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Everything posted by bobbin

  1. I think you had better review your business plan. It's obvious that you have not been paying attention to the situation on the ground... Vapes, distillates, and edibles are off the table for business purposes at the present time. As for quality suppliers, you are going to have to do the same thing the rest of us have been doing for the last six months. Buy what looks good to you. Sample. Repeat.
  2. Blah blah.. You don't get to create your own wished-for reality. Druggies? Alkies? Sticks and stones bro..
  3. 3 out of the last 4 rides were pickup trucks.. even 1 with those funny half doors.. Too hard to get in and out of compared to a car. And no way to reject the ride when you see it's a pickup truck.. Cheap enough though.
  4. Everybody votes their interests.. special or otherwise.
  5. Jeesus H TBL.. I see you have pretty much monopolized the conversation.. Only in your last couple of posts do acknowledge that you don't have a dog in the fight.. that you are a Kiwi I believe. And you are trading dangerous ground with your remark about the BLM movement. How are things with your Maori citizens? The ones your people marginalized through force of arms..
  6. rock on Stoner.. It didn't take long before I formed a negative opinion of this "oldscool" fellow.. When he refused point blank to back up any of his post on the glories of local Thai Sativa with any photos.. Then after a few weeks of posting, a new signature appeared attached to his posts.. a request to refrain from sending him DM's asking for referrals. So his reticence to provide any supporting photos/suppliers is not related to any public exposure but to his personal style. Oldscool wants to claim the OG high ground ( I could not resist) while he scools the "youngsters".. I was here in Thailand smoking weed in 1971. I had already been smoking weed for 4 years by then so that makes me OG as well I guess. 55 years of experience, since I smoked weed almost every day from my first exposure to the present. Now he has become an almost ubiquitous presence here, dispensing his his unsubstantiated opinions.
  7. That Act did not seem to have been a problem for Canada*.. which although not a member of the EU, is/was a signatory of that Act. I would think that many of these international agreements allow for sovereign decisions. * Or any other nation which has signed that agreement many years in the past but has subsequently made various amendments to their Cannabis laws..
  8. 32 years in Thailand and you only discovered TV/AN last year? ???? Nice to see though, that you aren't one of those posters that joined a year ago and has accumulated 7,000 posts.. ????
  9. You are already avoiding the schlep to the restaurant... The only schlep left is to the lift, easy down/up, then a few meters to the door and back. First world problem. If and when you lose mobility, make an arrangement with condo staff to bring up to you.
  10. Hope you get some answers, but contacting the local media might see some action.. Enforcement. Cops sit there and fine offenders. Uh yeah.. Still, tourists are still in short supply, and having them picked off in crosswalks is not a good look..
  11. Polo, Nike, Addidas etc. Are you the arbiter of taste for expats and retirees? You just threw in "scams" for what? I now realize that suggesting you keep your thoughts to yourself is a non-starter though.. 7100+ posts in 14 months would indicate that's not the way you roll.. ????
  12. Jeesus H... Do you live in fear of LE? Most of us commenting on this topic are veterans of the Drug Wars.. not johnny come lately types. We've earned the right to enjoy, without having to fend off snide comments. So if someone wants to wear a shirt with ganja leaves why not keep your thoughts to yourself.. Guy might get lucky and hook-up with a "420 friendly" babe.. ???? They are already including this in their profiles on Tinder! You're living in the past.. The entire plant is legal, though there may be some logical controls introduced in the future.. none of which will significantly restrict access.
  13. He is a Brit, i believe. Naturalized Thai. But 100% Russian apologist.
  14. Did you forget anybody? ????
  15. Huge difference from your original statement.. "If you read the news, you cannot smoke it..." Only change being that you can not smoke on the premises of the shop selling..
  16. Pillion rider, wearing a decent looking helmet, seems to be cradling the (helmeted) head of the deceased.. Can't be positive due to pixelizing.. Blunt force trauma to the chest? RIP bike rider
  17. What news are you reading? Certainly not the news that I'm reading Because your assertion isn't correct.. ????
  18. For me the worst thing about the lack of clarity around the cannabis issue is that every (little) twist and turn just encourages the numerous anti-cannabis posters on the forum to show up and bewail the imminent collapse of civilization as we know it.. The average age of these posters, subjected to decades of anti-cannabis propaganda, explains their positions. They have lived their entire lives being fed BS and seeing people being sent to prison for this herb. Lives side-tracked. families affected by seeing their loved ones suffer for nothing.. Hear me, old dudes and those who can't adjust to changing times.. The Drug Wars are being wound down.. Drugs won. The people won. It was always about freedom of choice to consume cannabis or not. My body, my choice, just like the furor over abortion. Bodily autonomy. The "antis" lack education and experience with the issue, but that doesn't stop them weighing in.. Once the issue is settled these people are going to have to be quiet and live with the new reality.
  19. You are a pretty pessimistic guy to have a handle like yours.. ????
  20. Thanks for the summary but I went back to the site and the pop-up was not longer there. Bad Public Relations, but these are the people who shoot Australian citizens, so I was never going to give them my money anyway.. Lots of beaches in Asia.
  21. I just visited the site again to find the X.. Now no pop-up.. I'll read the article.. Ok.. I've read it. Foot. Bullet. Pain comes to mind.. I predict an adjustment. As the article notes, attracting retirees is a competitive market.
  22. How did you dismiss the pop-up? I saw no way to X it out..
  23. It might be of interest.. if we didn't have to pay to read it. The pop-up cannot be dismissed, so it's not possible to read the article. Did you contribute? If the thread doesn't die from lack of responses, you will be seeing more comments like mine.
  24. Pay site.. Why post this?
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