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Posts posted by transam

  1. Seriously, this is the first car forum i have ever seen where people care about car resale.

    From where im from, you find the car that fits your personality and you buy it. It's not an investment, its a pleasure/toy

    Where are you from? Dubai perhaps?

    I'm from the UK. One of the most beautiful cars on the road is the Citroen C6. It sells however in tiny numbers, like most big French cars. Why? Well, one of the main reasons is depreciation. If you buy a BM or a Benz you can trade it in after a few years, and you don't have to start from fresh with repayments. With a C6, you pretty much would. Pop stars, football players, tycoons, these people don't care about depreciation. Everyone else does.

    Why is depreciation such a concern when one buys a car? A car is just one of many durable consumer goods that one generally purchases throughout one's lifetime. At a later date, it may have some residual value or its value may have been totally consumed and it goes to the scrap heap. Generally, people don't consider residual value when purchasing consumable consumer goods. When one buys a washing machine or refrigerator, do you consider it's future value when deciding which model to buy...or do you select on features, design, and price? I would offer that the same makes the most sense for an auto purchase as well.

    The value of a car comes from the transportation services it provides during its lifetime...not what it may be worth at some future point in time.

    Especially since that future could fall out at any point in time without any guarantees what-so-ever look at how many people bought high end SUV's and other high end cars and then the market dropped out from underneath them. I'm seriously looking at buying myself a Merc SLK Kompressor when I get back home never would have considered that previously. You can get nice ones, mid 2000's for $5000/$10,000 dollars!! Those people thought they were going to have a nice return when they bought and then sold but look what happened? No way of knowing what the future brings so live for the current comforts in this case IMO..

    That's a handsome car and it's dirt cheap what would that cost here you think?


    Ahhh! Top down, clean, cool winter air and bright warm sunshine! Can't wait!

    Designed for the girlies. :)

    The mans merc's are a bit different.

  2. Doh!!! :w00t: T/A stubbed his toe again!!! :passifier::whistling: That's Ok at least your toilets flush because......................... Someone else besides YOU installed em :cheesy: ......

    T/A is correct. I have a licenced Glock 19, but having it does not allow me to shoot for the Police in public, as that would be in breach of labour Departments rules.

    Same goes for vehicles, being licenced to operate one does not make it legal according to labour Departments rules. Farang = Tabien Leck only, private use, not commercial. No problem to get a 18 wheeler on Tabien Leck, It just cant carry load for payment. And skip the farang, in this case it is foreigner without Thai ID card not allowed to operate commercial vehicles or vehicles seating more than 10

    How do you figure? You yourself are saying he CAN drive it if it's not for commercial use?? <deleted>??? T/A states that the guy CAN'T drive it in any case! Why don't you just make it up as go along <deleted> :rolleyes: ??

    you can not drive it taking work from a Thai national. You can drive it if you do your homework, register on Tabien Leck, and thus can not use it commercially. It doesnt matter if its not for commercial use, it matters if its registered and not used for commercial use.

    My siuation a few years back was the need for a watertruck. Tabien Leck no problem, but if we had charged for the water, it would have been commercial use.

    Yes, thank you for that clarification and equivocation, so my original post still stands as he said nothing about using it for commercial purposes and the OP CAN drive it legally for personal use... Case closed...

    He will look really cool in a six wheeler with the in-laws in the back for a day out, eh Warps. :lol:

  3. For me it would be the Bentley Continental GT. Best of all worlds. Near 600 hp, 0-60 MPH in low 4 seconds and comfort beyond your dreams.. Easy to drive everything you want BUT if something goes wrong, hmmmmmmmmmm. :)

    to slow, my cheap Ninja650R does 0-60mph in less than 4 seconds, at 257k baht :P

    but honestly, I couldnt see myself waisting all this money on cars

    Huyndai van around town/daily driver, with an excellent non smoking driver, or perhaps 2 drivers, Recliners, fridge, massage and internett in car ;)

    Lotus Elise for fun, trying to be as fast and agile as a bike. a benz sl could work too, but not with the Thai 1,8 engine

    benz 500S for long trips when I want to drive myself

    4x4, wait for the Ranger 3,2

    I know, only half the budget :rolleyes:

    We are talking 4 wheels here and deep pockets. :D

    You sure about your Ninja times ;).

  4. That's part of the problem. So many people just wanna have the image. If you bought a bike to look cool you might as well just sell it and use the money to buy a shirt that says "I'm a f*cking poser!!"

    So if you wanted to be cool you'd just sell the really cool bike and buy a t-shirt that made you look like a <deleted>? :unsure:

    Man, you must suck at being cool. Just sayin' :lol:

    Not exactly. What I'm saying is, I don't need a f*cking bike to be cool, and for dam_n sure i don't need to sit at a coffee shop in all my gear just so people can see that I ride. If you bought a bike to ride, RIDE!! If you bought it for the image, sell it cuz you just look like a <deleted>.

    I've probably stopped at a coffee shop on my "big bike" less than 5 times in my 5 years in LOS, but I'm sure not doing it again. No way I'm gonna risk looking bad in front of the real bikers, especially if I'm wearing my safety gear at the time.

    Seriously though, if these guys want to ride to the coffee shop for a chat on a Sunday - what's the big deal? They're enjoying themselves - Live and let live.

    You got it in one. :D

  5. In December past I had to provide an airline ticket out of the country and a letter of explanation as to why I had no hotel reservations to the Thai Embassy in NZ, the air ticket applyed way back 6 years ago, so nothing is new.

    I got a double entry and arranged an air ticket to Laos for my second entry, no problem.

    As a tourist, definition someone who tours around, I told them I wanted to see many parts of the country and not just stay in one place and provided them with an itinerary which they accepted, again no problem.

    Havent read all of this but see most of the whingers are not real tourists anyway.

    No wonder the new requirements don't bother you. The Thai Consulate in NZ had you jumping through hoops already, as is quite typical of the way many things are done in that little country.

    It's seriously retarded to have to show return tickets when you apply for a visa. What if you don't get it? How annoying would it be if you prepare a full itinerary for a double entry tourist visa application and it is not approved.

    When people apply for tourist visas for Australia and NZ they specifically recommend you DON'T buy tickets until you know your visa has been approved. The same applies to hotel accommodation.

    What a sensible post. Pass it on to LOS Immigration. :)

  6. If it were me I would go for what I have now A Fortuner top of the range engine sorted for more power. Reason's cheapish, big, good vision, and like a tank just the thing for Thai road's. Why the F. dream as they all the other car's are well over taxed here, so you are just throwing your cash down the drain. Sorry about that just my thought's, and being logical.

    Are you A Man With a Purse..:cheesy:

    Yep and it's full up.

    Gosh, envy. <_<

  7. Where does it say l am ''afraid'' . ?

    In between the lines of text. If you look real close you can see it. Why else would you avoid taking your "special" big bikes out more often?

    You are reading what you want to read. and I don't have a big bike :).

    In UK l drove my ( perhaps ) 700 hp Pontiac for over twenty years with no problem, why, cos drivers there looked before pulling out, had lights on at night, they used their head, HERE, very different, and l do not have to write a list of stuff that we have to deal with. You confuse YOUR word '' afraid '' and being '' sensible '', no way will l risk losing what l have built up in LOS by a bike with no lights, no helmet, doing daft stuff and claiming everything l have with the BiB's help whilst l drive a speed machine, bike or car. Afraid, no. :)

  8. Think you worry to much about what other people are doing to enjoy their life. If a biker sits in a coffee shop, you have NO idea where he has been or where he is going eh. Concentrate on what you do for fun, hope your wrist doesn't go limp on you. :lol:

    This coming from the guy that's afraid of "mega power on a daily basis". Maybe if you hopped on the bike a bit more often you wouldn't have that problem.

    So where did you get l am ''afraid'' of '' mega power on a daily basis '' from ?. :)

    From your first post. :)

    Where does it say l am ''afraid'' . ?

  9. Think you worry to much about what other people are doing to enjoy their life. If a biker sits in a coffee shop, you have NO idea where he has been or where he is going eh. Concentrate on what you do for fun, hope your wrist doesn't go limp on you. :lol:

    This coming from the guy that's afraid of "mega power on a daily basis". Maybe if you hopped on the bike a bit more often you wouldn't have that problem.

    So where did you get l am ''afraid'' of '' mega power on a daily basis '' from ?. :)

  10. This is Thailand; image is everything?

    That's part of the problem. So many people just wanna have the image. If you bought a bike to look cool you might as well just sell it and use the money to buy a shirt that says "I'm a f*cking poser!!"

    So if you wanted to be cool you'd just sell the really cool bike and buy a t-shirt that made you look like a &lt;deleted&gt;? :unsure:

    Man, you must suck at being cool. Just sayin' :lol:

    Not exactly. What I'm saying is, I don't need a f*cking bike to be cool, and for dam_n sure i don't need to sit at a coffee shop in all my gear just so people can see that I ride. If you bought a bike to ride, RIDE!! If you bought it for the image, sell it cuz you just look like a &lt;deleted&gt;.

    Think you worry to much about what other people are doing to enjoy their life. If a biker sits in a coffee shop, you have NO idea where he has been or where he is going eh. Concentrate on what you do for fun, hope your wrist doesn't go limp on you. :lol:

  11. i swear some people in here buy their underwear at Makro instead of tesco because they might have to sell their possessions to pay for beer or something..

    money and life is supposed to be enjoyed, buying a car for resale value is just wasting your life away.

    That is a matter of opinion. :)

    Lots of people out there with lots of cash but not enjoying '' their '' life and visa-verse. :huh:

  12. If you are a farang, you cannot drive it. ;)

    I did read that I could not get a work permit to drive a truck. Wasn't sure if that was still true, wasn't sure if that meant I could not drive it at all.

    Do Thai people need a special license to drive this truck or at big semi? In the USA I could drive a straight line truck with a car license, but not a semitractor trailer rig.

    I would have wanted to drive it from time to time, but I wasn't keen on doing it for a full time job.

    No, you cannot drive it. Taking work from a Thai. ;)

  13. I must have a unique bum. My Vigo has cloth seats and never a problem. My pal has leather in a Fortuner and my ass itches and sweats. :)

    :redcard2: TMI (Too Much Info) I don't think we needed to know that much info. I just lost my dinner :sick: ..

    Personally my favorite seats were/are a combination of leather and suede where your legs and or arms contact the seat if you're wearing shorts and or short sleeves on the bolsters, very comfortable, easy to care for and durable.

    Must have been a PITA (Pain In The Ass) to get the food out from between the keyboard keys :lol:

    Fortunately my downstairs toilet is only feet from the computer desk in the living room, a strategic location that is :D ..

    Is the Loo seat Suede ?

  14. Whats a &lt;deleted&gt; ? :huh:

    Mother I'd like to, errrrr, fornicate with.

    Thats OK, understood. is there a video. :)

    A video of me rodgering Carol Vorderman? Oh how I wish there was such a thing.

    Me too. :)

  15. Yep lightning storms scare the hell out most Isaan people,a good example was last year when a belter of a storm came over,Ma grabbed two pans and started banging them together making more noise than the storm and Pa went upstairs to pray to his Buddha for help.No lightning touched down but the neighbors got their bedroom wall blown out.So i can understand why your girlfriend turns her phone off while it is storming,just can't understand why she does it when you ring her (hope that was a typo).Anyways i hope it is all resolved soon and you get your piece of mind either way.

    Doubt it, always some reason why the phone isn't answered. Believe me. :huh:

  16. Seriously, this is the first car forum i have ever seen where people care about car resale.

    From where im from, you find the car that fits your personality and you buy it. It's not an investment, its a pleasure/toy

    Where are you from? Dubai perhaps?

    I'm from the UK. One of the most beautiful cars on the road is the Citroen C6. It sells however in tiny numbers, like most big French cars. Why? Well, one of the main reasons is depreciation. If you buy a BM or a Benz you can trade it in after a few years, and you don't have to start from fresh with repayments. With a C6, you pretty much would. Pop stars, football players, tycoons, these people don't care about depreciation. Everyone else does.

    Citroen C6 :huh:, just shows how different we all are to motor beauty. :)

  17. haha

    I guess if i was 35-40 and had worked all my life id be pissed as much as you if i had to drive one of these inferior cars when back home you could get a nice sports car for the same price.

    for now ill take my eldery car and try not too complain too much, still better than africa :)

    Well, I fit your age profile, but I've only had to work 10 years of my life so far, and I'm not pissy about the prices here in Thailand, just pragmatic :D

    Well, I only had to work for the first 6 years, the last 4 have been out of choice :P

    God, where did l go wrong. :crying:

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