuel will leak into the engine, gradually topping up your oil level and the fumes via engine breather will cause the engine to run rough,

    Because youve had this problem already i was gonna suggest opening the oil filler and sniff it for petrol, all will suggest is keep a very close eye on the dipstick oil level, if it rises, mechanical fuel pump problems,,

    • Like 1
  13. Mrs bought a 2 kilo shoulder of NZ lamb from Mackro,

    Ozzie Mate gave me a bottle of red wine and 2 jars of masterfoods mustard,and 1 of horseradish,

    Maylaysian friend gave me 2 large Brazzilian Cigars,

    Gonna make some mint sauce Monday,

    So i reckon im pretty well set up for Xmas, [Hopefully Mums Dundee cake will arive very soon}

    The farm? since i was pushed out [and offered another place to grow stuff] which i refused, the only thing i miss is the exercise on the hillside farm, what i dont miss is the endless money pit it was,

    To all you farmers having a go, Chok Dee and please persevere with your endeavours,

    Happy Xmas and a Prosperous New Year to you all, Lickey & Pan,,,,,,

  14. Alstare has taken over Ducati's factory team for next season and 2014 – 15 years after both organisations last collaborated.

    The Belgian outfit took a sabbatical this year after ending its long-standing relationship with Suzuki at the end of 2011, but makes a welcome return with Carlos Checa and former Superstock 1000 champion Ayrton Badovini on the new 1199 Panigale machines.

    That was the 4th Dec BT, so old news, but welcome news that Dukes havent pulled out of WSB, like Yam did last year,

  15. There is a place in Udon that sells GV and rizzla papers and filters, i will try to describe where it is,

    3 main roundabouts in the city, from the middle 1, head towards the Imm Office, at the 2nd set of lights turn left and park up, walk back to the lights and the shop right on the corner on your left at the lights sells loads of different baccy, euro wines ect,

    Good luck, i was in the same predicament 5 years ago..

  16. Some of you might remember a post i made some years ago about the wifes cousin getting badly beaten by a drunk at her home, the local cops wanted 10kbht to go talk with this man, cousin didnt have money, i offered to pay, Mrs says no, Nobody messes with our family, a year later this fella got a poison bamboo sliver in his ear, verdict, drunk himself to death at Sonkram,

    Somo, dont get involved, it will sort itself out,

    And although mrs brother is a police captain, he said he had no jurisdiction or pull in our area,

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