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Posts posted by transam

  1. I have never lost a thing in the mail here. (I have gotten a few things rather slower than I expected to though)

    Nor have I. Posted items in country and out of country {to and fro} and all items always arrive at a reasonable time that would be expected. Actually, this is probably the rule. I believe the OP just had a string of bad luck.....and assuming that because his bad experiences must be universal for all Farang. Naturally....;)

    Considering that I started this topic OVER TWO YEARS AGO, things have changed a bit since that time. I've since moved to another area in Chiang Mai and have not had problems in this location. I believe a lot of the problem lies in certain sub-stations. I mail letters to Canada on a regular basis and they always go through, but I'm not so certain about gifts coming INTO Thailand. I won't send anything from abroad to Thailand or any Asian country.. I have also been told that the post office has scanners that can tell if money is within an envellope. I have no way of knowing if that rumour is true or not, and I'm not willing to risk it. I don't make any assuptions that I can't back up with fact. I just relate what happens to me personally. And, naturally I would have my doubts about mailing things to Thailand when all 5 gifts I've sent disappeared. I've never had anything go missing in Canada... although it sometimes takes longer to arrive than it should.

    Any stuff l send out of LOS no problem but it seems once mail coming in gets to the guy on a delivery bike ;). I have been to the main sorting office and spoken to the manager to ask why stuff doesn't arrive, but just get a big smile and shrugged shoulders. :rolleyes:

  2. I should add that the black soot problem seems to have solved 'itself', I checked again today and the exhaust output is now clean so maybe it just needed a 'blow out' as our friend suggested earlier.

    BTW, the lady behind the desk at mitsu tells me they have had lots of complaints re the plate situation but (as yet) we've had no input or comments from any other disgruntled (or happy) Krabi mitsu customers...can I be the only one that feels let down? if so, do u reckon I should just go with the flow & take all this on the chin? shame really as I believe nothing will ever improve unless we speak up and spread the word...?

    When rides are parked up, unused the exhaust boxes do get lots of condensation, water build up/collection, so, you start up and the pressure pushes the water out mixed with the exhaust stuff, so crap on the drive way. Use the car and it will disappear but if not then............................. :)

  3. You really make yourself look like a <deleted> Spoonman !

    It is a THAI that has been discriminated against.

    So the Thai lady got her panties in a bunch over the "discrimination"........................ bwahahahahahahahahahaha, im sure she don't give a rat ass, she wanted a new car on the boyfriends coin and as he got all uppity about another 5% on the deposit she is now driving a Ranger instead of a Vigo.........thats some serious loss of face for her.

    Tend to agree with SM Warps. ;)

  4. Motoring section Bangkok Post 28 Feb had a good comparison test Triton VGT v Nissan Navara. The article is still online to read.


    KB thats a good price for the Vigo, is that the latest model?, as 3 weeks ago I ordered a Vigo Hilux double cab 4 x 2, 3L Auto.

    Its the new VN turbo model and now has passenger airbag!

    Priced at 824,000 Baht.

    Colour super white.

    Bye Bye Navara :)

    Sense at last. :D

    I remember the first time l sat in a Merc. Thought, hmmmmm, this is basic, not impressed, THEN l drove it :). Superior drive, very relaxed and couldn't wait to drive it again. I really believe that Toyota have looked at Mercs design about what people want to be happy. Toyota's choice of light beige interior is a great decision, They want you to feel at home and not in a heavy goods vehicle. :D

  5. Yes, lets have an accident scenario, Ive crashed, and lying in the road in a twisted heep of legs and arms ect, the compound leg fracture is obvious, the bleeding from my nose and mouth, although im wearing a full face helmet is also obvious, so whats the first thing you HYPV would do?

    Pull out my badge, put on my orange HWP vest and switch on my vehicles lights and Hazard and park it to protect you.

    Check if you are breathing and if you can speak. Hopefully I speak your language. If you can speak and you have Insurance covering medical, call private hospital Ambulance. If you can not speak, but breathing call public hospital Ambulance or local rescue. Someone else has usually already called public ambulance/rescue and local police, but if you do have insurance I prefere to replace with BKK Hospital Ambulance/private hospital to reduce patients damages. Whle waiting, communicate with you and try to avoid you moving.

    When they arrive I try to make sure you are not robbed, and organize salvation of your vehicle and valuables.

    If you are not breathing, helmet must off to kiss you and kick you heart

    Romantic start :rolleyes:

    Something that happened in my life. No bike though :),

    A 28 year old neighbour came home from hospital, where his wife was to have their first child, he has a shower then collapses on the bathroom floor. His mother inlaw was in the house, found him seemingly dead.

    I was in the road as usual tinkering with my car when the MIL ran out screaming and distraught, l ran into the house to find the guy not breathing on the bathroom floor, no heart beat. I immediately propped his neck and gave mouth to mouth resuscitation and pumped his heart, took a while but his heart started up but he could not breath on his own so l did that until the ambulance came.

    He was taken to the same hospital where his wife who had just given birth. It was determined that he had had a brain Anurism and was brain dead, and the life support would have to be switched off BUT not before the new born babe was put in his arms and his wife could say goodbye.

    My point. I had no medical training but managed to bring this guy back to life which l feel made a difference to his wife and in the future his child will be told '' your dad gave you a cuddle '' before he died.

    Bit off topic but sometimes one can make a difference. :)

  6. Just a thought,

    As your lady was making the purchase with no collateral, your money, does make me wonder if this dealer/financier has had a few of these transactions in the past and the farang has moved on, as many do for various reasons :rolleyes:, leaving the penniless lady having big ............................

    financial probs, which the finance company is pissed off dealing with. Would it have made a difference if your lady had a family member become guarantor.

    As for Toyota loosing out, don't think so, as they can't keep up with demand now.

  7. There is a back log of vehicles to be registered down the south and in Surat the waiting time from Toyota for white plates is between 45 and 60 days. Don't worry what the law states bad luck for you if you have to pay a fine. As for red plates some dealers are also issuing false one's. Your black smoke problem just give it a flogging, you are most likely driving to softly, diesel's need a revving to clean out.

    Wow, learn something ever day. :rolleyes:

    John1, This is 2011 and deisels are now a really a very different animal from the smog days. :)

  8. I understand more then your little mind will ever conceive...

    Warpy, do you understand that public recalls aren't that attractive from a business perspective and that Thai companies therefore are prone to take to diligently fixing any safety concern when cars come to service instead. Like the rear brake problem on early Fortuners.

    Do you understand that you don't know if your car that you drive around your children in may not have something done to it that should have been done because you do not follow your dealers rule, you possibly arrogantly risk your childrens safety by deciding to follow your American dealers rule even though you are in Thailand now and bough the car from, surprise surprise, not an American dealer. Even if it is 99.999% chance that your car is perfectly safe, I find your thinking somewhat selfish, toward your children of course

    I am glad that you understand more then my little mind will ever conceive now Warpy...

    Think he was talking to me, always talks to me like that, beginning to like it, hope thats not kinky. :D

    :ermm: Now this is getting creepy :blink: ....

    That post was 7 months ago, now THAT'S creepy. :lol:

  9. The VRH model FXVH0-0040ES "Rinser set" is stainless steel 304, made in Thailand and has a 5 year warranty. Many independent Building materials shops as well as every major chain carries this quality item. Be careful how it is installed so as the hose does not touch the tile floor of your bathroom. We have many VRH products in our Up Country home and they have all proven to work great.

    Agree, though the poor stainless on the hose does rust, unless it's something else. :huh:. :)

  10. You know I've been biting my tongue for awhile and actually deleted this script a few days ago, not deciding to post, but........

    You know transam, I think the BBVHP should get some stickers made for free issue to posters on this board who aren't interested in being helped out by a friendly face at an accident scene or some other incident where a person perhaps more knowledgeable of the processes may be of assistance.

    Day glow sticker stating: NO HELP REQUIRED FROM BBVHP.

    It would makes things a lot more convenient for all involved.

    Scenario: a BBVHP turns arrives at an accident scene. Assesses the situation and notices that the downed rider on the road with the compound fracture to his leg, bleeding from the nose and mouth, has a day glow NO HELP REQUIRED FROM BBVHP on their helmet.

    BBVHP: Oh right, no help required then. No problem, I'll just move off the road, as it is a bit busy at the moment and safety is a concern at this time of day. Mind you, it's a bit warm today as well, so I may as well go and get a cold drink, wait in the shade. I'm sure the police and ambulance should be along anytime now. Best of luck and apologies if I have disturbed you.

    Apologies for the sarcasm, but the attitiudes of some posters about volunteers and not even interested in getting some type of assistance from a friendly face is surprising indeed.

    I know that in general this will never happen as people will always appreciate help in whatever form is available. The more prompt the better. I'm a qualified EFR Primary/Secondary Care & Care for Children Instructor and taught above all on the Good Samaritan rule. In their own way the BBVHP are being good Samaritans. Yes you may get the odd clown who joins up just to be a poser and do nothing else. That happens everywhere in a lot of volunteer organizations, though eventually they will get weeded out. Am I a BBVHP, no I'm not and I'm not inclined to be one, as that is not my forte. Though, I will help a fallen rider if I can to the best of my ability.

    So have a think about it, if you really do get into a situation where this type help could be of assistance. Would you welcome it or prefer to be left to your own devices in the hands of luck? Your call....

    Thanks, the word we should have thought of, SAMARITAN. :)

  11. Ok, the sex slave comment is way off base, I know that, unfortunately many people who have never been to Thailand don't.

    It is the classic stereotype of Western journalism. That's why it is repeated so often.

    Many Western journalists, especially females, cannot imagine that a Thai woman can have great pleasures with (younger or older) Western men. Because in their meager life at home, there is nothing like a great sex life. Gone already a long time ago, and as we all know, "men are pigs" and how can any self respecting woman enjoy such perverted deeds.... :lol:


    What.... are you inferring.... that western ladies are not up to the tasks that general men enjoy....?

    Confound it....

    I can personally testify.... that you are dead dead wrong....

    Which part of the US or other continents are you bred and bought up.... really? ....B)

    Your statement is so unfair to our western sisters in general.... I vehemently object, your honor, to such inference.... once and for all.... ;)

    Perhaps his dates are lady Bull Riders. :lol:

  12. The position seems to get clearer with every post.

    If you volunteer for a Rescue service they check your experience, training and interest before applying for a work permit for you and you then need to attend regular training sessions and to be readily available to "scrape someone off the road" when requested.

    If you volunteer for the police (or at least the Big Bike branch) they make no checks, you only need to sleep through two days of largely irrelevant lectures that some farangs attending can't understand, you then "graduate" and are given your badges which amongst other things can be used to allow you to drive illegally on the expressway and on pedestrian streets, not wear a helmet, and not pay traffic fines. As there's no requirement for any further training or even to be available for any duties at all its not difficult to see the attraction for some.

    I really think your being a wee bit negative about guys trying to help out. WHICH, l don't understand. :unsure:

  13. As it reads like an episode of Black Adder, What the officer really said was,

    ''I have a cunning plan sire''


    '' Oh god Baldrick, what delight of wisdom do we have today '' :D

    Transam was it really a cunning plan or just a cunning stunt??

    '' Hmmmmm my Lord, must think another cunning plan '' :)

    I must comment now as posts are being removed because of anti Thai comments--that this thread INVITES posters to slag off the system.

    What system ?. :rolleyes:

  14. As it reads like an episode of Black Adder, What the officer really said was,

    ''I have a cunning plan sire''


    '' Oh god Baldrick, what delight of wisdom do we have today '' :D

    Transam was it really a cunning plan or just a cunning stunt??

    '' Hmmmmm my Lord, must think another cunning plan '' :)

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