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Everything posted by transam

  1. I am sure we are all humbled by you having a few quid, I have my cap in hand Sir.....????
  2. 80kmh is about 50 mph, that would be a bit more than a standard shunt.....????
  3. If the ol' fella was driving a car at that speed, it would have probably been the same outcome with more damage to the SUV...
  4. Then I read it differently to you...The SUV was already pulling out of the turn before the bike turns up, the bike was travelling at speed and I saw no evasive action from the bike, perhaps the rider was confused as to what to do for that split second, but his speed was against him...
  5. Perhaps doing the left then a quick right, but, he may not of seen the bike, to me, the biker still had time to do something but didn't..
  6. That looks like he was going a bit fast coming up to a junction, but did have time to do something about missing the SUV. ????
  7. I download the forms and print them off, the instructions are to fill it in and sign with "black ink", so I assume the personal touch is required..
  8. Perhaps a lot more stuff in his case file that needs explaining....???? I reckon the whole place has a lot of folk that need to explain stuff..
  9. I think many of us don't spend hours on end in a car, but the car spends hours on end in a car port of some sort, so solar panels on the port roof, or nearby, would be an ideal free source of juice, if it is possible to do, then going to the shops for free....????
  10. After watching loads of stuff on EV's etc, my conclusion for THAILAND is that if you want to go electric, then the PHEV must be the safest no hassle route...The ride is cheap to run and has "backup"....????
  11. 159 bht, you sure it's not an ashtray......???? We need a photo, just in case....????
  12. They are on Thai roads NOW...What do you fail to understand...?
  13. Thailand already has EV trucks, you are digging yourself into a hole...????
  14. You are funding much higher salaries, probably 6 weeks holiday a year, sick pay, job pension etc in the UK....????
  15. Way back when I did a PP at Trendy, I had some photos done in my town, cost me 50 bht, but when I got to Trendy I saw in the foyer a PP photo shop, thought, better safe than sorry, had some done there, 250 bht. ☹️ Went up to do my interview, I gave them the photos I just had done, there was a lot of chat going on about them, so I pulled out my town photos, waved my hand, they took my other photos, then smiles all round. 250bht down the shoot....????
  16. What agent, just first letters will do, I will work it out from there....????
  17. I thought we were not to mention outside of Thailand, your rules. ???? Folk who buy them are taking a gamble at that age, perhaps not knowing the battery replacement costs. ????
  18. The car has to be dismantled to find out which cell or cells has packed up, a very expensive job if outside of warranty, like I reckoned earlier, a 6 year old EV will probably not be worth much second hand, as the battery life is coming to an end, whereas a petrol or diesel ride will still have good second hand value to help out with a new car purchase.. Here is a vid of that job on an MG in English, it clearly shows that it is not a job for the handyman, but interesting all the same....????
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