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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. It's all over Thailand; the public road in front of any house/business is deemed to belong to the house owner. One local soi has a row of old tires used to prevent any non-residents parking; thus reducing the road to a single lane. In countries with a police force this is deemed to be obstruction and so prosecuted.
  2. It's not just Kuwaitis that the police ignore. The local Plod have a long history of not working on anything that might save lives in preference to playing on their phones in A/C offices waiting for a tip that might bring in some extra cash.
  3. I just bought some caustic soda from my local shop to clear my blocked sink drain. He was Chinese Thai (I think, as his English was good.) He taught me the Thai word for the product but nothing else.
  4. The only way the local police solve anything; it's certainly not through police work because they don't do any.
  5. 'Thailand Faces Political Turmoil'. I doubt it; the Thai powerbrokers are used to it. It's been on the cards since Thaksin was allowed back in.
  6. This is not what Thailand does; it merely reacts. All initiatives with this many bigwigs in attendance can only mean they've discovered a new trough.
  7. Plod seems to require an awful lot of outside help these days.
  8. Another job well done by Pattaya Plod.
  9. Almost finished S1 'The Couple Next Door'. I have not been as impressed by the plot/dialogue/characters as much as this in ages.
  10. There were a lot of motor bikes in the video. The gunman was clearly identifiable.
  11. I thought the Irish were renowned for holding their liquor?
  12. Mysterious case of the Missing Word - thank you for finding it; 'insufficient luggage spaces'. Aged 80, I suffered terrible cramps from wedging my carry-on in the floor well during the 10 hour flight. My distress/subsequent complaints fell on deaf ears; I was offered bonus points for flights I would never, ever take.
  13. I took my Thai GF to US. The officers at LAX were extremely rude and bellowed at me when I tried to assist. The process of acquiring the Visa was unbelievably stressful and onerous. There was NO appointment system other than a date. Spouses were not allowed in so I waited outside the Embassy four hours with nowhere to shelter from the sun. We never went back.
  14. The 1st thing many Thais do on conventional bikes is to modify the exhaust/silencer by driving nails into it. That way you get less kilometres per litre but attract admiring glances at your look-at-me bike as you drive past the many deaf stall owners on the pavements.
  15. I pity him; I only did this flight once; the price of drinks was astronomical and there was insufficient luggage in the overhead lockers.
  16. Were there any police at the meeting? They know all the gambling dens locally.
  17. An enclave of Chinese living in 10 million baht houses? Sounds like a job for Big Joke ... oh!
  18. What are they officials of? Have they no powers?
  19. Re; multiple riders on a motorbike, four is commonplace; I once saw 7, some of them children.
  20. I doubt it very much; there aren't enough officials with sufficient English to follow these discussions. If there are Government people reading this, please be aware, IF you attempt to tax my already taxed pensions in UK, I will be moving to Laos taking my 800K with me.
  21. Next year there will be a meeting to make clear what responsibilities the local police have.
  22. And for only 6000+ baht; a far cry from '163,000'.
  23. In UK I suffered hayfever every year until I heard about Kenilogue(?) Long Acting steroid injections. I got an instant cure that lasted about six weeks which was the bulk of the season.
  24. The policeman is showing lots of interest so I suspect the latter.
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