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Everything posted by transam

  1. I thought you wanted Liz to win, yet you keep posting The Guarian put downs, that is rather confusing. This link is on topic from your rag, but it points out what your rag is about, just read the headline, your rag doesn't even like the country it writes in.......???? https://uk.yahoo.com/news/guardian-view-liz-truss-little-174543234.html
  2. At my place up country, a colour can appear in any of the three positions.....????
  3. If they want to make a problem, they will find something... How about me, married in LOS for many years, marriage visas, extension, the immigration bloke wanted something in print regarding my UK divorce, many, many years before..............???? Yes, he got some verbal from me and Mrs.T....????
  4. Could be, but only time will tell, if the boot on the other foot, just imagine Rayner in charge, the mind boggles......????....... The only qualification she has is the gift of the gab...????
  5. They miss out the important stuff, steering and suspension...????
  6. ...and can squeeze near 15 months out of one, in fact can be extended to near 17 months with a 60 day, which I have done many times.......
  7. Your looking forward to a "laugh" reply here, would come from a The Guardian link.....????....As all your stuff does...
  8. There is rarely a laugh from The Guardian, only doom and gloom, whatever the subject, so don't build your hopes up.....????
  9. My Honda mower is not a race car, its shell is cr@p, a bodge job is all that was required with the tools I have. The 2 pack undercoat is holding up well, especially the underneath, where the real problem started.......
  10. Can't a PM have a holiday where he want's, is it his job to drive around seeing what happens to sewage.....? What on earth will you come up wiv next.....????
  11. How does it keep an eye on farangy crims, even more so wiv online reporting....? As for the prostitution thingy, a young lady teaming up wiv an old farangy to get into farangland is much the same. I know a 74 year old farang who's bird has just been refused a visit visa to farangland, I wonder why.....????
  12. https://lawnmodel.com/who-makes-john-deere-lawn-mowers/
  13. I think folk should mind their own business and stop people watching......
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