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Everything posted by bobbin

  1. Pay site.. Why post this?
  2. This is a fact. When Canada legalized cannabis there were 2 relevant bills introduced. The first one, Bill C-45 legalized cannabis. This Bill was passed into law. Bill C-46 was a bill to amend the Impaired Driving Act to include cannabis-impaired driving. This bill did not pass, for the reason that cannabis (THC) stays in the body much longer than alcohol. Any test for impairment has to prove that the person is impaired at the time. It's not technologically possible to do that at this time. Perhaps never. Police have to rely on pre-breathalyzer techniques to allege impairment. All the old ways.. Ability to touch your nose with your eyes closed, walk a straight line, count backwards etc. None of these methods are a problem for cannabis users. So.. is there impairment if impairment can't be proven? Canadian lawmakers voted "No".
  3. Jeez.. you are one of those guys. If it's a hotel policy, it's a policy, It's not illegal. You presented an opinion disguised as fact. No more back and forth ok?
  4. Is the high-lighted text a fact or your opinion? Many hotel rooms do not have a balcony. There may be no-smoking floors, but a hotel which has a blanket no-smoking policy is discriminating against customers. To the OP's question, I have smoked cannabis in hotel rooms for more than a half-century, up to and including 5 star hotels. During this time cannabis was completely illegal, yet I have never been questioned. Hoteliers are sophisticated business people and do not inconvenience their customers.
  5. "Controlled" is a word with unspecified meaning.. It is definitely a complete free-for-all right now. The Thai Government needs to become a beneficiary of Cannabis legalization. By this I mean that they have to have enough control to ensure that VAT/GST is collected on sales of cannabis flowers. This will create a revenue stream for the Government. Even better would be that this revenue is ring-fenced, so that it is directed toward specific goals. More rehab facilities for methamphetamine users, alcohol abuse etc. Perhaps also more fund for general education. Most jurisdictions which have legalized Cannabis have some version of this policy. The money in this business is in the flowers. Nobody will be buying leaves and stems..
  6. I love coffee. I would never give it up.. https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/youre-not-imagining-it-coffee-really-is-a-mind-enhancing-drug-heres-how-you-can-use-it/
  7. Who is this we you speak about? Are you an involved insider? If not, it's plain old they..
  8. It's simply astounding the amount of ignorance shown by the posters high-fiving each other at the thought of pushing that evil devil's lettuce back into the shadows.. That they all seem to completely lack the basic facts, i.e. cannabis is completely legal, is no deterrent to them. Read the law and weep.. Those of us who do understand can't be bothered to keep trying to educate these people. Reality will do that for us..
  9. I saw the highlighted text but wondered if there was some subterfuge going on.. The idea that an insurance company agreed to pay out with an unlicensed driver is very hard to comprehend.. Maybe the fact that it was property damage on private land, not a public highway? Not a traffic accident per se.
  10. I think this is a case of sellers not getting high on their own supply.. ????
  11. "Doctors told her his nether regions would never function again." A shotgun blast to the cojones will do that. Not to mention the.. That was cruel.. Wonder if a transplant is possible? Guess who the donor should be..
  12. True that.. Why would any insurance company agree to pay out with an unlicensed driver at the wheel? Probably the family agreed to pay..
  13. "Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.." Your experience will differ based on whether you are the beater or the beatee.. ????
  14. And your reasoning for this is..? The increased "risk"? Not a chance.. Thailand is just weeks away from a tsunami of weed coming to market... from all of the crops started after restrictions were removed.
  15. No it's not.. Stop with the fake news... Educate yourself if you don't want to become the equivalent of an American election denier. Nothing about cannabis is illegal. Legal things can be controlled.
  16. This of course could just be wishful thinking.. Line, Twitter, and Facebook sure seem to be "computer networks" to me.. ????
  17. I just had feedback from the supplier I mentioned not responding earlier.. 'no change to my business ka"
  18. You are in Asia.. Strong smells everywhere.
  19. ???? I guess the devil will be in the details.. Already one supplier not responding to Line messages.. but it could just be too early in the day for them.. Lounges off the table?
  20. I don't see the USA or Thailand on that list.. my home country is #1. But I've chosen to live in Thailand for the past 21 years.. and I'm content with my choice.
  21. Do you not understand how this works? I don't think you do.. Medical is just a cover for recreational use. It always has been. It's akin to entering through the back door, rather than the front door. In every medical weed jurisdiction there are plenty of doctors willing and able to sign prescriptions for use of cannabis. Even if Thailand reverts to a medical cannabis approach there will still be dispensaries and growers. I don't think they are going to do that though, because the world's nations are opting to go straight to recreational cannabis, taking law enforcement completely out of the picture. And the lawmen are ok with that. Which is not to say that there aren't legitimate medical uses. But the vast majority of medical users are just getting buzzed, because that's the cover story.
  22. Every few weeks.. it doesn't evaporate. Rain will wash a lot away buy not all. Repeated rain will require reapplication.
  23. WD-40 on the railing they are using to perch.. They don't like it at all.. Now that the rainy season is over it's an easy solution.
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