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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. RTP get another day off from not working on all the other days?
  2. When RTP do the illegal re-enactment; another photocop opportunity.
  3. If I watch horror I get bad dreams! 'Beyond Paradise' (old but S2 coming up) is gentle comedy with some characters that we can care about. Saw 1st 2 'Shogun' episodes last night; absolutely sumptuous and the bonus for the hard of hearing (me) is 70% of the dialogue is in Japanese with clear subtitles.
  4. The last word is laughable. None of the three parties above move at more than a snail's pace. There will be committees formed; meetings held; action plans drawn up; all to no avail. Thais like their bass rhythm; their pick-ups are mere boom-boxes; speaker vans are the most ludicrous selling mechanism ever invented creating slow-moving jams alienating potential customers and polluting the area. If the customers are there till turned 2am every night then they can't have a job which has normal working hours.
  5. 3 minutes from my home. Thankfully I am confident Pattaya police will get to the bottom of it.
  6. Nearly 10 a day? + how many on the roads? No wonder the Thai population is shrinking.
  7. It reads like a TAT report where statistics are used to prove the opposite of what is really happening.
  8. Does this mean all the meters in Pattaya taxis will start to work? Will Pattaya police force take to the roads?
  9. Another airline added to my No-fly list; along with Finnair.
  10. He has the common Thai lazy gene; by doing nothing he can never be wrong but still gets paid.
  11. How can it be National? The rules vary from office to office.
  12. It is unfortunately the one nearest my family. On my last year's visit I was harangued in broken English by one of the workers for putting my case on a belt five seconds before he was going to give me permission. I was 81 and roundly cursed.
  13. A police campaign maybe lasts an hour & is then forgotten.
  14. Thanks for these; the only one I've not seen is 'The North Water'. Checking on it now.
  15. 'Finders Keepers'. Finished it and liked it. A satisfying ending tho' not without grounds for a 2nd series. There was no explicit sex scenes; no changes of sexual orientation; at three episodes there was little padding out; characters clearly differentiated; decent dialogue and a real plot. Now I'm looking for new suggestions: Crime Drama; Costume Drama; not into Sci Fi tho' just finished 'The Last Airbender' which ticked a few boxes.
  16. SEVEN photocops posing proudly at the arrest of a dimwit!
  17. A busy night for Plod. Was this after the mass brawl at the police station? I almost feel sorry for them.
  18. He probably joined the monkhood to escape other criminal charges.
  19. Of course they did; 'a bag, a denim jacket, a black electric scooter, 590 baht in cash, a can of beer, two smartphones, and one roll of cannabis.' AKA SWAG.
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