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Posts posted by transam

  1. Every case is different. She is quite an educated person, originally from a rice-farming district ( where parents still live ) but now a teacher. She's about as transparent as they come, too.

    According to her, there are regional differences about Sin Sod and in her area, the dad keeps it. They're not asking for much, but I'm stuck in Australia now, jobless. And I just hate the feeling of perhaps being used.

    Very convenient her dad lives in the road that pockets a payment :D. As l said before if she has been married there is NO payment unless you want to, and SHE knows that. IF your having probs back home then tell her and see what happens. :rolleyes:

  2. l agree about the ridiculous gap between the wheel and arch. No way this space will be used in any off road use. If the motor was lowered it would improve handling and safety by lowering the centre of gravity. :ermm:

    Suspension travel is absolutely required for proper road manners when loaded, as noted earlier. In off-road, suspension travel is king.

    I spent 3 months touring TH in rented Fortuner in 2008, a month in a CR-V doing the same in 2009, and did the same in early 2010 with the PJS for a month before deciding on what to buy, so have direct experience with all in the same driving and loading situations. Fortuner feels/handles heavier, lower in the rear, and stiff riding when loaded, whereas PJS handles it as if it were half the weight on board. CR-V just crumbles with 5 ppl and luggage on board - just awful.

    As for center of gravity, Pajero Sport is a full 100mm lower than Fortuner B) - this has been discussed before BTW, here's a refresher:

    The Pajero Sport has a stationary rollover angle of 45 degrees, while the Fortuner is 42 degrees - which makes the PJS center of gravity 100mm lower than the Fortuner, and about the same as a Hilux 4x4.

    For the vehicle dimensions being discussed (Foruner & PJS are practically identical width/height/length), every 100mm lower will improve stationary roll-over angle by +3 degrees.

    I remeber your posts but why the huge gaps. :)

  3. All look's quite nice But the thing's I dont like.


    1. The tacky looking radio Hi Fi set up.

    2. The front seat's now have two of them.

    3. The wheel arch's that protrude into the rear. Reducing space.

    4. The rear air con: set up.

    Out side.

    5. Most of all the gap between the wheel's and the wheel arch. Ok if you want someware to sleep I supose.

    Sorry about that. But just some of reason's why I didn't buy one.

    l agree about the ridiculous gap between the wheel and arch. No way this space will be used in any off road use. If the motor was lowered it would improve handling and safety by lowering the centre of gravity. :ermm:

  4. Lucky I got both mine done in Australia for free. It is true about the colours and if you are short sighted the new lens will almost solve this. I said to the nurse who sat on the bed and took the dressing off that it was the first time for years I had been able to see the girl who was on my bed with me without looking for my glasses.

    Magic :), nice .:)

  5. While rolling diameter can easily be maintained by choosing the correct tires, as you move up in rim size you unavoidably increase the total weight of each wheel (unless you can find a magnesium 20x8.5" 137x6 wheel).. Going up to 22" and 24" can mean up to double the weight of an OEM 17" wheel and tire combo, which destroys the suspension tuning, and puts additional load on the drivetrain and brakes, hence the warranty exclusion. That's not to say that these PPV's won't handle it (they will) but it can be so far out of original spec, it would take a brave manufacturer to keep on warranting it.

    AND you are eliminating tyre side wall flex in a low profile tyre putting more strain on the mechanicals. :)

  6. I would second going to Rutnin. I had an accident with my left eye about 6 years ago that caused a cataract in that eye. Dr. Pattaramon Bunnapradist and another doctor there took turns for 90 minutes, performing laser surgery and replacing the lens. Besides fixing the cataract, my eyesight in my left eye was improved noticeably. The cost was around 50,000 baht.

    Third. The most impressive business I have seen or been to ever, in Thailand. Not at all expensive for the quality of service provided.

    This soundslike the way to go.

    If Bamrungrad are starting to do specials, it means either they are hurting or theyjust give you whichever doctor they choose. You will find that Bamrungrad lists prices for certain doctors and others are only by appintment, meaning they are much more qualified and much more expensive.

    Which is worrying for the same job. :unsure:

  7. This is a link to the breakdown of arrivals.


    Interesting how the Immigration Police statistics for Iran and Iraq are listed under "other" for the middle east. They account for 53.6% of the total middle east arrivall

    It would be nice if they also showed the tourist destination by Thai city.

    To bad that the Pattaya streets are swarming with so many Iranians, Iraqies and Russians. There aren't much fun to be around if you aren't one of them.

    Are not Iranians and Iraqis not supposed to drink or fornicate. :ermm:

  8. I can see the Mitsu looks like sitting in an arcade driving game

    Interesting observation. There should be enough resolution in those images to do a button count :)

    Perhaps it's an age thing with me cos looks like for a teenager. :D Mitsu have obviously gone that route to attract more sales but has it worked.:huh:

    You may have just hit the nail on the head there.. Most PJS owners I know (including myself) are in their 30's to mid 40's, while most Fortuner owners I know are 55-80. Perhaps the different design styles just appeal to different generations? Make sense the more I think about it..

    Hey Fellas, I'm 63 and still a boy racer. How do you make a Fortuner look like it's flying when standing still, i think its impossible, whereas the GT gives you something to work with. If you feel old you buy something old fashioned, that how they sold Volvo's. But if you still have it in you, and you want to stay that way, you have to think that way, young at heart. I'm still working on my GT 3.2 and your info on Performance Mods is great to read, now all i have to do is give it some extra grunt and i'll feel even younger :rolleyes: Thanks for the Tips.

    The word l would use is '' Feel ''. I raced my Pontiac till recently on the street and track, it is an animal BUT l loved my Volvo and Merc to bits to do the job and make me feel relaxed.

    We are of similar age. :D

  9. Forget what you have been told. If you have money and want to impress the lady then cough up. If you have no money tell your lady that, and if she still wants you then you've cracked it.

    Nothing to do with regions, or perhaps to a point, more to do with keeping customs alive in some, but if you no money then your lady can arrange the custom of locals seeing money but you get it back next day. :)

  10. Could be Psoriasis which l have had for 20 years. Read up on google.


    i am sure it is not pink eye or conjunctivitis

    did you have psoriasis around your eyelids?

    and no where else?

    i had no idea that would be a place for it

    before i research

    known cause?



    Seems 10% of any population has it in one degree or another. With me it comes and goes in different places. At the mo, up my nose and in my ears, which is a real pain. Sadly there is no cure just different things to try. Look to see if you have any other flaky skin, knees, elbows are the common ones.

  11. There is a guy that takes his clients around Huai WangNong reservoir in Ubon most days. Has a phone number on the rear screen, if l see it will try and get the number. If your around the lake its a gold colour Nissan, l think, that travels at 10mph. :)

  12. I can see the Mitsu looks like sitting in an arcade driving game

    Interesting observation. There should be enough resolution in those images to do a button count :)

    Perhaps it's an age thing with me cos looks like for a teenager. :D Mitsu have obviously gone that route to attract more sales but has it worked.:huh:

    You may have just hit the nail on the head there.. Most PJS owners I know (including myself) are in their 30's to mid 40's, while most Fortuner owners I know are 55-80. Perhaps the different design styles just appeal to different generations? Make sense the more I think about it..

    Just finished the Vigo interior, cool eh.


    Thought you'd be impressed. :lol:

  13. LOL, you guys are funny - I have no idea what you're using as a measuring stick here, perhaps you think that fat seats = better seats? If so, perhaps you should take a good look at the Recaro chairs in the next Boeing you fly in, hehe ;) Chairs don't need to look like sofa's to be comfortable, and too soft chairs in a car are just fatiguing, and in Fortuner's case, along with the color scheme, make it look like they took the interior out of a 1970's Amercian land yacht :P

    Speaking of interiors (that's what tipped the balance in favor of the Pajero Sport over Fortuner for me), here's some pics comparing the pickup with it's PPV cousin:

    Triton/Pajero Sport:




    As you can see, Mitsubishi have gone to much further lengths to differentiate their PPV from it's lower-grade pickup cousin than Toyota has. Good news if you own a VIGO though I guess :D

    I can see the Mitsu looks like sitting in an arcade driving game, especially after dark, sort of in your face, perhaps it's an age thing with me cos looks like for a teenager. :D Mitsu have obviously gone that route to attract more sales but has it worked.:huh:

    Must confess l have put ' walnut ' stuff in my interior to ' Jag ' it up and am very happy with the feel.

  14. Now with MRO post snap's you can see what I mean about the cheap seat's just compare the thickness of the Fortuner one's (all) to the Pajero. Yes agree that the rear seat set up is crap in the Fortuner, but as there are only two + of us the back one's have been out on mine two day's after I got it. You can also see what I said about the wheel arche's in the rear of the Pajero. As far as the rear air con: go's the Fortuner set up knock spot's off the Pajero. IE 4 roof vent's + extra power All adjustable from the rear. And no they dont ever run hot. If anything to powerful. Well that's what Im told as I never sit in the back. I rest my case on the HiFi set up.

    Because of the superior rear seats in the Fortuner, that is the only way to stow them. :)

  15. today im visiting the mitsu dealer, have appointment at 3pm :)

    i was wondering, is it normal to ask like 50,000 discount (so pay less)? or is it more like, instead of discount, you get 50k of extra stuff ?

    dont know how buying cars in thailand works :o besides, is 50k reasonable? not that the dealer thinks im totally crazy, lol :D

    one more question, will the yokohama parada spec-x 285/50R20_112V will both look awesome as well as keeping good performance

    and not damaging body or other parts on bumpy roads or when making u turns ?

    might change that immediately when buying from dealer, and does anyone know the price for a set of 4 of these tires ? MRO ? ;-)

    btw, i will be buying the new pjs 2wd at gt white for 1.15 i believe. wish me good luck :D



    Change the wheels, lose your warranty ;).

  16. I understand one of the main disadvantages of fibreglass pools is that they must be kept full of water otherwise they can lift in the ground. I guess this would depend on method of installation and soil conditions.

    I think that if your hole goes into the water table it can lift it. :huh:

  17. It has got to be morally wrong for anyone who has not lived in the UK and paid tax, even from Europe, to get anything. If You have lived in the UK then yes, you should be entitled to What you should get, but how far does it go,People leave the UK for what ever reasons if they still pay tax then they should be able to claim, If They live Abroad from the UK then they should be offered there pension to take with them. At the rate it was when they started to pay into it ,It amazes me when people just keep milking the system for every thing they can get,because the system is wrong.To me anyone who lives abroad has money or they would not be able to do just that.I know its there choice and they have probably worked to do it. they should be offed the choice of taking there pension lump sum or at a set rate.. The NHS was set up to treat people who where on the poverty line or below.Not to treat fat people or injury's caused by smoking or Drink related self inflicted Injures, Like fighting on a Saturday night, or falling over psst and getting injured. The same goes for Druggies,and health Tourist and car accidents. When are the people who stay in the UK and work here all our lives get anything. Why should people who have moved to Spain get heating allowance when OAP here in the UK are cold and cannot get any help.Also at what stage does your contributions run out, and what about the treatment that you have already had, does that not get payed for or is it for Indefinite.I am not against people who are entitled to what they should get, just people milking our System, and then the people who the whole thing was set up to help get nothing.Strong views maybe not right but maybe some truth.

    Sorry for this long post but a lot I want to cover. Well first of all a lot of that above is correct but I strongly disagree with your statement "To me anyone who lives abroad has money or they would not be able to do just that." That is completely wrong for probably 90% of us expats as we live abroad BECAUSE we do not have much money and CANNOT AFFORD to live in countries like rip off Britain, but we are as you say "able to do just that" in many countries like Thailand where it is still much cheaper and affordable to live.

    I have my private company pension which is fairly small by modern standards and just received my UK state pension when I hit 65 last year. My private pension is UK inflation linked now to CPI rather than RPI but I get no increase in my state pension which is fixed at the level it was when I hit 65. However for my private pension rules it makes no difference as any state pension inflation rise I did get would be offset and reduce my private pension annual inflation rise by the same amount so I get the same net increase whether living here in LoS or in the UK

    There is NO married man's tax allowance in the UK these days and has not been for many years, there is for most normal folk though an "Age Allowance" of just under £3000 added to your UK income tax code so that helps quite a bit. You have to have paid a full NI stamp for at least 22 years under current rules to get a full single persons UK state pension, and this is fair and correct IMHO and in fact very generous as, what was not morally unfair, it used to be 44 years of stamp contributions only a few years back. If you have paid your contributions for less than 22 years then your pension is reduced as a direct proportion of how many years you have actually paid your NIS stamp. As I understand it, it makes no difference if you are married or not in respect of your state pension and there is no state widows pension that I know of for those reaching retirement age now and certainly and rightly not for wives who do not live and have never lived in the UK, and that is quite right IMHO. I married my long time Thai lady last year before I was 65 and spoke to the UK DWP (Dept Works and Pensions) and they confirmed it made no difference at all if I was married or not as there is no state widows pension, though they noted for their records that I am now remarried. My private pension is different as this is funded to allow for it, but it will pay her as a widow a 1/4 of my company pension for her life as long as she does not remarry ( it would be 1/2 for long term marriages but because I drew my private pension many years before I remarried last year it is only 1/4 as per the company pension rules but still that is a bloody good deal too). I retired early at age 57 taking a reduced pension, but at least retiring whilst I still have my faculties to benefit from enough years of well earned fun retirement. Once I knew I could retire and still manage to live okay (setting happy but modest goals) in a country like Thailand, I did so straight away as I always worked to live and never the other way around as some, who are to me, sad people do. A UK wife as I understand it now gets her own single persons pension based on whether she has paid her full stamp for more than the required 22 years else her pension is reduced accordingly. I believe that any that still do qualify for a married couples state pension have to have been over retirement age and been paying their NI stamp before a certain date I think way back in the late 80's. Please note I am not 100% sure of all the latest facts but believe this is basically correct from my fairly recent discussions with the UK DWP last year. You should directly contact the UK DWP yourself if you need the factual answers as it is really doubtful whether anyone here actually fully knows the current rules as to UK state pensions, so get it straight from the horses mouth and find out what applies to you personally.

    Some more info (as someone mentioned it above for when they get it in 2012) is that they will pay your UK state pension to anywhere in the world at no cost to you BUT many countries (dare I say second or third world ones like Thailand) do not have the international banking arrangements and/or the trust of the western banks, so they can only send a state pension cheque through the post to your nominated Thai bank and I assure you this would usually take a long time to both arrive and then to clear at this end and there would be substantial Thai bank charges to pay too for clearing the cheque. Best way is to have it paid directly to your UK bank account where likely your private company pension goes monthly as well. By using a UK credit card to buy my groceries, petrol, clothes etc and even pay my telephone bills I can then just clear the card monthly in sterling from my UK banked pension at no cost at all and so easy with Internet banking. Cash I need here does cost quite a bit to draw out from the UK but one way around this is to offer to buy needed items on your credit card for friends who have cash or income here and they give you the Thai Baht to you in cash. Thus you incur no ATM fees nor expensive UK credit card cash withdrawal charges and high cash withdrawal interest rates, and the big plus is that you avoid paying the rip off UK banks a small fortune.

    I personally think most of the UK rules on pensions and benefits are pretty fair and right overall, BUT one HUGE gripe for me and many other UK expats is that although I still pay UK income tax (fair enough as I was tax exempt from my pension contributions) and have paid my UK NI contributions all my 40 years of hard working life in the UK, I cannot simply get on a plane and go back to the UK and get needed free National Health treatment. I am told I have to stay back there for at least 6 months (way too bloody expensive to do that and maybe too late then for emergency needed treatment!!). By living here in Thailand in our retirement we all personally pay our day to day health costs here and thus save the UK a lot of money, especially considering the high cost of UK doctors and medical fees and the fact that as we get older frequent doctors visits are the norm too. I think it is right and morally sound that those UK National expats who have paid into the UK system all or most of their lives should be able to now in retirement get free UK national health service straight away if needed, not heard a single intelligent and justifiable reason why this is not the case. If I for instance needed heart surgery here it would cost me a fortune that I just could not afford even with my local medium cover BUPA health insurance. So why should I not be able to go back to the UK and rightly get this treatment on the National Health for which I have paid into all my hard working life and of course additionally still pay UK income tax too on my monthly pension and get nothing for it ?? This is so wrong and is born of the huge public misconception (fed by the UK crap gutter press) that expat retirees are all somehow wealthy which is so wrong and the complete opposite of the truth. Nearly all UK retired expats moved abroad as they have small incomes and/or pensions and thus could only barely exist on the bread line living in the cold and damp unhealthy UK. I agree fully that those who have not contributed should receive no benefits at all, either health nor pensions nor social security, as I also hate scroungers and free riding bleeders of the system.

    We need to get UK expat pensioners to start a big campaign to redress this unfair anomaly in the UK National Health rules as it is so so so wrong. So lets start writing to our UK MPs and DHSS bosses as this really is unfair and sucks big time, whilst many legally admitted non Brit nationals come into the UK for 6 months and without paying a penny into the system are then entitled to the free National Health service that most retired expats have paid for all their lives. So so wrong and unfair and no morally sound justification for such mean rules either. Lets start acting and petitioning this outrageous situation. Oh sorry for the slight thread drift too :unsure:

    No drift. +1

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