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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. The video clearly shows the culprit and his car. The BIB can easily trace him; but will they?
  2. I was only concerned about your welfare approaching an obviously disturbed, armed individual in such a heroic manner. Of course I speak some Thai tho' I would not feel confident enough in this situation. After 20 years here, much of it with a Thai wife, I feel entitled to have an opinion, it is a forum after all. I did not have all the facts when fearing for your safety as I was unaware of your fluency in Thai.
  3. Does the gunman speak English? He may mistake your approach as a threat?
  4. Mine makes it three. Any money left over from last year's budget after the council's skim, would be better spent on roads/flooding/police.
  5. A step in the right direction; now if you could just teach the locals to use them we might see some improvement in the massive landfill named Thailand.
  6. Back to their A/C offices to study their phones.
  7. There's never a lack of resources when a Big-wig comes to town or there's a photo-op/junket.
  8. As do I but I can never replicate the true UK Indian taste. I have bought all the separate spices; ghee; Sharwood/Patak mixes yet still fail. My hack is, I do a big vat (in the Slow cooker) of home-made curry & parcel it up in the freezer. The day I plan to eat it, I phone my Indian take-away & order 2 Naan + 1 chicken curry. I mix mine with his.
  9. It was posted nearly 3 weeks ago. I have moved on to what is current now.
  10. Because their mummies/grannies convince them they are superior to their sisters.
  11. I've been asking this question for 20 years. Pattaya police could cut the number of daily road deaths by 50% within a week if only they did some work.
  12. 'the police continue their efforts to uphold public decency and safety.' This makes me smile.
  13. Indian is my favourite cuisine which I eat about once a week yet it's about 100% more expensive than where I used to live (Burnley); now I know why.
  14. You've waited all this time and this is the best you can come up with? Move on.
  15. Including sex which the police insist does not happen.
  16. I am still having problems with DWP. They refuse to sort the problem via email using 'Security concerns' for not working. They suggest snail mail or telephone calls. Letters posted in UK (whilst I was there on holiday) never arrived. Phone calls can last over an hour before anyone deigns to do any work.
  17. 'Crucial Decision Between Prawit and Thammanat for Cabinet'. What a choice if the criteria is ethical considerations!
  18. I remember the writer selling Embassy letters outside Pattaya Immigration office when the Embassy still offered services to ex-pats.
  19. The question remains how important is a municipal inspector? This will determine the results of 'the alcohol test.'
  20. A pretence at work with the result never in doubt.
  21. Tax-in could end up getting a slap across the head like the Thai journalist who invoked General Rolex's ire.
  22. Now I know why we never see any Pattaya police until after a crime/incident. The above photo-cops are too busy posing for the camera and suffering from low morale.
  23. Thai voters have the memory of geriatric goldfish. In any case their votes are not considered when forming a new Government or there would be a Move Forward regime in place.
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