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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Drug use maybe; not drug production.
  2. Until they've checked who their fathers are.
  3. It was so massive the police didn't notice it, but arrived afterwards when all assailants had departed and the clearing of debris had started. (From yesterday's report.)
  4. 'Pattaya cops stop brawl between Kuwaiti tourists & Thai bikers' - the headline is misleading. Pattaya police don't do work; they fill out forms or watch CCTV.
  5. Pattaya's police presence gets bigger by the day but only round the waist; ample food + no exercise (AKA work).
  6. There's never any police out and about (on patrol) at 5am......great policing.
  7. Presumably he saw the body before or felt the impact after?
  8. As they learned to juggle the figures. Well below if they include the police.
  9. Clowns are energetic and earn their pay.
  10. Pattaya Plod indeed. Why do they get paid?
  11. 'Master of the House' - a Thai TV series in 7 parts (according to IDMB) tho' TPB only has 6 & the last one is taking forever! It looks (from the 1st 2 minutes) to have lavish production values.
  12. Some time ago, I had a number of strange BKK Bank ATM withdrawals. I checked the locations with the bank and they were from places I had never been, like Sattahip. The manager shrugged and said they must have been done by my girlfriend who doesn't drive and was with me 24 hours a day during the scam period. Only the bank and I knew my PIN. On Tuesday of this week I went in to see my bankers about a problem with my Debit card not being accepted by a hotel. I waited the customary 70 minutes whilst they did something and all was well. Nobody could tell me what the problem was.
  13. That sounds like a good plan.
  14. They spend millions on these studies every few years and nothing happens except those who are connected get richer. The scheme is a non-starter as the police and their partners the taxi-drivers will not allow it.
  15. Agreed. The exhausts are tampered with, to simultaneously raise fuel consumption and pollution; alert local police so they can look away; attract admiring glances from deaf people.
  16. The 1st time I can remember an arrest being made through police work rather than through an undisclosed source dobbing in a suspect. Could this novel approach catch on?
  17. Thank you. I've only ever used TPB before so this will be a novelty.
  18. I found this series absolutely riveting. The cast appeared to have been culled from Rep companies around Europe & sounded like they had no idea of what the English dialogue meant. The plot appears to have been written on a week-by-week basis with all sorts of unbelievable situations created to facilitate furthering the story. Despite Antony Hopkins who was very good as an ailing Emperor or very bad as an aged actor, the action/sets were stupendous. Series 2 is summarised in the last speech of Series 1.
  19. It's not on TPB. Where else might it be?
  20. Not with a Thai driver; he probably topped up with 91 just to be on the safe side.
  21. It's like renewing the sand on the beach twice a year. The contractors have to be related to the mayor. Bali (the recipient of this sand) sends a Thank You card every Xmas.
  22. This the same story published yesterday. When Pattaya police do anything it's so newsworthy it makes headlines on consecutive days.
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