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Everything posted by bobbin

  1. Balcony is fine.. these notices refer to public (common) areas. Your condo is private property and completely acceptable. That is my working theory. Like you, I have been smoking on my balcony for years. Also like you, my consumption is not over the top. As the OP, I note that the groups of young Russians that I believe were the reason for the signs in my building have resumed smoking in groups of 3-5 in larger common areas with no apparent consequences.. Thailand.
  2. Under the old system, any foreign tourist’s family had access to approximately 1 million baht in case of their demise, courtesy of the Foreign Tourists Assistance Fund.
  3. You left out "pure"... As in pure speculation..
  4. Not surprised the anti-vaxxers couldn't restrain themselves..
  5. Look for the turbo bulge more closely. It's there.. Paint had issues from the factory. After 1.5 years I had several shades of the colour. GM agreed to re-paint. right back to bare metal. I kicked in extra money to use Glasurit paint. Did not replace the "screaming chicken" You are looking at 40+ year old paint job! It was not as fast as the big block engines but not that much slower.. I actually wish I had bought a 2nd hand with the big engine and manual..but I wanted a new one.
  6. Don't despair bamnutsak.. you have been a strong advocate of the righteous cause. If this about-face ever comes to pass, Thailand will be the only jurisdiction in the world to walk back this progressive stance. That would be admitting they made a mistake. Do you think that is going to happen? Not to mention, by the time this issue is being seriously looked at there will be several more governments, state and countries, who are moving in the right direction. My feeling is that the law just needs some tweeking.. location of shops near schools for example. Efficient collection of VAT. Government has to have skin in the game..
  7. transam... I'm starting to lose that good feeling for you (based on similar interests aside from your anti-pot stance) .. Here is something to cheer you up.. I bought it new in 1981. Turbo, WS6 suspension package, all the goodies. I still own it. Pictures are recent, when my brother had it out..
  8. Gaslighting? You are the king of gaslighting when it comes to this topic.. What happened? Did your ex leave you for a stoner? Your good buddy is a major grower? Why are you still friends? To you he must be a major bad dude.. Ah the humanity... so much mental illness. Not but a few posts back you grudgingly accepted what many have told you in the previous (and numerous) interactions with people.. Ganja flower is legal. Consuming it is legal.. if you are not pregnant or under 20.
  9. Here is what is being overlooked.. By the time Thailand gets around to "normalizing" the cannabis industry some months down the road.. Germany will have legalized recreational cannabis, by the end of this year. Guaranteed. Done deal. This is important because Germany is influential for Europe, which so far has been slow to reconsider cannabis policy. The FDA in America has just advised that it supports re-scheduling of cannabis from category 1 to category 3. Category 3 has minimal restrictions. This is relevant because the DEA in America answers to the FDA and have already seen which way the wind is blowing. Most American states now have legal weed. When the Thai government sees that they will be giving up a policy which reflects well on their progressive approach, and sets them off in the opposite direction, they will make a few common-sense adjustments.. that do not cripple the new income source..
  10. Uh no.. You know enough to know that "popcorn" buds are the small buds on the lower branches. Also the small buds on the interior of the plant. These popcorn buds have lower THC levels. I have communicated with you before on your non-transparent pricing.. Advertise, for example, 150/gm, but looking more closely you see that it's actually 200/gm individually. The 150/gm requires larger orders. This is basically unfair and you are an outlier for using this pricing policy, which is why I won't buy from you on principle.
  11. Yes I saw you lurking and knew you would be reacting.. Alcohol is not a deflection. The argument is the same, only the intoxicant is different.. You have a drum and you want to bang on it. Times change, attitudes change. You self-identified in another anti-cannabis post as gay. Shall we return to the attitudes towards gay people that were prevalent in my youth many decades ago? Enough back and forth with you for today..
  12. Nothing you have said negates what I posted.. In the interests of balanced discussion, you should be equally against the recreational use of alcohol, a socially accepted recreational "drug?". But you don't, because you would be crying in the wilderness.. With regard to your friend the magistrate, and his (your) assertion of 100 to 1 cases of impaired driving.... I am calling complete BS. You are entitled to your opinion (as am I), but you are not entitled to your own facts. Time to up your game JBCR. The trend is your friend. Live your life as you wish, but stay the hell out of mine.
  13. What JBCR and TransAm (who are frequent critics) and the others miss is the geo-political actuality.. As I have already posted in another thread, Germany will legalize recreational use by the end of this year. Guaranteed. Done deal. Big news for Europe, where Germany is very influential. In USA, Cannabis has already been recommended to be rescheduled by the FDA, who have passed on the recommendation to DEA, who answer to FDA. Safe Banking Act will allow cannabis business the same access to banking and ability to write off expenses against income that all other legitimate business have.. These anti-cannabinates are simply the result of many years of moralistic propaganda, which is to be expected.
  14. Well, anybody who is using their half-brain would realize the crucial difference TY... Sure USA throws their weight around.. Are you surprised by that? People and Nations do that.. it helps get what they want. But Russia, in all it's incarnations over the last 400 years, has a nasty habit of inviting themselves into their immediate neighbor's house and never leaving.. unless or until they are thrown out.. And that is the crucial difference. This message is also for the few benighted souls on here (non-Russian) who try to play to the Russian audience here..
  15. That, and the fact that Russians are not welcome as tourists in most of the world.. Sucks to be a global troublemaker.
  16. You are doubling down on the anti-pot propaganda. You are being deliberately obtuse about the function of this forum.. Go away..
  17. Here's the problem JBChiangRai.. You are posting in the Cannabis Forum. These special forums are setup for people who are not anti-cannabis. Use the General or similar forums to regurgitate every anti-cannabis propaganda you choose. Meanwhile, keep your thoughts to yourself. Try going into the Gay forum and spouting anti-gay topics. You won't last long...
  18. still not 100%.. 1530 rejecting calls..
  19. Saying it twice don't make it true.. It's always a good idea to get your facts straight before you say something that makes you look like you don't what you are talking about... On the other hand it's good for a laugh... at your expense. ????
  20. I was watching a talk by Jordan Peterson on You-tube a few days ago.. The "anti-woke" and "take responsibility for your own actions" guy. He would like to ban alcohol..again. He says more than half of sexual offenders are drunk when they offend.. and about 50% of victims of sexual assault are drunk. Those are "sobering" statistics.
  21. No, it almost a statistical slam-dunk.. "Vociferous" might be questionable but consumers? See the first sentence.
  22. Wow.. that is just an incredibly stupid idea.
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