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Posts posted by transam

  1. Nobody has addressed tire and wheel size, swap out your 16" wheels for a set of 22"s (or whatever larger size) and of course your going to have brake problems.

    Overall wheel/tire diameter has a lot to do with it. The same goes with gearing, "I put on some big wheels and now I'm getting worse mileage and less power" Sure looks cool though.

    Not to sure why many of these people are complaining about their brakes? Maybe Save some dosh and learn how to use them.

    But, what do I know about it...

    Think some still drive like in farang land, foot to the floor and brake at the last minute, must admit it took me awhile to break the habit. Just checked my pads on the Vigo, 50k and still half the meat left. :D

  2. Does the engine pink (ping) under load, or knock ? If not l wouldn't worry. If it does with 91 and not with 95 then perhaps an additive.

    It's an old engine and compression will not be what it was for the need of higher octane.

  3. Football is the most banal mindnumbing tedious pursuit known to man.

    International games excluded, as thats celebs running round a field.

    I have to agree, most players thinking they are super stars cos of the pay check but in fact privately proving what they really are. :bah:

    Must confess l do watch it some times when there is nothing else on, and l think, '' What has happened to the beautiful game ''.:huh:

  4. I always find it interesting when men suggest that as long as the baby is taken care of financially they are doing their duty as a father. Not in my book and certainly not in my father's book either, he fought for custody of me and my three sisters and won, and this in the 70s.

    Personally, if your wife does have post natal depression then you would be sadly lacking in human empathy to dump her with a baby all alone.

    Not saying her behavior is good, but seriously, you need to work things out with her and in a way that is beneficial for both.

    For those here that remember the OP's previous topics he has a problem. Whether it's his fault we will never know but for sure he and his lady will never get on Leopard never changes it's spots. I came from a broken family but l grew up OK, but l can still 50 years on remember the bad stuff. All this staying together for the kids is <deleted>. The kids pick up the hostility and it effects there future life.

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  5. If there correct as you say ?? does not make a lot of sense because that's the weight to ratio theory out the window then.

    Yes, correct.

    Gearing, aerodynamics, suspension tuning, engine tuning, tires etc all major factors. E.G a car with a Cd of 0.25 will be faster than the same drivetrain with a Cd of 0.4. A 5-speed geared for a top speed of 120km/hr will accelerate faster than the same engine/car/weight/Cd geared for a top speed of 200km/hr. A Yaris with 14" magnesium wheels (and ballast to make up the wieght difference) will accelerate faster than if it had (heavier) 18" alloy wheels, etc etc

    Fiesta would be capable of high 8s 0-100 with agressive gear ratios, but would have a negaitive impact on normal driveability, fuel economy, smoothness and top speed. Another car I am familiar with had it's acceleration reduced from 6.7s to 7.5s on the basis that the marketing dept. didn't like the "sound" (V8 revved too low for marketing nerds in best actual tune) - HP remained the same, only gearing changed to achieve higher revs (at the expense of speed). There's many more examples of other design criteria having higher priority over raw acceleration numbers (usually fuel effeciency these days, but can also be NVH goals).

    Also, power is not one number, it's a curve. Brand X 125HP can be wildly different to brand Y 125HP in the real world. Classic example is a commonrail turbo diesel compared to the exact same HP in naturally aspirated petrol. Of course the TD will crap all over the petrol (with appropriate gearing), even though same HP on paper.

    In short, Power:weight is very simplistic measure and is a very, very rough guide only.

    I admire your patience to be able to explain these things to people. I know this is where I fall short with some and seem to be dismissive, confrontational or uninformed but for me it more comes to a lack of time and tolerance with so many factors to consider and account for..

    Yeah !! thanks you guys, I get a bit carried away because I am really about motorbikes and weight ratio matters there, and again I understand Warpspeed getting the hump with people but really we only or should I say I, only wish to know and understand things, cars are a bit of a mystery to me these days to when I use to repair my own motors, it was all points and distributors then and anyone remember air control wiper blades, dynamo's. :lol: :lol:

    The Yaris my wife has was in J & P sports of Bangkok, and I don't exactly know what they have done, it's lowered and has quite hard suspension with 205 / 45 / 17 F1 goodyear tyres, Japanese Samurai alloys, sports skirts alround, a K & N air filter, it does appear to be on rails around corners and it hits 170 km pretty quick and goes to a snip over 185 km. I like it, it is nothing like the one I test drove.

    You mean vacuum controlled wiper blades. :D

  6. Fine until someone has to scrape you off the road eh.. :rolleyes:

    Bit like the smoker who thinks cancer will not happen to them.

    No, smoking is stupid and if a smoker thinks cancer can not happen to him, he is twice stupid. But if someone wants to smoke - go for it. Not my business nor the government's. But by your logic all of the following should be banned, in addition to smoking, to "protect us": McDonalds, alcohol of any kind, rock climbing, skateboarding (over 1/2 million broken bones per year), aspirin (15,000 plus deaths per year), and watching television. Or maybe we should just issue fines for those who engage in these activities.

    I took the trouble to go through an extensive professional driving course while in my twenties. Haven't come close to an accident in 30 years. Not even in Chiang Mai!

    And for a middle-aged male to be issued a citation for no helmet while riding a bicycle in a grassy park and the citation is $175 has nothing to do with protecting citizens - it's revenue, plain and simple. One reason I came here was to raise children the way I see fit. Not the government's way.

    Sorry, but l feel sorry for your kids. Laws are laws, to protect the numbnuts and the innocent, that's why laws are brought in over a period of dealing with putting dead folk in plastic bags.

    Your thinking about $, the cop is thinking about your long future. :)

  7. The most obvious observation in these accidents is the possibility that lives would have been saved by wearing seatbelts.

    Unfortunately the driving laws in other countries, the age you can get behind a wheel, will not assist the the potential victims of the next van or bus accident.....and it will come as sure as the sun rises.......so come on Thailand make the fitting and wearing of seatbelts in these vehicles compulsory........

    What are we waiting for.......

    I remember in the US, as a kid, seat belts were rarely ever used and the most I would hear is that kids should sit in the back seat for safety. There were even those who thought a seat belt could do more damage to you in most accidents. Then they passed the laws and enforced them. At first we buckled up to avoid a ticket but now, at least for me, it is just crazy from a safety stand point to not buckle up. And if somebody is riding around with a kid w/o a seat belt people will look on shocked as if the parent has no regard for the life of the child. Point being is that enforcement and law make people aware of the reality of the dangers as do all the news reports which state if a driver/passenger in a fatal accident was wearing a seat belt.

    Thai beliefs may cause them to worry less about death but they certainly don't want their baby or toddler to be spattered all over a Soi. Yet, I still cringe when I see these families riding three or four on a bike with one or two of them being a small child. Sadder is that I often see the parent with a helmet but not the child.

    And the parent only wears it cos of a police fine. :huh:

  8. The humid heat of Thai weather does not help westerners in terms of their BO. The cheesy smell emanating from your people's bodies is expected and unsurprising. Taking a shower a few times a day can help to some extent, but the profuse sweat that comes out is difficult to deal with even for the locals. Whatever you wear is going to absorb sweat and consequently your clothes will smell of your odour. Still, bathing yourself with perfume or formalin, whichever you prefer, might assuage the intensity of your rancid body.

    What a jerk; I wouldn't be so obnoxious as to tell you what some say about "you people," assuming you are south east asian. Somehow I think you are not though, probably bred from a long line of trolls.

    I think what I said is true and it is not nearly as obnoxious as your people's old sock-like odour. At least, we don't say that to your face or maybe you want the locals to do that next time.

    Sounds like you should stay away from farang feet, change your fetish perhaps eh. :unsure:

  9. Amazing Thai Visa, someone shows some concern and compassion for a baby and still some posters manage to tell him to go home if he dont like it and learn to live with it, this is Thailand, well done :rolleyes:


    If the Police did their job and not look after their own private interests then many young lives would be saved. Nothing to do with Thai freedom, we have more actual freedom in the west but laws to keep us alive are in place and policed.

    No, wearing a seatbelt is not a freedom if there is a $250 fine for not wearing it. It is a freedom if the adult can choose for themselves. A $250 fine is another way of saying tax. I don't need laws to keep me alive. I've done just fine on my own.

    Darwin called it natural selection, and we've been interfering with it for years. Now we need even more laws to protect the stupid from themselves. Then they reproduce and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Fine until someone has to scrape you off the road eh.. :rolleyes:

    Bit like the smoker who thinks cancer will not happen to them.

  10. what is CMU. ? :)

    Guess you're not from around here. :D Chiang Mai University, specifically the University Medical hospital Majarej (aka Suan Dork hospital).

    Thanks, :) Interested cos think something is not right in one eye. Srangely the good eye had detached retina surgery in 2002. ;)

  11. the cheapest place is CMU. You go through the main hospital to the hospital in the back. It costs 10,000 baht for both eyes. Know one person that had it done there, no problems. Another person thought they were needing it and went to several doctors - all quoted prices similar to the prices seen in the other comments. When he went to CMU they told him he had it only mildly and that cataracts take a long time to develop and he didn't need the surgery yet - none of the other doctors told him this. They made an appointment for him to come back in a year to check again.

    Got there at 6 or 7 am, had to wait until 2 pm to see the doctor. Best to take a thai with you to make the initial appointment.

    what is CMU. ? :)

  12. Amazing Thai Visa, someone shows some concern and compassion for a baby and still some posters manage to tell him to go home if he dont like it and learn to live with it, this is Thailand, well done rolleyes.gif


    If the Police did their job and not look after their own private interests then many young lives would be saved. Nothing to do with Thai freedom, we have more actual freedom in the west but laws to keep us alive are in place and policed.

  13. This is all part of living in Thailand, so these days I just accept things for what they are and it doesn`t bother me anymore.

    As long as I don`t do the same things, so what?

    The "so what" is because then 16 year olds who have been trained to believe that anything goes on the roads in Thailand get behind the wheel without a license and proceed to ram your van leading to the deaths of your wife and children who were unlucky enough to be inside.

    There is little I can do about these kinds of disgusting displays of negligence, but I will never "accept it". It is a travesty that needs to be pointed out at every opportunity to anyone who will listen, and repeated over and over to those who won't.

    The Thai way is not always the best way. Sometimes we farangs manage to get a thing or two right.

    BUT, the Police, who's job is to enforce the laws that ARE there, are not interested, so what chance has any one got whether Thai or farang. :unsure:

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