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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Can foreigners enter the monkhood to escape their debts?
  2. Is that why so many Thais use the verges of roads?
  3. I'd pay him 100 baht a week to de-gecko my house. Sick of the incontinent beggars crapping on every surface & scaring me by jumping out of cupboards and curtains. Any tips gratefully accepted.
  4. Getting a job as a teacher in some schools is also dependent on tea-money; my step-daughter couldn't afford the 300,000 demanded by the unprincipled principal.
  5. Agree totally. Some Thai foods should be classed as contraceptives; necessitating different beds or a cheap single room in a nearby hotel. Many a girl has gone without my company when I get a whiff of her two-day-old Somtam.
  6. Ensuring non-carcinogenic air for all. Sois without disease spreading dogs. Honest cops and taximeters that work.
  7. If you sacked every Thai who came late for work, the whole country would grind to a halt. Thais are genetically lazy hence foreign workers are imported to fill jobs Thais won't do: ie those that require work.
  8. I know young Thais look younger but the 2 who sped past me yesterday couldn't have been more than ten years old. This is testament to Thai parenting and lack of policing.
  9. There's so many holes in your last post, I will have to yield. Never argue with the stupid, they will drag you down to their level & beat you with experience. I am 81 & won't volunteer to neuter dogs; it's a pointless exercise. I am entitled to express an opinion without being told to go back to my own country. I have met a number of honest cops in my time here - that number is 2. I live here because my son has a business in Bangkok & because it's sunny. I worry about everyone's safety on the roads not just my own so I can call out the lazy, ineffectual corrupt cops on behalf of all motorbike drivers from the relative safety of my car. I do believe in abortion, as it happens, though I don't know what that has to do with a discussion about free speech. Health & Safety issues should be part of any country's duty to protect its citizens; these are ignored as baht trumps life. 'complaining and complaining' if you say nowt, you are complicit with all the above points you quote above.
  10. Sorry - you're correct. Wasn't there a Mr. T character in a long-running series?
  11. 'Mr T' series 3. Complete. 'Renegade Nell' as has been trumpeted above with inbuilt Wokeness. By Sally Wainwright of 'Happy Valley' fame.
  12. Police are on the lookout for a man with a red nose and permanent cold.
  13. Here here. And I've been here 20 years and seen no evidence of police 'work'. They've installed CCTV cameras all over but the police are too lazy to look at them unless the case hits Facebook.
  14. It's a year on year thing. Check it out this time next year. The rich get richer at the expense of the poor.
  15. My maths isn't very good but 30 baht on a 100 baht price is a 30% jump which sounds like soaring to me.
  16. There, that's another thing fixed. Pollution eradicated - tick. Corruption gone - tick. Next up the daily road kill.
  17. The context is I live here & have done for nearly 20 years. This is now my home & on such a forum as this anyone & everyone should be allowed to express an opinion without some brainless contributor saying go home. So here's my constructive reply to the questions I raised which you could answer: 1 Thai police are lazy, corrupt & self-entitled. The force should be dismantled and only the worthy allowed to make their way up the ladder; not by being a family member or buying a position. 2 Soi dogs (including those with owners) should be euthanised not allowed to dwell in restaurants/7-11s. Thais pretend to care about hygiene lording it over dirty farangs all the while allowing their pets to defecate/urinate & cause accidents on EVERY soi in the land. 3 Thais roads are the 2nd most dangerous in the world; the daily road kill is shameful yet NOTHING has been done about it in my lifetime here apart from paying police overtime during 14 days a year. 4 Even someone wearing your rose-coloured spectacles can see there is little evidence of Health & Safety rules being adhered to; little signs of checks and service of machinery. The Inspectorate must be bling, shameless and/or bribable. All of the above suggestions are meant to save (Thai) lives. I feel entitled to express them without some apologist telling me I can't express them but must tear up my roots and return to England.
  18. So despite living here for 20 years; putting two abandoned Thai children through University; buying property/cars for millions; forming friendships; we are not allowed to say: Thai police are corrupt? Street dogs spread disease? Thai roads are dangerous? Thai Safety First practices are non-existent? And saying this on a public forum is childish? I think you need a re-think; a brain transplant wouldn't go amiss either.
  19. A real surprise, that after 20 years this has been resurrected, in view of the new political power calling the tune.
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