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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Wow two streets in the whole of Bangkok, what a joke, yes lets all run.........


    look at the before and after picture

    remember the whole of bangkok will not flood at once !, it does take a bit of time, and untill you are in a flood, you will realise how quick the water can come ....... or if a flood wall breaks, the water can come in dangerously quick

    better to be safe , rather then sorry !, as if they dont evacuate and bkk does flood heavily and they DIDNT give out a warning, what would people say then?

    If it doesnt flood, GREAT , but they took precatuions, if it DOES flood, then they have made the right choice

  2. As to why Julie does not post here, it could be that she realizes that this avenue of discourse adds nothing to the situation except innuendo, nonsense, speculation and misinterpretation.

    troll troll troll your boat, gently down the stream.

    Actually, I disagree. I've seen threads where business people post and threads where they don't and it doesn't make a bit of difference to the armchair sherlocks.

    maybe they could employee MAx Clifford?

    on a serious note, i find not defending yourself, and let speculations get out of control can be more damaging? , esp if they have friends or useing different allias to post here , which in fact have a further negative fact on the situation

    as she is an ex copper, i would have thought she would have a wealth of experanice in making a perfect defence for herself in this situation ? i least if she come to the board as a verify member, or wrote to a mod to post on her behalf, then it would stop the ' why is she not poting here, has she got something to hide ' mob......

    Did the papers ever follow up on the story? , did they interview her and the crash victims? , has Ryn come out of hospital yet? , did he have to pay out of his own pocket? , or was he insured? , so many questions still need to be answered......

  3. very Sad, RIP and hope the other son makes a full recovery...

    Also, hats off to the driver for not fleeing the scene, and staying to give his account ( i assume he wasnt drunk to stay )

    i have seen many times before on samui more then phuket, a family of four on 2 bikes, mother - father driving with the kids on the bike ( the father always seems to be in better control then the mother ) , and to see them drive with there kids on the bike is shocking, as you can clearly see they have NO EXPERINCE in driving a bike !, i have seen many forigners crash when they panick and put there hand to hard on the throttle and cannot stop !

    Europe, you have to have a licence and test to ride a bike, so why do people ride bikes in thailand with no experience????

    NOTE -

    The Phuket Gazette should really keep names like this as blanks, or intials only, as with reporting that they where on Scooters, at night, with no helmets, possible that the mother hand a glass of wine or 2 , that the insurance company could come across this story and not pay up for the body to be taken home or the medical care needed......

  4. Yes sure why not blame the Government, LOL get real, this is natures way to say she is boss, not mankind

    the original OP was asking about preventive measures, and yes the goverment should have had more measures in place ! , but not to blame the current goverment, this should be a standard agency assigned for the job similar the goverment agency in charge should the City of London Flood, it never changes with the goverment


    VILLA MARKET, BANGKOK – A late attempt at panic-buying forced central Bangkok resident Henry Porter, an American expat, to stock up on several months’ supply of exotic and expensive imported foods yesterday.With panic buying having already taken place among most of the city’s 12 million population, Porter’s decision to wait until the last minute forced him to confront empty shelves bereft of basic supplies like drinking water, pasta and basic canned goods.

    “I was hoping to get some reasonably cheap stuff, like maybe tuna fish or peanut butter,” the 44-year-old HSBC executive said. “But by the time I got to Villa, pretty much everything was gone – except, well, this stuff,” he said, indicating his shopping cart which contained 12 frozen French goose livers, a half kilogram of Camembert cheese, a jar of Claussen pickles, 11 pints of Haagen Dazs ice cream, 800 grams of Milano salami, three jars of sun-dried tomatoes, 30 bags of Kettle chips and various fresh produce from abroad, including hydroponic Dutch vine-grown tomatoes and 10 packs of fresh rocket.

    “I guess I’m going to eat real well if I get stuck here,” he said. “At least until the power goes off,” he added, indicating the cheese and frozen goose livers.

    Porter’s search for drinking water also led him down an embarrassing path of overpriced, second-choice items.

    “They were totally out of water, even Evian, so I had to get 30 liters of San Pelligrino sparkling,” he said. “I mean I like Pelligrino, but this will be a real test.”

    After searching in vain for water substitutes, including ice and fruit juice, Porter reluctantly added 24 cans of imported American Budweiser beer to his cart.

    “It’s pretty expensive,” he admitted, referring to the price of Bt110 per can. “But Budweiser is about as close as beer gets to being plain water, so I think this will keep me hydrated in an emergency.”

    Even basic supplies like cooking oil and butane were in short supply, forcing Porter to buy extra virgin olive oil and Kingston charcoals instead.

    “I have a grill on the balcony, so I can always cook there if my induction range loses power,” he said. “Good thing too, since I have all this Wagyu ribeye steak and Australian lamb.”

    Upon reaching the checkout, Porter’s total grocery bill was Bt45,932. While it was far more than what he had intended to spend on his panic buy, Porter expressed overall satisfaction with his mission to prepare himself for flood.

    “Even if the power goes out and I lose refrigeration, I can always marinate everything,” he said. “I’ve got nineteen bottles of 1998 Appellation Haute-Medoc here and I can’t possibly drink it all.”

    source - http://notthenation.com/2011/10/late-panic-shopper-reluctantly-stocks-up-on-foie-gras-sparking-water/ :whistling:



    FROC HQ, DON MUANG – The embattled Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra today defended the government’s policy of using all flood resources at hand to protect the nation’s economic heart – specifically, the many basement food courts of Bangkok’s downtown business district.

    “If floodwaters of only half a meter reach Sathorn Road, flooding could cripple the weekday-luncheon infrastructure of the city,” she said. “We can’t let that happen.”

    In the face of increased criticism over decisions to divert floodwater to Bangkok’s outer districts, and prolong the flooding in Ayutthaya and Nakhon Sawan, Yingluck insisted that the long-term outlook of the nation rested on preserving the economic engines that would drive recovery.

    According to charts produced by the PM’s office, Bangkok’s downtown area is home to over 100 large office towers, most of them over 30 storeys high. While 99% of the buildings at risk would be untouched by floods and would even maintain power with light flooding, their basement food courts are considered high-risk zones.

    “These food courts provide nourishment for thousands of non-executive office employees, not to mention income for many small businesses and an untold number of jobs,” explained Yingluck. “Without them, workers might have to walk across the street to eat lunch. We can’t put that kind of burden on our Bangkok workforce.”

    She further said that although the sacrifice was painful, the loss of 14,000 inundated factories and several million rai of prime farmland was “a small price to pay” in the long run to protect what really mattered.

    As a bonus to the food-court-first policy, she added that many of the capital’s best and most pleasant shopping malls would also be protected.

    “The food court priority zone also encompasses Rajprasong, which holds our nation’s best indoor shopping destinations,” she said. “As long as Bangkok’s residents and top tourists continue to have a nice place to buy things, eat tasty food and see movies, the economy of our country will be secure.”

    Although many people living outside Bangkok’s main flood walls continue their objection to the destruction of their homes and livelihoods to save the food courts and malls, many Bangkok residents have gravitated to the PM’s message.

    “I’m impressed with her sensible outlook on the economy,” said Miaow Vongwatkul, a media buyer for ad agency Saatchi and Saatchi. “Our agency won three Cannes Gold Lions last year and did over Bt400 million in billings. A flooded food court in our building would be a real nuisance to our important work.”

    With a new wave of northern floodwaters set to approach the capital this weekend, Yingluck has diverted three army battalions from rescue operations in Rangsit to reinforce the main barrier along central Bangkok’s northern edge, raising the wall to 4.5 meters.

    When asked whether this would make existing flooded areas just get deeper underwater, including five key industrial estates that contribute massively to Thailand’s manufacturing-export economy, the PM reminded everyone to stay focused on the positives.

    “Did I mention that the food court at [new mall] Terminal 21 is Caribbean-themed?” she asked. “It’s really neat.”

    source - http://notthenation.com/2011/10/yingluck-vows-to-save-city%e2%80%99s-food-courts-at-all-costs/ :whistling:

  7. What's a cheapskate?:huh:

    You'll have noticed that the OP has not yet replied. This is because he limits himself to one hour of internet a month. Only when its special student rate as well.

    Some call it, "living the dream".

    More like an <deleted> nightmare, slumming it in some flop house.

    he will be back

    Topics will include

    Where to buy the cheapest mama noodles

    how to get a discount of happy hour chang

    where to find half price brass

    Beware - Cheap Charlies is expensive !

    how long can 17 THB Tesco FLip Fops really last ( with Poll )

    Loving the floods, i didnt get a water bill as a bathed outside, what are your posative encounters been like?

  8. Same as that.

    The two ladies were extemely helpful & seemed vey intent on being as efficient as possible. Fair play to them

    Good news that its "business as usual" and that they can now even do a same day service.

    It does beg the question, though, that if they can do the job in one morning (4 hours) a week then what are the new full-time Consular Officer and Vice Consul going to do for the remaining 32 hours of their 36 hour week? The Vice Consul's being paid ten times the honorarium that Barrie and Howard got, and far from being more Brits in Pattaya than before its obvious to anyone here that the number of Brits on holiday is a fraction of what it was 10 years ago. Passports and visas? Nationality enquiries? The Embassy in Bangkok don't even do those. Recommending lawyers? Notifying next-of-kin? .... hardly full-time jobs.

    Sounds more and more like "jobs for the boys" (or the "in-laws") and no wonder that it costs twice as much to get a passport from here as it does in UK.

    dont also forget to mention consular assistance , visiting the police station when a brit is nicked, Prison Visits, hospital visits, maybe some trade relations, the list goes on.....

  9. Discussions on articles by notthenation that are clearly labelled "satire"

    but they are probably the best articles....

    the pizza company story was by far the best, but they should NOT be moved to pub, but left in the orginal posting place for all to enjoy the replies

  10. Here's a prime example of the depths to which the Mail will sink. Two teenagers who've been drinking drown in a canal. Only the Mail could drag Islam into it:


    My god you actually spend time reading it :ermm:

    You appear to be confusing me with Boater.

    the first time i saw this story was after endure posted it, so endure must have been reading the mail online to have picked up the story ....... :ph34r:

    its ok endure ........

  11. Aussies call them the Thong brigade.

    You made me think of the charge of the light brigade for a moment there.....the image it conjured up was unpleasant to say the least...think XXXX. bah.gif

    Flip flops = thongs.

    I'd post a pic of what I associate with the word thong....but you'd love to press that big red button.....biggrin.gif

    Edit: Did you listen to Chi Coltrane? Pure quality that is....


  12. the uk and many other Embasseys are advising against all But essential travel to bangkok , but in many people's eye's , this means bangkok , and with Koh Samui's main airline hub being bangkok , how do you think this will effect the island now, and into the high season, esp with europeans looking to book now, but seeing these warnings which go to the agents and sites, will it have a back track effect to samui ??????

  13. they really do need to change

    We are advising British nationals already in Thailand to exercise caution and follow the advice of the local authorities


    We are advising British nationals already in Thailand to exercise caution and follow the advice www.thaivisa.com , whom have all news sources and UK expats on the ground who will give a better acurate version of events then a goverment who doesnt know left from right

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