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Everything posted by transam

  1. 2 similar cases I know of.. 1. Mrs.T's family have a large bit of roadside land split up with different houses. The gov made a new road, but it was built up by near a metre. They could not enter the land in a vehicle. The gov did nothing about it, the land now floods in the rainy season from off the higher up roadway. 2. A guy I know has a specially built entrance gate with surround and roof. Gov built a new road, raised it up, the drive before his gate was shortened to a couple of metres, now can only see the top metre of his gate from the road, I believe he was charged 150,000bht to sort something out. 3. I have about a 15 metre drive on gov land up to my gate, it seems they are going to make the road wider, I will probably lose quite a bit of the drive, will have to see what probs I will end up wiv......????
  2. Especially on holiday, obtaining a saw, which does imply premeditated......????
  3. I hope you think about that............????..................
  4. As a brexiteer, I don't care what you want to see, because you don't like anything positive UK related, howsat..........
  5. "On actual current evidence"..........Riiiiiight.............
  6. Because we all look the same......????
  7. You can print off the approval notice.....
  8. I think you are the one making the mistake....????
  9. I thought Heir thingamebob was Austrian.......????
  10. Would love to see the King's Guard "frog" marching him out of the gate. ????
  11. About 500bht for a water pressure wash strip down clean, except no other way of cleaning.....????
  12. Different heat range of plugs, more like. Did the OP buy plugs on Lazada...? ????
  13. Any A/C that needs topping up every 6 months has a leak/fault...????
  14. No doubt........????
  15. The people have spoken and are euphoric, if the army lot try to start to alter the result, there could be trouble ahead for them....????
  16. Perhaps you should spend a bit less time on here and a bit more time cleaning your place up, think of the kids, chap....
  17. I think it is, short for "Coup d'etat....... https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/coup-d-etat
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