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Posts posted by Boater

  1. The problem here is that no one will ever give way to you,you can be pulling out of a turning and be right across the road and people will still drive around you rather than give way,the general rule in the western country's is give way to the right,the biggest problem here is so many people driving around with no license and don't have a clue how to drive and the police do nothing about it,to be honest if i ever left samui the driving would be the main reason,its crazy out there.

    Sad thing is I have known a few people who have left the island due to poor driving / roads in body bags ...

  2. Inhave taken this bus many names , and even if the bus is in good condition , it still is an accident waiting to happen ..

    2 factors

    1) the bus drivers go to fast ! Sometime 140 !! These buses need to be regulated to a set speed like Europe

    2) no seat belts ! And the seat belts in the new buses are padlocked away ! How many deaths \ injurys could be avoided if everyone had worn a seatbelt ?

    Rip tom the souls who have lost their lives , but when an event like this happens , the Thais need to look at ways to prevent or minimize the risk of it happening again !

  3. Until they put all the power cables underground , you will always have power cuts ! The power lines in samui are a mess , and most probably the same in phangan .. If they are making 5 billion off such a small inland they should be re investing half of that every year in. New infrastructure .. But hey , we know this won't happen , and really there is no one to complain to who actually gives a shit

    • Like 1
  4. Talk about a high mark-up. I googled Nissan GTR and the starting price is approx 3m Thai baht in The States...

    Oh, what an idiot for leaving his keys in the car. I guess he thought that Pattaya was a crime free zone. laugh.png

    Import tax at 300 % if they paid that is ! ..But even on one2car a new 2012 plate is around 7-7.5 million thb .. So he must of had 1.5 million of accessory

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