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Everything posted by transam

  1. Same for millions, now go check out the crimes committed in London for your week....😋
  2. 1. None of your business.. 2. You were there last week and declare it's not dangerous........................🙄..................🤣
  3. Not me, I'll leave you to watch those kind of videos, I am more interested in watching our declining London police force (thank you SK) catch the rascals that some here say the UK hasn't got...😂
  4. Sorry, didn't know you were a female, and I don't need telling what bias means, though you do seem to be confused over 100% real videos of what's going on, on the streets of the UK. Many are though, it's called blinkered, you can look that one up too............
  5. My own bias, really, are you saying the videos are fake......? No, don't answer that, you're a Sadiq Khan fanboy, you like to see Greater London ruined...😬
  6. After a doctor was killed on a crossing, the BiB/Gov got their act together, painting vivid crossings and upping the fines for those flouting the law. Even up in the sticks we have red and white crossings outside schools....... The other day I was approaching one with kids on it, a car from the other direction just drove towards the kids, they jumped back, I put my hand on the hooter, I think he/she got the message...🤗
  7. Their rides will not make it to the tax office, or pedestrian crossings...............😂
  8. Oh dear, did that take a long to find, is it relevant, no................😁
  9. And why not, we did exactly what was recommended, especially me at my age, we never got Covid........ How about you................? I also did what I was told, or my parents were told, regarding many jabs, even jabs to come to LOS, how about that, and I am still here..........
  10. So what........? The vax saved zillions of lives, well didn't it.......?🤔
  11. The vax does NOT stop you getting it, but it may save one's life if you are vaxed, your body will be set up for the fight........😋
  12. No, when folk road tax their ride, they should be given a flyer on the penalty for not stopping at a crossing, and the person behind the desk should say, "Be warned"..........😉
  13. Nooooooooooooo..........😱
  14. Isn't it strange, OP, our last Samsung wash machine lasted 11 years, never had one last that long back home. My side by side Samsung fridge/freezer with ice maker had a new compressor fitted at 16 years old and is still going, so I don't really know what you are talking about...
  15. I can't believe you wrote that...............😂
  16. Do you and this driver have no headlights............? 🤔
  17. Tell that to those six feet under........😬
  18. Well, we know who your freedom fighters are, don't we, the vile creatures that started all this............😬
  19. Then tell all....Go for it.............🤗
  20. Another from last night CH, another thing, according to you, doesn't happen...Bwaaaah.....😂
  21. You can start a thread any time, chap, go for it..................
  22. No, only the anti-brigade thought that, the man in the street knows nothing about the ins and outs of medical stuff. Except you, of course, who seems to know everything..........🙄
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