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Everything posted by transam

  1. Looks like something out of Candlewick Green or Noddy......????
  2. The Brit who owns Key Visa Services has been doing it for over 20 years, looks like he has built up a good relationship with the UK passport authorities during that time, probably a difficult thing to achieve with any country.. Perhaps other embassies still do passport renewals, be interested to know from non-Brit members..
  3. Well yeh, 126 in less than 2 months being here.....Perhaps a little...........????
  4. Same as me, it was an Army hozzy, no local gov hozzy's did the procedures..????
  5. Yes, a bit like a cars VIN code. I was told I didn't have the "golden" digit for the cheap hospital card. But, at a gov hozzy, they were very happy to look in my yellow book, I had cataracts done for 18k each, including overnight stay and doctor's appointments. I do know that Thai folk were being charged too, how much, I do not know...
  6. The 30bht hospital thingy. When I got my yellow book, 14 years back, we asked at our local hospital if I can get on the scheme, we knew a lady at the hozzy, so she did the enquiry for us. The answer was no, the reason, the yellow book has an information/ID number, your number does not start (or end) with the number "_", can't remember what it was, but think "0"... Anyhoooo, that number is the key, what ever it is..????
  7. No it doesn't, it says you can do it all by EMS post, extra 100 bht....
  8. The Trans Am is the top of the range Pontiac Firebird. ???? The Firebird may look like a Camaro, but every panel is different. ????
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