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Posts posted by Boater

  1. The top-picture clearly indicates the blood under the wheel-path as the body was dragged along for 10 meters. Uhhh...

    RIP to the young ones , wouldnt surprise me if the truck was in fact speeding, and i am glad they caught the driver !

    Does anyone know how Thailand compares to other countries on deaths by accident among young people

    I still rememeber being in chalong police station once , and the officer jokinly quoted to me that phuket was more dangerous that Iraq !, stating just in his district there are over 5 deaths a day.... i have known around 5 personal firends killed by motorbike/car accedients in thailand, and many injured ....

    as i always say, its not if you have an accendient in Thailand and seriosly injured or killed, but when ..........

  2. When I look back at when I was just a tourist considering my first visit to Thailand, I realize that your average first time or even repeat tourist probably doesn't care much about any of the local problems (cultural or otherwise).

    I came here, and before I could even leave the airport, I was scammed by the approximate 100 USD BMW 7-series 'taxi'. You know, I should have been more cautious, but it didn't matter to me because I had money and it was 'part of the experience' of going to a third world country.

    Now that I live here, I hate this aspect of the culture, but I doubt average tourists will be affected by this unless their safety is threatened in large enough numbers and, most importantly, unless major traditional and new media outlets report on it.

    I mean, people from the US STILL goto Mexican resorts in fairly high numbers even with their civil drug war affecting much of that nation.

    So, sadly, Thailand will probably not change much because the equation is not much affected by the many unscrupulous people here who prey on foreign tourists ...

    I live here too and, although the Thai mentality is frustrating and annoying, Thailand is still a relatively ideal vacation spot. If the worst that happens to you is you pay $100 for a taxi ride in a BMW 7-series, then things aren't so bad. (May not have even been a ripoff. How far was the ride? Bear in mind, that car probably costs $100k+ in Thailand, gotta recoup serious capital cost). I've lived in Thailand for roughly 3 years, and never been ripped off a single time - it is surpising, actually, but Thais rarely 'double price'. Yes, there are exceptions - the jetskis are a major 'avoid'.

    Like you say, consider Mexico, where the worst that happens to you is that you end up riddled with bullets, caught in the crossfire of a devastating drug war. The first time that I went to Mexico (for a whopping 3 days) I was robbed - by the police - long story, but, either I hand over all my cash, or be hauled to jail for cocaine posession - cocaine which I didn't posess, the police did.....

    That said, Mexican tourism IS suffering. Check out Rocky Point - once a major destination for weekend travellers from Phoenix area. Now dead. Completely. (although new passport requirement, and collapsed Phoenix economy, are equally strong contributors).

    $100,000+ for a 7 series beemer? Guy I know paid 15 million baht for his M6, which at the time was $469,000.

    http://www.one2car.com/search/Search_Result.aspx?Body=D2025&Brand=B0006&Model=S0634 ---------- 250 K for a basic 1 yer old 7 series, so 100 $ ride is ok, like travelling a maybach or a super limo in uk or usa

  3. just out of interest. please sell it too me but first i would like to know what makes the george foreman grill any different than any other grill.

    what advantages does it have for me to rush out and get 1?


    It's a name generally used now for that type of grill. It is designed as a multi purpose grill, with a focus on lean cooking.There are several variants about, but all the same principal.This Link might explain the fundamentals Big C.

    a George forum cooks alot better then the copies, its like having a kit car ferrai with a toyota MR2 engine, its just not the same

  4. I flew back with them in May. BKK-LHR no in flight enetertainment available! I picked up a copy of an Indian paper and they was an article about them. THey have never made a profit in their 6 years of operation. 2 Days after I was flying they have been given an ultimatum to pay their bills or stop flying out of 3 Indian airports and that included bouncing cheques as well!

    They are not a 5 star experience, give them a wide berth.

    same happened with me, wel there was inflight TV's , but they where not working !

    I did complain, and i have been given a voucher for my next flight with them , but with the news above, i better use it quick !

  5. [

    The organisers are making money hand over fist here Rooo. The same was true in Goa in the '90s until the local equivalent of the Moo Ban got together and decided enough was enough. Parties continued...but less frequently and within certain areas...."tea money" increased.

    Well the hint is there...its up to you what you do with it.

    and with that, no where is really safe ..... it would be nice if samui could Zone areas, but we all know it will never happen, if someone wants to create a party/event/bar/club, they can do it anywhere, even right next door to your villa , be it in the mountains, or by the beach

    Right & wrong. There is a zoning, adherence is another matter.

    my mistake, i should have added in Zoned Areas that are enforced,

  6. R

    Even Ibiza has regulated zones for this Rooo.....rolleyes.gif

    I love this place! biggrin.gif

    Not here they don't. sad.gif

    The organisers are making money hand over fist here Rooo. The same was true in Goa in the '90s until the local equivalent of the Moo Ban got together and decided enough was enough. Parties continued...but less frequently and within certain areas...."tea money" increased.

    Well the hint is there...its up to you what you do with it.

    and with that, no where is really safe ..... it would be nice if samui could Zone areas, but we all know it will never happen, if someone wants to create a party/event/bar/club, they can do it anywhere, even right next door to your villa , be it in the mountains, or by the beach

  7. There has been CCTV cameras in all Chaweng major crossings to the ring road for years.

    Also on the ring road in Lamai, opposite the Lamai market, been there at least 5 years.

    they have had CCTV Camera's covering the whole of lamai for years, there operation centre is in the police box/station opposite tesco, ( if it is still there ) if you go in there, they have around 12 TV's rotating on the cameras that cover more or less every street/soi in lamai... so if you ever have an accident in lamai, go to the police box/station as no doubt they will have it all filmed !

  8. Well I got my refund.....less 2000 Baht tea money of course....annoyed.gif

    Does that mean you are not coming over to see us all

    i think Smokie has found a new Paradise, free of al the hundreds of negatives Samui has, but all of the posatives !

    If cheaper beer is a positive, I'll go with that. rolleyes.gif

    i here the Beer is half the price of Samui ,the birds are far more better , the beaches are cleaner, roads are safer ................ i better stop before people want to know where it is

  9. those people who drive the Buses get a lot of money.

    I have seen some real dumps being driven with kids in the back, who are jumping and screaming, but what can you do, this is the way it has been for many years, and the way it will be for many more.

    By the way my MIL is one who drives kids to school, her van is in sh*t state, she is a very slow and careful driver, and will only be doing it for one more year. She wanted to buy a new car and use that as she only picks up 4 kids.

    So where the F are the black slaves in the USA if thats how it works?

    The reason this country is as dumb as it is its that stupid mai pen rai attitude that even the worthless expats have.

    you get off your fat ass and you complain to the school every single day untill they get so annoyed that they start caring for the safety of children.

    very well put,

  10. Come on folks - At least things ARE improving. :D (Albeit slowly)

    Agree, the roads are getting better than when I arrived here a few years ago. So thumbs up for that.

    We tend not to notice the progress as we all live with it day in day out, and the drama of the works when they are on going. For people that visit here yearly I often hear comments on how things change every year for the better, so from a tourism point of view that has to be positive.

    We moan about a lot of things here, it seems to be a Samui sport almost!!! At the end of the day I am still yet to have a speed camera ticket, speeding fine, being busted for being a couple of drinks over the limit and the list could go on...We all know the positives out weigh the negatives, even though a lot of people don't admit it!

    Its a mad house here, not a Police state!!!

    Enjoy the Sun and the Beer, let's all remember why we came here in the first place.blink.gif

    I am still yet to have a speed camera ticket, speeding fine, being busted for being a couple of drinks over the limit

    and this is a posative to you ? , wait untill a friend or a member of your family is hit/killed by a speeding truck/taxi on samui or knocked of his/her bike by a drunk driver swerving all over the road and you might change your tune !

    if there is one thing that would make samui better for people who live there and holiday there is better policing of the roads ! , as the island gets busier, the roads become more deadly, and with speeding and drunk drivers everywhere it is a case of not ' if ' but ' when ' you have a crash

  11. Thanks for the reply!

    I looked at the classifieds section and clicked a few ads, both free and premium. Unfortunately, no matter how many I clicked, I didn't actually see any ads. I get the 'Details' dialogue, showing location, price etc., but nothing in the body of the page where, I assume, the actual advertisement should be. Perhaps there's something wrong with my computer. Also, I've never seen any ads from this site amongst google search results. I also forgot to mention that I DO NOT wish to hear from any opportunist blood-suckers agents.


    i cant understand why you dont wont to use agents? , ok there are some cowboys out there, but the likes of sunbelt ct all promote properties up there, plus will have a databas of clients looking to buy? , and cn activily promote your property? , nd he end of the day, you dont pay untill you get a result!, trying to sell a property without agents can sometimes turn out more costly

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