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  1. Given the punching fist, the chanting, and the aggressive driving, maybe they're celebrating their football team winning.
  2. Maybe he was flirting with you.
  3. You can often fix things like this by either directly editing the database, or changing an entry in a config file. Google "wordpress changed site url backend broken" and see what you find.
  4. Not sure if you've been yet, but there was a copier a couple of years ago. From memory they decided to skip empty pages in something - my work permit maybe. They also did certified translations for me. So after messing around trying and failing to get everything done beforehand, it turned out great.
  5. Was it hushed up and did children start falling ill?
  6. I tend to ignore any article with "far right" in the title as it usually isn't.
  7. They're quite neat and tidy - and symmetrical - considering the tattooist was drunk.
  8. After all the PPE and ventilators they donated to us during April and May of 2020, we have a moral responsibility to respond in kind.
  9. That sounds reasonable. To add to TorquayFan's answer, my current 35-40a battery was 1,500 baht from a high street shop, and from Honda I think is 2,000+, but they give a 2-300 baht refund so it comes out somewhat less than that. Your battery may be a bit bigger so 1,800 sounds about right. Have no idea whether sealed or not, but I figure it's not worth worrying about - just buy a new one every three years (preferably before you get stranded) and be done with it.
  10. Any little shop with a wall of FB or GS batteries outside will do the job in 10 minutes. Or go to Honda and spend a few hundred baht more.
  11. Personally I wouldn't give 11m baht to a man in a roadside tent, but then again I'm not clever like a lawyer is.
  12. And ice cream isn't political either, but Ben & Jerry's made it political so this is what you get.
  13. The eight versus nine disparity can be solved by changing 5 and 6 to 5a and 5b.
  14. I don't have a motorbike, but I voted for clutch/gears on a point of principle.
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