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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. She was renting it out (I suspect this negated any insurance.)
  2. A full account of Pattaya's recent history. You stopped short of suggesting the police have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
  3. Meanwhile two Aussie drunks brought the rest of Pattaya to a standstill and several people were killed on the roads.
  4. ineffectual Pattaya police are on the rare occasions they are called on to work.
  5. It happened to my S-i-L. Her car was stolen. The thief (a woman with a farang husband) was 'arrested' by family members; Dongtan police refused to charge her without payment of 10K. The car owner (a nurse) had to pay off a bank loan for four years without a car!
  6. Another reader who understood my humour. There were a couple of snarky responses who missed it.
  7. I also thought they were banned from flyovers? The newly opened ones near the Ambassador are choked with them; an accident waiting to happen as mad pickup drivers roar across at well over the 60 kph limit.
  8. At last someone saw the humour in my comment. It went over the heads of a couple of respondents.
  9. I went there for the first time on Saturday night. It was unbelievably complex with queues of traffic following attendants with illuminated signs. I eventually found a spot 3 or four floors up. Once inside it was like a ghost town. (The Indian restaurant, 'Chutney' was excellent.)
  10. Does one now need a work permit to have a Thai girl friend? What qualifications are necessary?
  11. Are motorbike/sidecars allowed on Motorways? It's a fairly distinctive vehicle to spot given the CCTV cameras every kilometre.
  12. Is this a 1st? Can't recall ANY safety measures being carried out BEFORE a major incident.
  13. Note he moved out of Phuket to Pattaya where policing is still in its infancy.
  14. The slow pace of Thai justice; the indifference/laziness of the police; both conspire to set up a vigilante alternative.
  15. Is this the 1st work they've done this year? I never see any highway police but plenty of speedsters/dangerous drivers.
  16. You don't get what you overpay for. There's a number of places which charge very high prices (especially factoring in the ++ rip-off) that the wealthy assume makes the food/service worth it.
  17. This occurs all over Thailand; they won't switch off the A/C. It's their contribution to the air pollution/global-warming problem.
  18. Pattaya police are easily confused; for years they've been trying to discover why traffic lights change colour at regular intervals causing many drivers to ignore them.
  19. They have CCTV cameras all over Pattaya. They have had no effect on the numbers of daily casualties. They are only consulted AFTER an event so will NOT improve safety. The cameras are just ornamental and a nice little earner for the supplier/installer who are no doubt related to someone on the council.
  20. Why did the cops stand negotiating with her? Smash the window & drag her out. She has endangered every other road user locally; has inconvenienced other drivers. She doesn't deserve kid-gloves treatment.
  21. It is not a crime if the local police deem it so. The powerful business man seems to be calling the shots here. The lady is in the wrong country for seeking justice.
  22. keep our policemen off the roads and within the safety of the station walls so they don't have to mix with any bad men.'
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