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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Find the culprit and send him immediately to my estate. I will pay him 500 baht per dog/1000 per deaf owner.
  2. Mike or Michael. I'm typical and British.
  3. If a farang had clipped one with his car, the queue of owners would be round the block. No owner is going to come forward to face claims for compensation/medical attention for the victims.
  4. Mr. Mikel is not a typical British name. Check if he owns a channel-crossing dinghy.
  5. Chaining him to a chair is one way. Grease is the Word.
  6. What of everything else, owned privately, he might have damaged?
  7. What does his father do? That might explain his impunity.
  8. I didn't know anyone worked at this building.
  9. ineffective police who tried ten times to shoot out the tires; one armed officer boarded the stationery vehicle but retreated after the mental driver brandished a knife.
  10. The owner phones the cop shop; the cop shop phones the tourist police; they view the video; the thieves are sauntering along further up the road. Elementary my dear Watson.
  11. It amazes me that none of the relevant 'authorities' EVER notice danger until there's an outcry, usually after a death or two! Is it staffed by blind officials? Is the road ever used by police?
  12. Except the big bosses.
  13. Within EIGHT hours of the crime! Not what we've come to expect of Pattaya PLOD! Was she a VIP?
  14. It is not an urban myth that Thai builders excavated a hole deep enough to accommodate a Western toilet to bring it 'flush' with the floor.
  15. I am astounded by some of the above comments when, to me, the surprising thing about this story is that there was only ONE attacker. Are Thai males getting braver or was he full of Dutch Courage?
  16. It begs the question of why the operation is being attempted at this time of year!
  17. Ask yourself why this wealthy business man in an illegal mansion is found not guilty by a Thai court.
  18. En route to Bali. Pattaya mayor gets a fruit basket every year from his counterpart in Bali.
  19. I have written a book of short stories set in Pattaya (which sell in US/UK/Aus/India/Canada.) I have converted six into TV scripts. I have written to three agents in Thailand. I have received no replies.
  20. If you buy a Spanish villa will you allow visitors from Thailand to visit you? I'm taking my TGF there in 2025.
  21. Near me there is a 7-11 which has an ample carpark. It is situated at a busy T-junction. Then the vendors come and erect stalls (presumably paying rent to 7-11 owner.) It is now impossible to view traffic coming from the right; it is also a favourite spot for Election posters contributing to the risk hazard. I do not whether this activity is down to Greed or Stupidity.
  22. After the blood test comes the bank test before any fine is calculated.
  23. 'This programme is part of a broader initiative by the Bang Lamung district to invest in' forming a police force.
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