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Posts posted by transam

  1. Both shit slow cars, but please get the ford.

    Honda City is about the same price and is much more powerfull/confortable than both. Better resale value. Only bad thing in the city is the dumb side angle block on the front window. The honda feels like a F1 race car compared to the mazda/ford


    Fiesta 1,6 has more hp, more tourque, more cc and a much more efficient 6 speed DSG auto. In addition Fieasta hatch suspension is on the sporty side, while City is designed to be comfy for old people.

    Mazda 2 performs on par with City though

    have no idea why you use a slash between Mazda and Ford, as they dont have specs in common. And if any of these would feel like a F1 car, it would be top spec Fiesta hatch

    F1 car........:cheesy::

  2. While I commend her for her straightforwardness and pragmatism (I'd be the first to argue that a marriage needs more than "love" and it's important that both sides know exactly what the other wants in life) I'd be VERY put off by so many conditions and their seemingly mercenary nature.

    And the fact that you have to ask us should tell you something -- it seems to me you should only marry someone if you know that's the person you want.

    Oh, and as for the family not following you to the US: that doesn't stop them from being a constant drain on your finances. Besides, who's to say that wouldn't be on the agenda eventually (that some of them do move to the US)?

    PS: I'm not saying my example is the only one or the best one but: I'm married to a beautiful (Thai) woman who I've been with for 19 years through times of relative wealth and times of homelessness desperation; we're rock solid and always have been; I had nothing when I met her and not much more when I married her. I essentially stole her away from some suitors who were much better off. Guess what she asked me for?

    She asked me to look after her the best I could and to be honest and kind.

    +1, good honest post.:)

  3. Smedly.. from past threads it seems that Por15 can be found at boat yards.. so if in Pattaya maybe check out the marine engine place on sukhimvit they may know.. if you find some can you post where. i may need some as well.. Tabiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

    I seal aircraft fuel tanks, we use a sealant called "PRC 1422". made by PPG Aerospace UK.

    It;s better applied by brush so you need good access to any parts that require sealing.

    I can bring some back with me in March if thats any help to you?


    Bit difficult on his bike tank ( l think bike ) but it's great that you think of one of the guys on the forum with this kind of help. 10 out of 10. :)

  4. just wondering where this little blighter was conceived, seeing as the other 3 offspring's have all been named after the place names in which David's little tadpole met Victoria's egg.

    gawd, i hope it wasn't in the London postal area of N17.

    imagine the grief the kid would get ! :lol:

    Name wise, nothing would surprise me from Sir Beckam OBE, CBE, DSO&Bar, VC, MP, QC, MBE, PhD.Hons, Ba.Footy.

    A bit presumptuous of me but for sure the status awards are in the pipe line :lol:.

  5. "I'm sorry if you're having girl problems son, I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

    -Shawn Carter


    Chunky, if I didn't have any bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.

    Or as one old Bristolian boy put it to me a couple of decades ago 'Th'ese makes th'ese own luck!'

    Never truer a word spoken especially out 'ere.

    Hmmmmmm, l was born a Bristolion, must think about that. :),

  6. If you value life and limb, 130 kph is just too fast, any time, any where in Thailand. Besides bags of cement, there are horrendous pot holes, debris, crazy drivers and God know what else on the roads everywhere, just waiting to bring you down -- hard. Take it slow and arrive a few minutes later, alive and in one piece -- this is Thailand......

    Please tell me you are not one of those drivers who drives at 80 in the middle lane of the express-wayjap.gif.

    I keep it around 80 kph, and drive as far on the left side as I safely can. I never drive on expressways on a motorcycle (no fun in that), mostly 2 lane country roads. It is not just the roads, some of which are no doubt good for high speed driving in cars. Other than interstate, roads in Thailand go unrepaired for months (or longer), and the heat and torrential rains are very hard on pavement and can make huge and very deep pot holes. And, in addition, things being carried in trucks are not properly strapped down (like bags of cement), and can and do fall off creating serious obstacles in the road. People pass when they shouldn't and force bikes over or off the road -- it has happened to me on numerous occasions. The key to safe driving in Thailand is to keep the speed down so that you have more time to react to all of the mess thrown at you while driving on the roads in Thailand. A motorcycle is a fun way to get around, even at 80 kph. And I do need to get out more, but I also want to return (alive and in one piece) when the ride is over -- I feel "no need to bleed". There is no requirement to be stupid just because you drive a motorcycle.


    Lemme guess, you are a retiree and ride a Phantom or a Boss.

    Thailand has interstates?!

    Who knew?! :rolleyes:

    Perhaps he is just wiser than most and will live well into his retirement eh. :)

  7. Of course she was gonna get off.. her father owns the largest ind. estate in Thailand (Amata nakorn).. oh.. and he's one of the top police in metropolitan Bkk.

    Isn't it odd that the top echelons of Thailand police force seem to be manned by very successful businessmen yet the management and effectiveness of the police is a joke? :rolleyes:

    You can still buy senior appointments in the Thai Police; having a high ranking family member assures a swift promotion & you can carry on your business aswell! I have a family member who's been waiting several years for promotion to Lt; he has seniority & a degree, yet the well positioned in society junior Cpl's get the job. No wonder the lower rank's take bribes when their promotion prospects & a chance of a better standard of living are denied them because of "low birth" status!


  8. Off-topic and inflammatory posts removed.

    A few things to keep in mind:

    1. This girl still faces charges, and the outcome hasn't been decided yet.

    2. She is entitled to reasonable protection from slander and libel.

    3. Many, many people here benefit from Thailand's "selective" enforcement of the laws, and all over Thailand kids drive to school. It's not exactly fair to focus this amount of rage against one young girl.

    Tone down the inflammatory posts. Libel or slander will result in posting bans or suspensions.

    Your point No.3 is spot on. Anger here cos number of lives lost but every day the same thing happens in LOS, people die from under age drivers, whether bike or car, cos the natives know the BiB do not work, do not uphold the laws of the land on a daily basis. Until that happens then the carnage will go on. Purges on drink drive, hah, first enforce the under age non licensed drivers, the parents that hand over the keys and most of all follow the rules of the road that are written but ignored.

  9. Not psoriasis; more probably eczema or seborrhoeic dermatitis of the eyelids. The treatment for this is a mild topical steroid ointment. ( not cream). Available here is an oitment containing Momethasone (Elocom ointment). Be sure to use an ointment not a cream as a cream will dry it out more and cause it to weep. Careful not to get this into the eyes..

    Use the mildest steroid that works as the skin here is very thin and very prone to the side effects of topical steroids which may cause skin atrophy. Avoid to use any soap in this area. The underlying problem is an allergy which may be dust or even diet.

    I had psoriasis around my eyes for a period of time, thankfully moved it's ugly head elsewhere.

  10. ^^^^^^^^

    Actually in a really sticky situation I would rather have front and rear locking differentials ;)

    As far as the Pajero leaning, since I changed my tires and rims, it leans about the same as a sports car. :whistling:

    NO: 1 Very good if off road and you would rather have that, than VSC!!!!!! I dont think so.

    No: 2. New tire's wheel's another cost's just to make it handle. The soggy/soft suspension is why it leans. Might feel better but it will still do it. + loss of guarantee, good game A.

    Jesting aside. I dont know I'll leave it up to the cleaver peep's, Who will know, but with the set up on the Pajero can it handle VSC. If so why has It not been fitted. Even at an extra cost. Top of the range one with VSC would be the best selling MPV by far.... Even with the crappy HiFi set up.

    Look, NO VSC :huh:

    VSC 2.htm

  11. hold on

    An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


    The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

    how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

    lol, "but still..."

    The name is not uncommon in Thailand and as a few posters have mentioned on the board they have had girlfriends and friends with the same last name that were anything but rich or elite. With that said, this family appears well off (not super rich) and it is the Uncle who is with the police.

    What is interesting is some poster's views who appear to want to condemn the girl because her family has money and has a respected last name. The sad truth is that the court & juvi dept. would have acted the same if this was a much poorer family given the same set of circumstances and the same responsibility taken by this family after the accident. Obviously a poor family could not provide the compensation this family has given and pledged but that is life anywhere you go. Money in fact buys a lot of people out of trouble. A simple speeding ticket in a western country could end up with jail time for somebody who can't afford the ticket while a rich person won't blink an eye at a few hundred dollars. The same is true for hiring the best attorneys and paying large fines to avoid jail.

    Right or wrong the real issue here is that she is a minor and people's lack of understanding that minors are handled different here and in most countries. The idea is to help (rehabilitate) and not punish. If somebody has already learned from their mistake there is not much reason to incarcerate the person be it here or most countries. This was not an act where she intended to put people lives at risk. This was by all logic a 16-year old who never thought anything like this would happen to her. Her status may have given her access to a nice car but she is by no means the only unlicensed driver (or speeder) on the road and I see kids in BKK constantly driving motorcycles that clearly are underage and certainly not from well off families. As the police have mentioned previously this is a 400 baht fine ... they don't treat it too seriously. And the speeding was not a wanton act of disregard for other people's lives because as a 16-year old (and most adult speeders, you don't think these things happen to you).

    The point here is not in anyway to condone or excuse her actions but simply to point out that she is not some violent criminal (at least as we know) and as a minor she is being treated according to the law. There is no reason to lock her up at this point as she has a healthy family to care and be responsible for her and this is a MAJOR determination in deciding if a minor will be held before trial (along with their likely hood to be a danger to themselves or others and mental health issues they may have). The law is clear here as it is in most western countries that there would be little reason to hold her without bail (no bail for minors -- either freed or not) before trial.

    Again the point here is that NOTHING has been done that would indicate her family connections had anything to do with her being released. If you want to criticize the laws regarding minors I have no problem with that but pretending there has been shown any favoritism or that Thailand is somehow out of step with the rest of the world is biased and goes against reality.

    You jump to way too many conclusions based off of speculation. If you are directly involved in this case then disclose it to us so that we can then value your posts. From what I have observed from day one of this incident, you have been quick to point out other poster's speculation and inconsistencies, yet turn a blind eye to your own.

    Agree, and nisa's last para is very ny-eve. Those who have been here a while know exactly what can be done BEHIND the scenes that nobody will ever know about. :huh:

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