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Posts posted by transam

  1. Farang deep and dark, seeking unscrupulous gain at every turn, bring Thai down to their level of filth and stupidity.

    Get the ass holes out, they polute your pristine environs and debase the bhudist morality, and this from one desirous of living there.

    Even in their home countries crime isnt as pervasive as they have made it there, in southern Thailand in particular..

    Every single country on the planet, regardless of religion has to deal with crime, the more lax the police force in any given country the easier it is for crime to prevail, just like a magnet to the low life's of this world. :huh:

  2. As my final thought on this thread, my initial reservations of the "Big Bike" Police Volunteers were based on my reservations about the various Police Volunteer factions in Pattaya, which vary from the ridiculously dangerous to the simply ridiculous – namely from Colonel Seafood's Anti-Terrorist SWAT team to the multi-badged blackshirts patrolling Walking Street.

    My criticisms, however, are based purely on what the two members of the BB volunteers have posted here – and I imagine that they are probably two of the most responsible, so I hate to think what some of the other members must be like.

    One quite happily demonstrates his ability at "scene assessment" by describing how he nearly rear-ended two cars that had been involved in an accident on a dual carriageway, commented that there was going to be a pile-up soon, and continued straight past – 10 minutes later again driving straight past what was by then a major accident with dead and injured. Good "scene assessment", but not quite what I would have hoped for from a dedicated police volunteer and supposedly fully trained medic.

    Wow, you assume a lot and you know what they say about assumptions...

    I was driving Scuba to pick up his belongings from my house and then to the airport so he could catch his flight to the States. I don't think he was carrying his Police Volunteer Badge. Even if he was I would not have stopped where those cars had their little fender bender as it was a terribly dangerous spot on a poorly lit high speed dual highway just past a bridge so traffic could not see the three cars stopped in the fast lane until they crossed the bridge.

    Coming over the bridge at about 100km/hr I had perhaps 100 meters to avoid those idiots.

    Scuba and both agreed it was a stupid and dangerous for them to leave their cars there and it was sad but not very surprising that when we passed again less than 10 minutes later on our way to the airport that there had been a big pile up involving multiple vehicles, a truck and a scooter. Appears the people on the scooter died on the spot when they were run over by the truck. They were already covered in white sheets and the EMS guys were picking up the pieces...

    The roads in this country are treacherous. The "emergency" personnel are often very poorly trained. I for one see nothing wrong with folks like Scubba and Kata and others offering to volunteer to help out. Every little bit helps IMO.

    Ride On!


    +1, only the daft would knock it. :rolleyes:

  3. Then please tell me how l managed to drive my Honda 250 :rolleyes:, ONE foot on the brake, ONE foot shifting gears, ONE hand for the clutch and wait for it, yes another hand for throttle and front brake.

    That can't be right. What do you use a) to keep the sun out of your eyes and b.) answer your mobile phone ?

    :lol: I wear sun glasses and use my nose for the mobile :lol: but Warps will say thats not possible :lol: unless your doing a wheely, going backwards wearing a kilt. :lol:

  4. Clearly you don't understand my reasons so l will try again.

    From my drag racing days with autos two feet were used. No trans brake, so, Hold the car on the line with the left foot (brake), bring revs up to near stall speed on the right foot, light turns green, release brake and floor it. TWO FEET. Same on the road, two pedals, two feet. SAVES TIME.

    Do you eat your dinner with two hands or one ? Oooooooops, forgot, most yanks eat with one, sorry.

    PS. Why do American cars have a huge brake pedal ? Will tell you. So you can use either feet to brake or both, or if the ride has a foot parking brake you can swop feet on release.

    My way of driving for sure is the safest, proved it time and again on the road.

    Lastly, what is dangerous about using two feet on two pedals ? I use two hands to fire a pistol, but could use one, I use two hands to eat a hamburger but could use one. :rolleyes:

    No brake lights to be concerned with when drag racing as no poor sod behind you wondering what the hell you're braking for .. I think we both understood your reasons perfectly :rolleyes: ...Now the back peddling begins ...

    You mnetioned my driving style was racing stuff and then you go and tell us that yours is derived by guess what??? :w00t::cheesy:

    Eat dinner with one hand?? Poor analogy, of course I do I don't shovel with both hands :giggle: I leave out the unnecessary and silly attempt at comparison between Yanks and Brits as I don't see the attempted nationality slam as relevant..

    American cars have larger then usual brake peddles?? That's news to me, the older larger cars before the gas shortages did like the T/A's for example but only because they had larger engines and the entire drivers compartment was more spacious now it's all scaled accordingly like every where else in the world.

    Another blanket statement not applicable to everyone. Your way of driving is most certainly not the safest by any stretch, it may be for you (questionable) but definitely not for the average driver. Many people have been killed to the point that in western countries every manufacturer now puts a brake sensor cut off that kicks down the engine and prevents you from accelerating while braking..Have had those for more then 10 years now...

    last sentence has been answered a couple of times now..See paragraph above...

    Lot of waffle Warps but you have not shown me/us why using my left foot to brake and my right to accelerate is dangerous or in fact better or worse than using one foot for both. If your saying l haven't got the sense, or YOU haven't got the sense to release the right foot when using the left well thats your problem but for me it is no problem. Even at my age l can handle it, but perhaps for you and others it might be a bit complicated, bit like learning to drive again eh. :)

    Nice try, no waffle anywhere just the typical backpedaling and dodging by you and maybe just your lack of understanding. Yes, I see it now, once again your comprehension is failing you as I have described why it is NOT the safest way to drive now several times..

    I'm not going to play your game of twisting or misquoting every post again T/A. I have mentioned several times "THE AVERAGE DRIVER" not "YOU" or "ANYONE" else that's your hang up, not mine.... You opened with a blanket statement that your driving style was the "BEST" and "safest" then any other, it is not! Period!

    The average driver has big problems with your driving style... By your response you must consider yourself no better then the average driver then by putting yourself in the same category as my description of "average" and you still defending yourself..

    JFYI It's not me who has a problem with, as you said, only 2 feet and 3 peddles, when I drive I use both feet as if I had 3 feet on all 3 peddles so coordination is far from my problem.. Beginning with using my right foot on both the brake and accelerator matching engine revs on down shift and my left on the clutch and then once in the proper gear sliding my left over to the brake and my right to the accelerator and now use my left to brake.

    While cornering I use my right foot to accelerate while using my left on the brake to keep the revs up and stay smooth and modulate traction so no wheel spin, under or over steer just smooth, controlled power application through and out of the corner...

    Give it a try sometime.................... Oh wait!! You can't! It requires something more sporty then an automatic Vigo and not a technique for the "AVERAGE" driver anyway :whistling: ....

    You yourself have twisted stuff, using lots of waffle to my original post that l use two feet to drive my auto ride, one for the brake and one for the accelerator. You and another say it's unsafe etc, etc. One cannot coordinate and words to that effect.

    Then please tell me how l managed to drive my Honda 250 :rolleyes:, ONE foot on the brake, ONE foot shifting gears, ONE hand for the clutch and wait for it, yes another hand for throttle and front brake.

    Now how do you think l managed to drive it with all my limbs working something. And coordinating everything, hhhmmmmmmm.

    Honestly your criticism of me using two feet to drive is, well, :unsure:

    Let me try again, when in town l cover the brake with the left foot incase the USUAL unexpected happens, SO that l illuminate the split second to move my foot off the gas and onto the brake. The emergency braking will be simultaneous with the foot off the gas saving that wee bit of time. And it works every time. Simple really,

    Now sit down and think how me and millions of bikers can manipulate all those things with 4 limbs and steer it. :)

  5. Wake up Warps, l said COVER the brake not rest foot on brake. God it's difficult some times.

    Heel and toe, you think the average driver uses heel and toe, NO, race car stuff.

    Re-cap, auto, two pedals, l have two feet,......................... manual, THREE pedals but l still have two feet, easy really.

    FRom earlier posts of you I thought that you had experience with car driving.I clearly was mistaken if I read now that you use two feet to drive a car with automatic transmission.Most dangerous situation I can think about as Warpspeed already pointed out.

    Clearly you don't understand my reasons so l will try again.

    From my drag racing days with autos two feet were used. No trans brake, so, Hold the car on the line with the left foot (brake), bring revs up to near stall speed on the right foot, light turns green, release brake and floor it. TWO FEET. Same on the road, two pedals, two feet. SAVES TIME.

    Do you eat your dinner with two hands or one ? Oooooooops, forgot, most yanks eat with one, sorry.

    PS. Why do American cars have a huge brake pedal ? Will tell you. So you can use either feet to brake or both, or if the ride has a foot parking brake you can swop feet on release.

    My way of driving for sure is the safest, proved it time and again on the road. :)

    Lastly, what is dangerous about using two feet on two pedals ? I use two hands to fire a pistol, but could use one, I use two hands to eat a hamburger but could use one. :rolleyes:

    No brake lights to be concerned with when drag racing as no poor sod behind you wondering what the hell you're braking for :huh: .. I think we both understood your reasons perfectly :rolleyes: ...Now the back peddling begins :whistling: ...

    You mnetioned my driving style was racing stuff and then you go and tell us that yours is derived by guess what??? :w00t::cheesy:

    Eat dinner with one hand?? Poor analogy, of course I do I don't shovel with both hands :giggle: I leave out the unnecessary and silly attempt at comparison between Yanks and Brits as I don't see the attempted nationality slam as relevant..

    American cars have larger then usual brake peddles?? That's news to me, the older larger cars before the gas shortages did like the T/A's for example but only because they had larger engines and the entire drivers compartment was more spacious now it's all scaled accordingly like every where else in the world.

    Another blanket statement not applicable to everyone. Your way of driving is most certainly not the safest by any stretch, it may be for you (questionable) but definitely not for the average driver. Many people have been killed to the point that in western countries every manufacturer now puts a brake sensor cut off that kicks down the engine and prevents you from accelerating while braking..Have had those for more then 10 years now...

    last sentence has been answered a couple of times now..See paragraph above...

    Lot of waffle Warps but you have not shown me/us why using my left foot to brake and my right to accelerate is dangerous or in fact better or worse than using one foot for both. If your saying l haven't got the sense, or YOU haven't got the sense to release the right foot when using the left well thats your problem but for me it is no problem. Even at my age l can handle it, but perhaps for you and others it might be a bit complicated, bit like learning to drive again eh. :)

  6. Lastly, what is dangerous about using two feet on two pedals ? I use two hands to fire a pistol, but could use one, I use two hands to eat a hamburger but could use one. :rolleyes:

    As Warpspeed pointed out already.When you have to make an emergency brake your whole body will move forward.If you brake with your left foot,your right foot is still on the throttle at that time so you will floor the pedal with your body weight which makes the car accelerating at the same time that you are braking, which in turn will reduce the efficiency of your braking.

    I don't think you know how to drive a car using all your god given gifts, hands and feet. :rolleyes:

  7. My own outlook.

    I would never drive a manual shift ride in LOS. With the auto, 99% of the time my left foot is covering the brake pedal, in fact l brake with the left foot all the time. With a manual, moving your foot from go to stop pedal takes '' time ''.

    Perhaps sounds daft but l know on various occasions l might have been in trouble with manual trans. :)

    Oh! So you're that silly plonker driving in front of me with your brake lights on all the time..

    Doing so makes it possible for you to keep pressing the accelerator while also pressing the brake especially in panic braking situations.

    That can't happen with a manual and actually I heal and toe all the time which also adds the engine to my braking distance so I don't have your delay worries in reaction moving from accelerator to brake, besides doing so often keeps you in practice and as such I guarantee I can react quicker then the average or even above average automatic driver..

    Wake up Warps, l said COVER the brake not rest foot on brake. :rolleyes: God it's difficult some times.

    Heel and toe, you think the average driver uses heel and toe, NO, race car stuff.

    Re-cap, auto, two pedals, l have two feet,......................... manual, THREE pedals but l still have two feet, easy really. :D

    I can relate it is VERY difficult most times... Cover the peddle? So you hold your foot over the brake peddle the entire time you drive without resting it somewhere?? Highly doubtful, you are aware how little pressure the peddle actually requires to activate the brake lights correct? It is far less then actually depressing the brakes...

    I know it's race stuff (actually not, just top driving technique) but you made a blanket comparison about "driving a manual in LOS" versus an automatic and I challenged it's validity..

    When l am in town yes l cover the pedal, on a motor way, no, but seldom go on motor ways.

    You can challenge the validity of my statement as much as you like but l do not care one iota cos it works for me, 100%. :)

  8. My own outlook.

    I would never drive a manual shift ride in LOS. With the auto, 99% of the time my left foot is covering the brake pedal, in fact l brake with the left foot all the time. With a manual, moving your foot from go to stop pedal takes '' time ''.

    Perhaps sounds daft but l know on various occasions l might have been in trouble with manual trans. :)

    Oh! So you're that silly plonker driving in front of me with your brake lights on all the time..

    Doing so makes it possible for you to keep pressing the accelerator while also pressing the brake especially in panic braking situations.

    That can't happen with a manual and actually I heal and toe all the time which also adds the engine to my braking distance so I don't have your delay worries in reaction moving from accelerator to brake, besides doing so often keeps you in practice and as such I guarantee I can react quicker then the average or even above average automatic driver..

    Wake up Warps, l said COVER the brake not rest foot on brake. :rolleyes: God it's difficult some times.

    Heel and toe, you think the average driver uses heel and toe, NO, race car stuff.

    Re-cap, auto, two pedals, l have two feet,......................... manual, THREE pedals but l still have two feet, easy really. :D

    FRom earlier posts of you I thought that you had experience with car driving.I clearly was mistaken if I read now that you use two feet to drive a car with automatic transmission.Most dangerous situation I can think about as Warpspeed already pointed out.

    Clearly you don't understand my reasons so l will try again.

    From my drag racing days with autos two feet were used. No trans brake, so, Hold the car on the line with the left foot (brake), bring revs up to near stall speed on the right foot, light turns green, release brake and floor it. TWO FEET. Same on the road, two pedals, two feet. SAVES TIME.

    Do you eat your dinner with two hands or one ? Oooooooops, forgot, most yanks eat with one, sorry.

    PS. Why do American cars have a huge brake pedal ? Will tell you. So you can use either feet to brake or both, or if the ride has a foot parking brake you can swop feet on release.

    My way of driving for sure is the safest, proved it time and again on the road. :)

    Lastly, what is dangerous about using two feet on two pedals ? I use two hands to fire a pistol, but could use one, I use two hands to eat a hamburger but could use one. :rolleyes: My bike has two pedals, you guessed it, one for each foot. :D

  9. My own outlook.

    I would never drive a manual shift ride in LOS. With the auto, 99% of the time my left foot is covering the brake pedal, in fact l brake with the left foot all the time. With a manual, moving your foot from go to stop pedal takes '' time ''.

    Perhaps sounds daft but l know on various occasions l might have been in trouble with manual trans. :)

    Oh! So you're that silly plonker driving in front of me with your brake lights on all the time..

    Doing so makes it possible for you to keep pressing the accelerator while also pressing the brake especially in panic braking situations.

    That can't happen with a manual and actually I heal and toe all the time which also adds the engine to my braking distance so I don't have your delay worries in reaction moving from accelerator to brake, besides doing so often keeps you in practice and as such I guarantee I can react quicker then the average or even above average automatic driver..

    Wake up Warps, l said COVER the brake not rest foot on brake. :rolleyes: God it's difficult some times.

    Heel and toe, you think the average driver uses heel and toe, NO, race car stuff.

    Re-cap, auto, two pedals, l have two feet,......................... manual, THREE pedals but l still have two feet, easy really. :D

  10. bullst**rs and negetive comments tut tut bah.gif most of you know that driving in thailand is far more hazardous that in uk or europe !! when last in khon kean in december there were 2 people lying at the roadside in body bags. 3 weeks ago outside the villiage a guy was killed we seen that one too .. i see at least 1 bad accident everytime im driving up to isaan. i do not drive over 120 kph while i have my kid in the car. last time im in isaan some idiot in a lorry/ tuk tuk overloaded with sugar pulls out in front of me on a country rd ( no street lighting ) no lights on his lorry /tuk tuk only i was going slower than usual i would of been right into him, yesterday some clown ( farang not thai ) near runs into me at speed on a motor bike at the crossroads between soi bukeaw and soi diana ( you all know what this crossroads is like) probably pis**d . most cars have no m.o.t and you have all seen the bangers witth no brake lights etc.

    as i say ive got a young baby to think about .

    Such is life chum, we all know the driving pitfalls in LOS and drive accordingly, no relaxation behind the wheel here, but that's one of the things one must think about if you want a life in LOS. It's not going to change in our lifetime.

    You must remember that in your own ride YOU are in control, where with public transport of any kind the driver is perhaps one of these knutters you are referring too to take care of your family :unsure:, Soooooo, you must remain in control of their destiny. :)

  11. Nah I'm privileged to be the first to display it. That young man was a gentle giant that displayed great patience and tolerance with the punk who continued to instigate and bully until.......................

    There's a lesson to be learned for both the young and supposedly mature adults in that..

    Think one must watch the whole clip to get the point Warps, which l just have, Ozzy kids eh. :)

  12. I don't get this thread.

    According to the average Thai basher, all Thai's are money grubbing scammers out to screw farangs at every opportunity.

    Here we see a Thai car salesman turn down a sale. Who knows, maybe he was a Cambodian salesman, cause we know that we all know that conventional TV wisdom states that one should never stand between a Thai and a bucket of money.

    For what it is worth, I think the Toyota finance company was within its rights. This transaction was higher risk for them. Regardless of who the official borrower was, and regardless of a 'no questions asked policy' it was apparent to them that the ultimate source of the funding was a in their eyes a higher risk of flight - leaving them with a devalued asset.

    Just because the word 'farang' was used in the conversation all of a sudden cries of 'discrimination' get thrown around. It wasn't. This is the furtherst thing from discrimination.

    Possibly the salesgirl did not like Farangs!

    Ka ching!!!! Or was jilted by her fair share of falangs who wouldn't buy her a new Vigo and due to her loss of face was envious :lol: ..

    Bit worried by your new avatar Warps. :huh:

  13. Then, then, go back to the 20% showroom and buy the motor you really want. :)

    transam - I have 'gone off' Toyotas :).

    I actually like the Ford Ranger and several acquaintances have spoken highly of their experiences with Ford.

    For the savings I am making I am happy to give it a go. As for anyone worried about selling to a Thai in the future, I shall probably run it for 4/5 years and then give it to someone in the family - I am certain that they will not lose face and certainly will not give a dam_n about it not being a Toyota.

    In that case, cool, great stuff. Glad it worked out for you in the end. :)

  14. I have a couple of questions:-

    1. How much to have the bonnet wrapped on your vehicle.

    2. Does anybody know if 'wrapping is available in Korat.


    The bonnet is costing 5000 bht for Kevlar look, saw another car at the workshop with this done and it looked fantastic!!

    £100 for your hood having stick on kevlar look that everyone knows is stick on stuff. :crying: Must say l have never seen a ride MADE of kevlar that isn't painted to hide it. :huh:

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