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Everything posted by bobbin

  1. Now that is a completely off-topic reply to the discussion. Thanks for playing,,,
  2. Sneaky... In summary, you are of the opinion that anyone who uses "illegal" drugs will die, leaving more room on the planet for "good" people.. When is your next sermon? Such a simple-minded solution.. Firstly, the planet is already de-populating. This will bring wide-ranging problems by itself..
  3. My Process is simple, but it does use the microwave. I use a litre at at a time of whole milk. 7.5 minutes on full temperature. After it has sat on the counter for about an hour to cool somewhat I add 2 tablespoons of yoghurt culture. This goes into a 1 litre insulated bucket and is left on the counter overnight. After about 12 hours I can decant, it's solid and firm. But I really prefer Greek-style, so I strain the result using cheesecloth for another 3 or 4 hours. Voila. I usually end up discarding about 3-400ml of whey liquid, because I haven't found a use for it yet.. Cheesecloth can be bought on Lazada.
  4. Who are you going to believe? This or your lying eyes?
  5. I have been the Chairman of the Condo Committee. What you are saying is not so easy.. EGM meetings cost money and inconvenience for owners to attend.. And could only apply to "common areas". Then they ban cigarette smoking.. and alcohol. All are legal products.
  6. You are dating yourself ???? Skunk was the "flavor de jour".. 25 years ago.. There are a kazillion different strains out there now. Many, if not most, don't smell "skunky".
  7. Also.. since reading comprehension does not appear to be your strong point, I will paste and copy from my OP.. "I blame the young Russian men who have been hanging out near the main entrance in groups ranging from 3-5 smoking reefer and cigarettes, with the odd beer in sight as well." This would indicate that I'm not a fan of the above activity.
  8. Don't put words in my mouth.. You do realize that you are in the Cannabis Forum right? Slumming? Now that would be arrogant,, and falls under the category of trolling.
  9. If giving a dollar or two is going to so significantly reduce your net worth you have bigger problems than a few beggars.. What brought you to Asia? You didn't know that there are many people living on what you spend on a Starbucks coffee? Why not put a buck or two aside to share? You will feel better about yourself..
  10. Every so often, even on AN, there comes a poster so tone-deaf, so entitled by the fortune of birth that it almost takes your breath away... Go home Rainbow Yankee..
  11. I just took my Gaggia Synchrony fully auto to the auction yesterday. I prefer drip and have not used it for more than 2 years. These machine retailed for about 35,00 Baht. Auction is tomorrow. Contact me quickly with a good offer and I will pullit from the auction... or you can attend the Collingbourne auction and take your chances..
  12. To clarify, these guys are smoking the reefer in the "Smoking" area, complete with chairs and ashtrays... The "Smoking" area is about 10M from the entrance doors.
  13. Yesterday I was surprised and not pleased to see "No Weed" signs posted at the main entrance of my Condo building and in the lifts... I blame the young Russian men who have been hanging out near the main entrance in groups ranging from 3-5 smoking reefer and cigarettes, with the odd beer in sight as well. But the signs say no smoking weed in public, bringing the "hazy" situation of public smoking of cannabis to the fore. Firstly, a condo is private property, not a public space. Secondly, my understanding was that you can smoke anywhere as long as no one is complaining. If someone does complain then you have to move on or stop.. I think these signs are going to "disappear" or be vandalized..
  14. Haters are going to hate, that's what they do... On a happier note, Germany is about to legalize recreational weed. Probably within the next 30 days. Basically a done deal.. Good ammunition for Anutin.. Only thing being complained about, is that the police are saying "don't burden us with lots of petty restrictions on a (proposed) legal product" ????
  15. All of this blah blah.. Meanwhile, there are big doings behind the curtain.. but we can't....
  16. Not a Ganja guy? Never seen you swear in a post before..
  17. There is a "fellowship" for everything...
  18. I just looked up at the heading.. It is the Gay Forum, so JT has a point about coming to his house etc. But most commenters are not being anti-Gay so much as to say "sometimes" you have fly stealth...(long time pot smoker)
  19. How about a 50 year old conviction for ganja? Now legal in home country and here in Thailand... Bit of a conundrum na?
  20. So.. no friends, no bar girls, no foreigners, no business with Thais... Your world, based on your long experience in Thailand, must be a strange and lonely place.
  21. I have seen her recently.. She works on Wednesday (every) only..
  22. About 200 Baht plus VAT/month.. 214+
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