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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Will tests show if the stones were Thai?
  2. Yes, another baby abandoned by a Thai father with no child support.
  3. Another triumph for Pattaya Plod's laissez-faire campaign on the streets.
  4. Keep checking the delivery driver's mother's bank account.
  5. I live in this area. In my previous five years I have spotted two isolated instances of a policeman riding his bike down a main street. I see hundreds lining Sukhumvit every 10 metres when a VIP is in town.
  6. Per MONTH = 28K annually versus 1900 in Thailand. I think Laos doesn't want retirees.
  7. Thanks for your swift response. Not sure of current $ rate but this looks to be over 21K baht! I pay 1,900 pa. My Laos escape route is cooling tho' the coffee is better.
  8. How does Laos compare for home ownership: 800K bank deposit: annual visas?
  9. The successful candidate must be related to the mayor; understand gravity and be prepared for a long haul.
  10. I didn't know there was this many police in all Pattaya. Tho' I'm not sure if the three in black/blue are real.
  11. Watched 'Stags 1 & 2' last night. I watched 2nd episode because I can't believe a company spent money on making this vomit-inducing crap.
  12. And the new Government + street rioting?
  13. Interesting to note the number of police dignitaries attending who hitherto have shown zero interest in what happens on the road. This is manifest by the number of dreadful drivers whose behaviour threatens the lives of every other road user by speeding/redlight running. Increased police presence would help during the rush-hours particularly at EVERY junction on the Railway road that backs up to Sukhumvit. When a VIP uses a road there's a cop at EVERY junction!
  14. Another successful operation by Pattaya Plod.
  15. Escorting Big Wigs in convoys?
  16. This is code for police. I travel this route three times a year & have done so for nearly 19 years. The round trip is 292 kilometres = 16,644. I have seen ONE police car in that time; so momentous was this occasion that Google Maps warned me of their presence so I could record it for posterity.
  17. 'the public road in front of any house/business is deemed to belong to the house owner.' This was my original post. Now, you are famed for your ability to split hairs whilst adding nothing to the thread, could you please explain the difference in meaning that you see between the two versions. I made the post after having had a piece of wood with a large nail in it placed under the rear wheel because I parked in a forbidden place. This cost me a new tire. I used to have a twice weekly verbal row with the 'owner' of an Indian restaurant at the top of soi 6. + a monthly altercation with the 'landlord' of a Vet's clinic opposite Tops on Khao Noi when I paused for two minutes to use the ATM opposite. He achieved notoriety on Youtube eventually. + An extremely polite farang owner of a bar in Soi 5 Jomtien when visiting Immigration.
  18. Where can I find this?
  19. I was an English teacher for 39 years; I can't stop helping others with their lack of comprehension.
  20. I know exactly who you mean. I believe there is a way to block his usual carping posts but at 82 this old dog needs teaching new tricks.
  21. Perhaps I was too cryptic for the above responders; 'it is deemed by the house/business owners to be their land.' Which is why I went on to give an example of a soi reduced to one lane by the claimants and to pillory the police for doing nothing about it.
  22. TPB = The Pirate Bay. I find lots of ebook downloads on there BUT my (old) Kindle doesn't accept Epub format, only Mobi. Are you changing Epub files to Mobi. If so I'd like to learn how.
  23. I am downloading 4 Chris Carter books from TPB. I tried your other suggested authors above but they are only in Epub format & my kindle doesn't accept them. Is there a way of turning them into a Mobi format?
  24. It's not on TPB.
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