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Posts posted by Boater

  1. "Is That Abandoned Eyesore In Fv Starting Up Again?" :huh::unsure:

    I'm lost what is FV? and where do you speak of... :rolleyes::D

    Is this the place along the ring road, just before getting to the Chawang Tesco area?

    Wasn't there going to be a department store along there somewhere?

    Vector mate or angels 21...you remember the lingo right? biggrin.gif

    At Jimmy,

    This is ' Second Road ' fishermans Village ...

    very nice plot of land, and the concept they had was great, it was going to be like the buddy beer complex in lamai, but with apartments on top instead of hotel rooms,

    it would have gone down really weel i think, as Bophut does need a buddy beer type complex ..............

  2. i think it is all about who you speak to in the store, i have had times when i have bought meat, gone home to find out it is off, took it back and they where not interested !, and then other times where someone has priced something wrong, i have gone to buy, and managed to get it for the price they advertised ( after managing to speak with the manager )

  3. The metal box has been a problem on lots of airlines for years. It's ridiculous that they still put it there and in a big angular box.

    Did the seat pitch feel about the same?

    I avoid flying economy as it is so tight for me, but I might have to start in future.

    eva do some really good deals for 800 pound in pr economy, plus ethid do buiness for 1200, or ba if u fly to singapoe, well worth the xtra few quid

  4. That must be some pretty desperate robbers to try to take the Centara on in Chaweng. I wonder if this could be the beginning of a robbery wave, not only on Samui but around Thailand with many desperate people after the floods. People who possibly lost everything already and have nothing else to lose.

    thats my thoughts, if i was to rob somewhere, i would go for a bank out the way with lazy tellers who always leave 100,000 ' s of THB behind the counter in easy reach !

    Could have been a jealous partner shooting someone?, very common here in the LOS

  5. i once sent a package from thailand, and my brother sent a package from with in the UK , i sent mine on the 17th i think and it arrived on the 23rd, he sent on the 17th as well i think ( as his sms to remind me sent me to the post office ! )

    I also sent snail mail, as i was quoted 1-2 weeks for a little over 1,000 thb for fast or 120 thb standard....

    considering it was xmas, i was VERY surprised it arived so quickly, a record in my books !

  6. no , you get charged 3 pounds per transation plus a handleing fee,

    take TC, easier and cheaper

    Are there any charges/commissions for changing travellers cheques?

    Do you get charged (a local charge) if you use your card in shops/restaurants etc?


    Just take cash !!! So much easier and free to change. Dont change any at home, not even a tenners worth.

    If you bank with Nat West or RBS dont even bother taking the card as they are routinely denied on first use. Talking to the bank in advance does nothing. Apologies if blunt but those were the banks words !!

    never had a problem with Natwest personally, although they are a crap bank, cant even access an atm here in the uk with there card, but never an issue in Thailand

    Wouldnt take cash, incase you lose ect, but agree, dont change ANY money in the uk , the rate today is 43 and in thailand 48 !!!

    they dont charge a % , but charge 30 THB per transaction ( 65p)

    Take Pound Sterlinf trvellers chqs with you

    PS - DNT USE A CASH PASSPORT , they are a CON !!!!!!!!!! , they will try to sell you instead of TC

  7. If you can leave your cash for 24 months, I can show you an extremely safe investment that will pay you and guarantee you a minimum of 12% per annum + bonuses, and allow you to track your investment 24 hours a day. It also pays your interest at regular intervals along with any bonuses you are due. It is in London and has many built in safeguards to protect your principal amount.. You can lift your cash at any time, but small penalties are paid depending on how long you have been in this investment. It is not Stock market related, or Forex... It is probabaly the best and safest investment in the world..

    Regulated by the FSA or Government gauranteed???.....I very much doubt it....please share with us...sounds very similar to many companies that invest in property in highy populated student areas.....if 12% was gauranteed per annum then nobody would be sharing it, they could borrow at 5-7% and make a clear profit for doing nothing...strongly advise against anything like this, have seen people loose their lie savings through these kind of schemes...if its too good to be true..it is!!!

    why so many words? one word applies to the scheme "12%+ p.a. / best and safest investment", namely bullshit².

    easily achiveable with UK property !

    i have 2 uk properties, 1 yeilds around 10% Net, and the other 18.1 % Net per annum

    most UK property owners yeild between 7-12 % , depending on location, plus this isnt taking in to consideration capital growth which is expected to be 15% over 5 years .

  8. how much of a budget are you on?

    Rose petals...champagne....lobster....flowers....4 poster.....how about 500 Baht a night? laugh.gif

    but isnt everynight in Chaweng like valentines ? esp if you just done your first tour of Green Mango :lol:

    By the old Sportsmans. 500 Baht. Or near the Chinese restaurant up the road...300 if you haggle.....rolleyes.gif

    and does that come complete with the cheap charley slap in the face when you take your bird thier hahaha

  9. Bangkok Airways is definitely dodgy - but usually in the commercial sense.

    However - their security of data and how they treat confidential information is definitley suspect. Naive in the least.

    My neighbour was in the Bangkok Airways ticket office trying to get an over-charge refunded when he looked at the screen and saw ALL of his credit card details on the screen. Avaiable for all ticketing staff (and their friends?) to see. No encryption, no xxxx and so on. Just plain numbers.

    When I made a booking in March using the credit card to pay Bangkok Airways and Jetstar - the card was hacked and maxed out within a few days of the bookings.

    Could be coincidence. I am sure that there are thousands of people who have had no problems with them.

    same with most things here, not dodgy, just stupid !

    i have had BKK air email me there card holders details by mistake.... only use a card on a secure link, not over email, or they might email me your details and i can put that down payment on your cc for me new merc :jap:

  10. The only Maserati on the island has been damaged.

    On second thoughts I might open a luxury car hire outlet for all the rich & glitzy visitors.

    Another business opportunity might be some of the hansum men on the island can be employed as Escorts ( above board of course ) to all the rich middle aged jet set ladies.

    We can then start our monorail project to the indoor Ski Slopes if they miss the cold, they can then use the giant waterslide to the beach.

    All us plebs can then use Surat airport , as Samui Boutique airport will only be used for private jets, they do not want to contaminate the air they breathe.

    Anther business opportunity, stretch Toyota vans to ferry people from the airport.

    What a great idea for the re birth of Samui.

    it was a lambo rooo lol


    you are getting into the samui bussines model !, this year we will be millionaires !

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