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Everything posted by ignis

  1. So to up date, the AIS Team remotely monitored my Connection for a week, then phoned and said they had fixed many problems and hopefully the IPS address would now stay in Thailand..... In the past 9 days they have phoned 3 times to check........... now 3 weeks and appears all is now fine, always can connect to Thai sites + my TV programmes have never stopped working ..... 4 months of hell now fixed Many thanks [call the AIS ISP Team] no idea what the problem was, but is now fine again
  2. for many years always used 'Yves Rocher', mostly shaved 2x a day, came here with 4 bottles in 2003, long since ran out, never used anything since... now in my 70's don't bother to shave more than 1x a week now a days.. [have a goatee for 50 years = trim 1x a week and shave]
  3. No idea... maybe if I had a accident or something....... it is well over a year old never been asked or used it.
  4. Yes, my Dr advice me not to get vaccinated + sent me to another Dr/Professor in a different Dept, that gave me a Vaccine exempt letter to carry at all times... the next house down in the Village Dr Advised the Cousin, not to get vaccinated but she did because of pressure from work, 2 days later she died... My Partners office [50 people] everyone had to be vaccinated + they all have had the booster shots, a older guy is again down with Covid = the 4th time ........ also 17 people that I personally know of here have had Covid after being fully Vaccinated in UK my Cousin is just getting over Covid, her husband [both in there 70's] was yesterday still in Hospital with bad Covid, they have had all there Vaccines + Booster shots..... as have the boys + wives yet got Covid No idea maybe the Vaccine + Booster do not work on some people very well?
  5. they send rain making plane up every so often, so yes is man made
  6. My Dr says doses every day is NOT effective, .. a larger dose 1 x a week is far more effective. No idea my Dr is a older man a Professor @ Chula Hospital, I just do what he advises
  7. Mid 2020 my Dr put me on 40,000 units Vitamin D 1x a week. as medical conditions = cannot have the Covid Vaccine .... Do go out and about 2 or 3 times a week + everyday have things to to in the garden so get about 2 hours of sun per day... So far so good.
  8. I am not complaining, just funny coming from a Dr that is 5' nothing with little feet...... me 6'3 + size 14 feet
  9. Depends what you want and are looking for + age 2003 had a 3 bedroom house built in a small Village, is what we wanted..... No way would I have moved here to live in some Condo in a City... best move ever made + if rented for 18 years would have fully paid for a house twice over and still have nothing Now aged 71 if was just arriving then rent = end of days why own
  10. Pay direct to AIS, Contract ends April, so maybe will change back to True.... Real problem is with the TV both on PC connected and on my Android 9 Box 5G Wi-Fi but also like yesterday could not sign-in to Lazada, so went to https://www.bigc.co.th/ = Forbidden !! so check my IP was New York
  11. I'm confused also, I know many Thai men that have 2 wives, most all get along fine together, often all get together both wives and kids from both 2 houses down the Village her husband comes most days for a hour of 3, but is always with is 1st wife at night, 1st wife son is 23. the 2 girls in the Village are now 19 and the other is 20. they were babies when I moved here..... the 1st son often also comes [how do you call her? dads 2nd wife] there are at least 3 others I know with the same set up
  12. Zebra crossing Description A zebra crossing or a marked crosswalk is a pedestrian crossing marked with white stripes. Normally, pedestrians are afforded precedence over vehicular traffic, although the significance of the markings may vary by jurisdiction. They are known as "zebra" crossings as the stripes resemble the coat of a zebra. Wikipedia
  13. Is this what happens in Cities ? puzzled ?? Cannot think of anything I buy online that has extra packing..... Bought yesterday + delivered within 2 hours a new PC Monitor was in the box as from the store you see on the shelf with a label with address on the box.. same on Monday my 20 kg of Fish food delivered had a address label on the sack, last week the 20 kg Dog food the same, Supermarket deliveries always arrive in a plastic container box, you take in house take items out and return the box to driver.. Can't think of any items with ADDED extra packing.......... if you go shopping pre-wrapped items will often get put in a bag and yet another bag at cash out !! So to me shopping on-line = cutting down on plastic waste problem
  14. try another speed test website? Yes can do no problem, but with replies here, have moved on to my IP address keeps changing, + PC can be turn off and Router cable unplugged, but the 5G Wi-Fi will still go off to another Country. some months ago there was a problem in the Village with everyone's [all different providers] Internet.. Turned out the wooden poles had been replaced, 13 km are now all concrete poles. + someone so we were told had tried to cut out the old cables and tidy up, so some Live cables were missing others connected the wrong wires, and not just this Village...... Just find it is odd the way things are done here, New Company = another new line = a jumble up mess of old line + Live new cables all on poles. Just wondered if this had something to do with the problem, friends further up the Village are on TOT Fibre and have no end of problems [still on going]
  15. The genuine item can be a expensive load of rubbish as well.... Big Brand name genuine [full price paid] tablet, lots count of how many time it was taken back to the service centre.. [ fuel + time taking it and the same again a week later to collect it + same every month to 6 weeks] gave up > has been sat in the draw for the past 3 years, still not working Feel sure a copy cheap one would have been as good + a fraction of the price.
  16. I have no wish to drive a Taxi, and not comfortable in the Civic If i was in the market for a saloon, then would go for the top 'RS' model Suzuki Ciaz 2019 Civic/ Altis you would have a lot of change back for a brand new one top spec.... Ok the Suzuki is a bit smaller, but bigger than the Honda City + Suzuki hold there second-hand price well https://www.suzuki.co.th/en/model/ciaz/equipment Nissan has ended production of Sylphy in Thailand the new model is not here good job we are not all the same, so it is up to you what you feel best in and suits your needs
  17. The speed test site is what AIS use,,,,,,,,, Appears the speed is related to IP address, and mine keep going to many Countries and not staying in Thailand..
  18. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/huawii-2021-10-core-tablet-4g-ram8gb-rom256gb-4g-tablet-hd-give-away-i2593947789-s9234083585.html?spm=a2o4m.pdp_revamp.0.0.35403084yDxV8A&promotionId=900000002960819 warranty 1 Year
  19. Yes, even the AIS Engineer cannot work it out... the present Router is the 3rd different make = all the same... his last visit he was here over 3 hours trying to work it out, and not just my PC his work laptop was also all over the place Can someone/workman/lineman make a mess up ? just found out someone a few houses up the Village with TOT nt-valuemax-fiber is having a lot of problems for the past month At this very moment it appears to have left 3BB and gone back to AIS @ 610.11 Mbps
  20. Chrome AVG Opera EDGE with No extensions No idea why this matters ? the IP address still goes walk about if I switched OFF my PC and disconnected router cable........ My Android 9 Box is connected via 5G only, friends Laptop as well. his Sisters laptop via ethernet cable to Router so nothing to do with my PC ?
  21. YES My Partner has the code book, so cannot login until back on Sunday.. will ask tonight if I remember via phone.
  22. Internet TypeFTTH ProvinceNONTHABURI Online StatusOnline My profile Current Package Info. Internet Package Power4 Limited Edition 1000/200Mbps 399THB (from 999THB) 12Months Current Speed 1000/200 Mbps Online Info. IPv4 IPv6 MAC Address 20:ab:48:96:f8:65 Device Info. Manufacture Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd HG8245W5 Hardware Version 163D.A Software Version V5R019C20S133
  23. another month gone by and no end to the problems AIS so say have looked into the problem, then they phone to say problem fixed at there end........ = still the same Getting ready to ditch AIS Fibre and go back to True Fibre, was with True 17 years with few problems when the house was built there was no other option where I live... Friend in the Village came down with his laptop... I switched OFF my PC and disconnected router cable... he connected on 5G his IP address was Indonesia ?? his Sister came down a few days later her IP address showed London ?? So my thinking is it has nothing to do with my PC ?? is it the Router ? only thing is this is the 3rd Router in 8 months = all the same.... No idea.... I watch some UK TV programs that is broadcast out of Dublin, often goes off... shows my IP address as Los Angles mostly, sometimes NY or FL so no idea is it my Internet going to USA > Dublin > Thailand ? = why the speed drops from 850 Mbps > 2.4 Mbps = to slow for IPTV ? At this moment it says I am connected to 3BB and speed is 966.7 Mbps... so even better than AIS
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