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Posts posted by Boater

  1. There is a yellow mistsubishi Evo flying around Koh Samui at the moment ( Well actually over 6 months now ) and the car is on Malaysian number plates ( mostly parked oppoiste the PTT in Chewang )

    The car is also for Rent now at 8,000 THB Per Day...

    But my questions are

    1) How can a malaysian car stay this long in Thailand without having to transfer to Thai Plates?

    2) How can the legally hire a car that is not registered in Thailand to people staying in Thailand?

    Has this person just brought the car over from Malaysia ( as it seems the owner may be local ) and intend to keep it here without paying import tax ect ect..... as we all know Samui can be a lawless or blind eye turning island :o

  2. Even they where to ban alcohol next year, it is only the sale, thus people will stock up prior... also note songkran for example has only lasted 1 day in Samui.... how they could ban for 7 days!, kiss goodbye to the tourists!!!!

    If they pin pointed the promblem to BAD policeing, maybe there would not be so many deaths.......

    I myself have lost a very good friend yesterday who was killed..... he will be just another satistic, but the crash/acciedent was avoidable if the police where doing there Job !!!!!!!!

  3. Songkram last year started in the afternoon at Soi Green Mango and was full on until the bars closed. This year will be the same with the Thais joining in on the 13th. After the 13th you can smack anyone in the mouth that soaks you. The Thai way of celebrating is great just a sprinkle of water and some talcum powder but as usual the farangs come along and ruin it.

    Songkram last year started in the afternoon at Soi Green Mango

    which afternoon? 12th or 13th?

  4. Ok

    I have downloaded the Audio File, it downloaded as a zip file and i have saved on my Desktop.. when opeing the zip file there are alot of files in side

    What is the next step?

    Also i had to install windows, as windows did not come with the laptop


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