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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. In touristy areas there where shops and bars/Rest are open people should be able to frequent these places whatever time they wish.

    BUT....I as a older man wouldn't be roaming around at 3am, and I didn't at an earlier age.

    Most importantly a female should be able to choose where she wants to go whenever she likes,

    BUT I'm afraid it's a no non still for a lady especially alone to be at a bar at 3am. There is no excuse for anyone to take advantage of the situation like this BUT there are persons out there that are waiting for the right time to pounce.

    I shouldn't say this but the lady in question had every right to be there BUT shouldn't have been ---if you get my drift.... I do not condone this sort of happening at all and they should get done for it again...people should still take more care.

    Right....if it is rape then he deserves the full brunt of the law. It's just hard to tell.

    As well, I agree about wandering around on your own at 3am, hammered out of your mind. It's not an excuse for her being raped, but her throwing caution to the wind landed her in a terrible situation. Hopefully she will be more careful next time, it's a crazy world out there!

  2. Either

    1) She was raped while drunk


    2) She had consensual sex with a Thai while drunk and regretted it later so reported a false rape.

    The Thai bashers will go for 1)

    The western women bashers will go for 2)

    We will never know what happened, so make your choice using your own personal prejudices.

    How about this:

    1. Got very drunk

    2. Had a fight with BF

    3. Thought a good revenge to be flirting/sleeping with a/some Thai man/men

    4. Got into a situation that went out of control (or not)

    5. Woke up and realised what she did

    6. Made up the story to cover for what she did

    Pure speculation, but also makes sense..

  3. I've seen that before in Villas....

    Is it actually ground fine enough to be a flour? Or is it just rough ground almonds?

    I too have never seen any nut flours in Thailand...

    You can take whole almonds and grind them in your coffee grinder til they are a flour consistency. That's what I do.

  4. As at the time of his death he was telling the world that he had talked to Thaksin who had said he could no longer trust the red leaders and therefore had put him, Seh Daeng, in charge of the red shirts there is an extremely strong possibility that he was shot on the orders of the red shirt leaders.

    If that is in fact the case then she is right it would be murder.

    Not a shred of evidence to support this lie.He was shot by army snipers (in my opinion a regrettable but probably necessary step).

    Is there actually any evidence he was shot by the army? What is it?

  5. Ok thanks, that might help me resist the urge to eat, knowing i won't lose muscle.

    Wish there was an Hunger Inhibitor

    There is! Lower your carb intake to less than 30 grams a day.

    Low carbs does not inhibit hunger. You have to replace the calories with protein and fat. Protein (amino acids) has the most profound effect on hunger).

    Whey protein really inhibits hunger. If I take a big serve of that I can do without food for many hours.

    Of course many people will crave sugar and other carbs and it can be very difficult to go that low. I would never go that low.

    Low carb (30 grams or less of carbs) absolutely inhibits hunger. That's why it works so well, because it eliminates hunger through ketosis. No more insulin spikes. No more cravings.

  6. Well, in that sense I guess you can never cure anything.

    I don't know about other diseases, but I'm sure some can be cured... however blood sugar control is not a cure. A cure for diabetes would suggest that the person can go back to eating a high carb diet and post normal numbers. That's what a normal person can do.

    This is a very important point and should not be taken lightly as it misleads a lot of people.

    Right now my blood sugar level are good and would be considered normal if tested by a doctor, but I have not found a cure.

    Fair enough. I control things by not eating white nutritionless foods. I personally feel many cancers and immune system failures happen because people are mal-nutritioned, and are getting way too much empty carbs/sugars in their diet. That's just me though.

  7. Who recommends that you dont have veggie juices for glucose intolerance? BTW I think even watermelon which is high sugar is recommended for blood sugar issues.

    One way for sure to find out is to test yourself I suppose.

    Anything high in sugar is not recommended for people with glucose intolerance. The reason is obvious - they shoot the blood sugar up high. Carrot juice and watermelon juice will both shoot blood sugar high.

    You might as well just eat several tablespoons of sugar.

  8. Dr Mercola's diabtetes treatment is probably more suitable for most people and has proved very effective. I think you read his blog which is based on avoiding grains and limiting carbs with higher protein etc etc which is what you do i think.

    Let's not give Dr Mercola too much credit here. A low carb diet is how diabetics have been "treating" their disease for a very long time. Dr Mercola is just a marketing guru pushing other peoples' ideas.

    Fixing blood sugar numbers through diet is not a cure though, Many people think that if they lower their numbers by exercise and diet they are curing themselves. All they are really doing is controlling their blood sugar. If they start eating a high carb diet again they will soon be where they were before.

    I really wanted to stress this point because so many people are touting "cures", when in fact they are not.

    Well, in that sense I guess you can never cure anything. Instead of thinking of it as a diet it has to be a whole new way of eating. Just like the alcoholic cannot go back to drinking once he has his drinking under control.

    Thing is normal people can go back to that way of eating.. so for it to be cured a diabetic should be able to do that too not just control it. So i would not consider it cured either more under control.

    Same like your alcoholic example he can never go back while normal people can.. its not a cure its a way to keep it under control.

    Right. It is also a much healthier way to eat, IMHO.

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