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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. I am not saying that the Paleo diet as it is touted is bad, it certainly has good aspects.

    What i am saying is that the arguments that they use are faslse as Paleo men certainly did not eat like this, and they did eat grains ect.

    They are using false arguments, and like i said before the Paleo diet was not about health it was about survival and far from optimal and varied a lot per location and per season. It is no where near what is being sold here and promoted. Both scientists in both clips back up what i have to say.

    So I am not attacking the diet as such but more their "proof" because eating un processed foods is good and most diets / food programs go like that.

    No grains or milk could be good.. but only for those who are sensative to gluten or lactose, other people have absolutely no problems with grains or milk.

    So yes sure it could be good but the arguments are false as are the arguments against grains.

    I still believe that Paleo men had a real limited diet goverened by location and season, what we can eat now today is far superior.

    The part about the digestive track not resembling that of carnivores is very interesting. It's a point I've always known, but it somehow got forgotten when discussing this recent fad diet. Our gut also does not resemble that of herbivores, and therefore it's impossible to digest cellulose. Humans are like "jack-of-all-trades, but master of none". We are in the middle where we most efficiently digest fruit, milk, cooked grains and legumes. We are just not suited to eating too much meat.

    Yes i found that interesting too.. i am wondering what is too much meat as i take around 300-350 grams a day.

    I probably take around 350 grams of meat protein a day as well. Plus a couple eggs on top of that. My meals are more veggie than meat (lots of kale, broccoli, asparagus, and zucchini as of late!).

  2. I am not saying that the Paleo diet as it is touted is bad, it certainly has good aspects.

    What i am saying is that the arguments that they use are faslse as Paleo men certainly did not eat like this, and they did eat grains ect.

    They are using false arguments, and like i said before the Paleo diet was not about health it was about survival and far from optimal and varied a lot per location and per season. It is no where near what is being sold here and promoted. Both scientists in both clips back up what i have to say.

    So I am not attacking the diet as such but more their "proof" because eating un processed foods is good and most diets / food programs go like that.

    No grains or milk could be good.. but only for those who are sensative to gluten or lactose, other people have absolutely no problems with grains or milk.

    So yes sure it could be good but the arguments are false as are the arguments against grains.

    I still believe that Paleo men had a real limited diet goverened by location and season, what we can eat now today is far superior.

    The part about the digestive track not resembling that of carnivores is very interesting. It's a point I've always known, but it somehow got forgotten when discussing this recent fad diet. Our gut also does not resemble that of herbivores, and therefore it's impossible to digest cellulose. Humans are like "jack-of-all-trades, but master of none". We are in the middle where we most efficiently digest fruit, milk, cooked grains and legumes. We are just not suited to eating too much meat.

    Our guts are designed to digest meat, veggies, and fruit, really. The de-germified de-fiberized leftover polished grain endosperm that people eat nowadays resembles nothing what ancient man had or ate in their diet.

  3. I am not saying that the Paleo diet as it is touted is bad, it certainly has good aspects.

    What i am saying is that the arguments that they use are faslse as Paleo men certainly did not eat like this, and they did eat grains ect.

    They are using false arguments, and like i said before the Paleo diet was not about health it was about survival and far from optimal and varied a lot per location and per season. It is no where near what is being sold here and promoted. Both scientists in both clips back up what i have to say.

    So I am not attacking the diet as such but more their "proof" because eating un processed foods is good and most diets / food programs go like that.

    No grains or milk could be good.. but only for those who are sensative to gluten or lactose, other people have absolutely no problems with grains or milk.

    So yes sure it could be good but the arguments are false as are the arguments against grains.

    I still believe that Paleo men had a real limited diet goverened by location and season, what we can eat now today is far superior.

    The part about the digestive track not resembling that of carnivores is very interesting. It's a point I've always known, but it somehow got forgotten when discussing this recent fad diet. Our gut also does not resemble that of herbivores, and therefore it's impossible to digest cellulose. Humans are like "jack-of-all-trades, but master of none". We are in the middle where we most efficiently digest fruit, milk, cooked grains and legumes. We are just not suited to eating too much meat.

    Our guts are designed to digest meat, veggies, and fruit, really. The de-germified de-fiberized leftover polished grain endosperm that people eat nowadays resembles nothing what ancient man had or ate in their diet.

  4. I really don't feel like I'm roughing it though. For breakfast I have a couple/few scrambled eggs and a little bit of sweet potato, and some greens, usually broccoli or spinach. I have a nice hot cup of black coffee, and if I feel like it I'll have some berries or some other fruit (papaya, guava, melon, dragonfruit are good lowish sugar fruits). I don't eat fruit every day, just when I get the hankering for it.
    For lunch I'll have a nice big piece of chicken or some steak or other protein like fish and I will have some squash or sweet potato and more greens.
    For dinner I often have a nice piece of salmon, or some chicken or a couple pork chops, or I often make a stew of sorts in my slow cooker and have that with a nice big green salad with homemade vinaigrette. Again, I'll have some berries in a little bit of coconut milk, or a nice big mango if I feel like something super sweet.
    I don't really snack that much, but if I do want something I'll have some roasted cashews or almonds. I treat myself to some soda water with lime in the evening. I usually have a serving of kimchi every day as well...fermented foods are good for you.
    For those who do not know what paleo is, they would have no idea that I am eating really any differently. It's only when you actually look at what I'm not eating that you realize that it is paleo.
    I really enjoy my meals, but what’s great is that I don’t have the urge to snack or I don’t obsess over food.

    You do have cravings, even after 2 weeks. You've mentioned it 3 times in this post:

    1. "or a nice big mango if I feel like something super sweet"

    2. "I don't eat fruit every day, just when I get the hankering for it"

    3. "and if I feel like it I'll have some berries or some other fruit"

    People on low carb diets don't usually eat this much fruit or any at all, especially "nice big mangos".

    You're craving carbs (sugar) and take care of it with fruit and sweet potato which is full of sugar too. IMO this is fine, but don't come along and say you don't have cravings. If you cut your carbs even lower your cravings will get stronger.

    Sorry, you are confused again.

    I used to do low carb and would not eat fruit.

    I'm not doing low carb now (though I am sure I am below 50-75 grams of carbs a day usually) because paleo allows some fruit...I don't gorge on fruit.

    Not really sure what you are going on about, if I said I was doing a keto diet then I would be contradicting myself.

    It is perfectly alright on a paleo diet to have fruit. Actually, My first week I was eating more fruit, the last 5-6 days I think I've only had two pieces of fruit. But, according to the diet I am following, I can have it a couple times a day, which I already told you about. Same with squash/sweet potatoes, I am having about a half cup's worth with my meal, though if I wanted more than that I would have it. I've been finding that my 5-10 kilometeres of walk/jog/run every day is done more energetically with a little bit of carb in the diet.

    I realize I got your panties in a bunch with my my post the other day, sorry it affected you so much! unsure.png Go back to your heaping bowls of oatmeal! smile.png

    There's no point arguing with people by trying to convince yourself they are confused... and where did you dream up the idea I eat heaping bowls of oats? When I do eat oats, which is not every day, I weigh the quantity to about 50 - 60 grams.

    The point was made that you do crave sweet things and you made it very clear in your post. The lower you go in carbs, the more you'll crave them. Your diet will not and obviously does not eliminate that craving.

    A diet below 50 - 75 grams of carbs is certainly low carb and will not be easy to maintain in the long run. That's only 200 - 300 calories from carbs, which is only about 10% of calories from carbs for an average man.

    Just keep eating those "nice big mangoes" whenever you feel the need for sugar. You didn't make it clear in your earlier posts. Do you still drink alcohol or not? Just the calories from alcohol (which includes carbs) will eliminate cravings.

    Hi, please read carefully. Paleo does not allow alcohol and I am thus not drinking alcohol. Even before my alcohol intake was ~bottle of red a week. Mostly the weekends, I would have 2-3 glasses Friday and Saturday. I think you need to clean your glasses! :)

  5. Actually id love it if you put some stuff up to defend your views in the other topic and going against my proof in the video's. The thing is we can all learn something from a healthy debate.

    Just repeating yourself and saying i feel great is not really evidence.

    Its not just my way or the highway, any way goes as long as there is some support for it.

    I just take something from all those diet fads and all the evidence there is. I don't subscribe to any one of them sorry if that offends you I just don't follow the masses i try to poke holes in theories and look what holds up and what does not.

    And if you start defending yourself we can all learn something from it, who knows some new information might surface. But please do look at the vids in the paleo topic. These people are scientist and not trying to sell books and such.


    haha that was easy.

  6. People may be offended by the prescriptive 'my way or the highway' tone of your posts and diet. But if they ask you for advice, I guess you are entitled to give it however you want!

    Good meant help can often be misread as an offence due to misinterpretations.

    The good man is trying to help.

    Haha I love your avatar....that mustache is totally creepy! :)

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  7. Just to add:

    - real low carb has its uses, its just not for me but i don't doubt that it works as lowering my carbs helped combat fat. I however don't believe that you can eat all you want on low carb and still believe in the end its about how much you consume calorie wise. I still believe in That law, and sure not all calories are the same but in the end the amount does count and you can't eat all you want.

    Low carb works because it helps to curb appetite, if you get in ketosis.

  8. I wonder if you even watched the vids, an open mind is something good if you want to learn. But looks like you don't want to learn or even see critisism on your newfound wonder cure for all.

    Basically they all trash the notion that those paleo diets that are touted are what they ate back then. its simply not true and a marketing gimmick.

    But everyone is also saying there are sure health benefits to eating whole foods unprocessed stuff.

    Its just the lies that come with the diet to make a few bucks and the theory is just flawed.

    Like I said before just take the good things from fad diets and have an open mind don't fall for it all educate yourself.

    The second vid is also real nice science disproving your beloved diet.

    How is eating whole healthy nutrition filled food a fad diet?

  9. I wonder if you even watched the vids, an open mind is something good if you want to learn. But looks like you don't want to learn or even see critisism on your newfound wonder cure for all.

    Basically they all trash the notion that those paleo diets that are touted are what they ate back then. its simply not true and a marketing gimmick.

    But everyone is also saying there are sure health benefits to eating whole foods unprocessed stuff.

    Its just the lies that come with the diet to make a few bucks and the theory is just flawed.

    Like I said before just take the good things from fad diets and have an open mind don't fall for it all educate yourself.

    The second vid is also real nice science disproving your beloved diet.

  10. Here some info of a scientist that tells that paleo people did eat grains. It is around 2-3 minutes where he explains it. Shows you some insights.

    Basically says things what i say its good to eat non processed food but the paleo diet is misunderstood.

    What a great find and thanks for posting it. Very educational.

    Some Paleo diet theorists will argue that indigenous native Americans found by settlers (from 1492) are not primitive "cave dwelling" humans.

    It is clear that even "primitive" humans craved sweet things if they could find them and favoured starchy foods if available.

    Their starchy things came in the shapes of tubers and berries , or seasonally in the shape of apple trees - not in the shape of jumbo bags of extra BBQ Doritos But eat what you want! :)

  11. Here some info of a scientist that tells that paleo people did eat grains. It is around 2-3 minutes where he explains it. Shows you some insights.

    Basically says things what i say its good to eat non processed food but the paleo diet is misunderstood.

    What a great find and thanks for posting it. Very educational.

    Some Paleo diet theorists will argue that indigenous native Americans found by settlers (from 1492) are not primitive "cave dwelling" humans.

    It is clear that even "primitive" humans craved sweet things if they could find them and favoured starchy foods if available.

    Great - if some people want to have a diet of sticky rice and wonderbread, I say go for it!

  12. I really don't feel like I'm roughing it though. For breakfast I have a couple/few scrambled eggs and a little bit of sweet potato, and some greens, usually broccoli or spinach. I have a nice hot cup of black coffee, and if I feel like it I'll have some berries or some other fruit (papaya, guava, melon, dragonfruit are good lowish sugar fruits). I don't eat fruit every day, just when I get the hankering for it.
    For lunch I'll have a nice big piece of chicken or some steak or other protein like fish and I will have some squash or sweet potato and more greens.
    For dinner I often have a nice piece of salmon, or some chicken or a couple pork chops, or I often make a stew of sorts in my slow cooker and have that with a nice big green salad with homemade vinaigrette. Again, I'll have some berries in a little bit of coconut milk, or a nice big mango if I feel like something super sweet.
    I don't really snack that much, but if I do want something I'll have some roasted cashews or almonds. I treat myself to some soda water with lime in the evening. I usually have a serving of kimchi every day as well...fermented foods are good for you.
    For those who do not know what paleo is, they would have no idea that I am eating really any differently. It's only when you actually look at what I'm not eating that you realize that it is paleo.
    I really enjoy my meals, but what’s great is that I don’t have the urge to snack or I don’t obsess over food.

    You do have cravings, even after 2 weeks. You've mentioned it 3 times in this post:

    1. "or a nice big mango if I feel like something super sweet"

    2. "I don't eat fruit every day, just when I get the hankering for it"

    3. "and if I feel like it I'll have some berries or some other fruit"

    People on low carb diets don't usually eat this much fruit or any at all, especially "nice big mangos".

    You're craving carbs (sugar) and take care of it with fruit and sweet potato which is full of sugar too. IMO this is fine, but don't come along and say you don't have cravings. If you cut your carbs even lower your cravings will get stronger.

    Sorry, you are confused again.

    I used to do low carb and would not eat fruit.

    I'm not doing low carb now (though I am sure I am below 50-75 grams of carbs a day usually) because paleo allows some fruit...I don't gorge on fruit.

    Not really sure what you are going on about, if I said I was doing a keto diet then I would be contradicting myself.

    It is perfectly alright on a paleo diet to have fruit. Actually, My first week I was eating more fruit, the last 5-6 days I think I've only had two pieces of fruit. But, according to the diet I am following, I can have it a couple times a day, which I already told you about. Same with squash/sweet potatoes, I am having about a half cup's worth with my meal, though if I wanted more than that I would have it. I've been finding that my 5-10 kilometeres of walk/jog/run every day is done more energetically with a little bit of carb in the diet.

    I realize I got your panties in a bunch with my my post the other day, sorry it affected you so much! unsure.png Go back to your heaping bowls of oatmeal! smile.png

  13. I see now I said protect the labour , but I meant liver . Well nothing much to report , it is a nice cold tea to have about the house and work place but no noticeable bs reduction compared to my usual oolong . I still feel results with guava - bok si da after the main meal .

    I heard dragonfruit is good for blood sugar levels....

  14. I don't have a problem with most of the food Paleo eats I just have a problem with the exclusions based on the theory that paleo people did not eat it while in reality the paleo diet was seasonal and real dependent on location. Plus they did not eat for health they ate to survive and would have eaten anything even if it was bad for them.

    So on bases of this theory that is full of holes milk is bad, grains are bad. While the paleo diet from the guru's does not even resemble the true paleo diet.

    Just pick healthy stuff, and be happy that we now have a much more varied diet that is superior to what they ate back then. I am not talking fast food I am talking about people what is available for people who care about their health.

    Sounds Good! I don't in particular like the 'paleo' name....Mark Sisson calls it "Primal Eating", which I like more.

  15. I really don't feel like I'm roughing it though. For breakfast I have a couple/few scrambled eggs and a little bit of sweet potato, and some greens, usually broccoli or spinach. I have a nice hot cup of black coffee, and if I feel like it I'll have some berries or some other fruit (papaya, guava, melon, dragonfruit are good lowish sugar fruits). I don't eat fruit every day, just when I get the hankering for it.

    For lunch I'll have a nice big piece of chicken or some steak or other protein like fish and I will have some squash or sweet potato and more greens.

    For dinner I often have a nice piece of salmon, or some chicken or a couple pork chops, or I often make a stew of sorts in my slow cooker and have that with a nice big green salad with homemade vinaigrette. Again, I'll have some berries in a little bit of coconut milk, or a nice big mango if I feel like something super sweet.

    I don't really snack that much, but if I do want something I'll have some roasted cashews or almonds. I treat myself to some soda water with lime in the evening. I usually have a serving of kimchi every day as well...fermented foods are good for you.

    For those who do not know what paleo is, they would have no idea that I am eating really any differently. It's only when you actually look at what I'm not eating that you realize that it is paleo.

    I really enjoy my meals, but what’s great is that I don’t have the urge to snack or I don’t obsess over food.
  16. Paleo is about eating unrefined foods - meat, eggs, poultry, tons of veggies, a bit of fruit, and using olive or coconut oil mainly for your oils (or clarified butter).

    Paleo absolutely restricts grains, seeds and seed oils, dairy, sugar (no cane sugar, honey, agave honey blah blah blah) and no artificial sweeteners either, and alcohol.

    Focus is on quality free range meats, which are difficult to find here, so I make do with what I can get.

    Have been on it now a couple weeks - feeling fantastic and have lost a fair amount of weight, less bloated, more alert...

    Good luck keeping it up. It's too unnatural and too difficult to sustain in the long run. Sooner or later your cravings will get the better of you.

    On the contrary, I would say it is too natural! Haha. What's unnatural is eating massive amounts of polished grain endosperm, drinking and eating by-products of bovine hormonal fluid produced exclusively for baby bovines, pounding down chemically treated and bleached sucrose, and consuming seed oils that have been put through multiple chemical processes before they can be used by humans.

    Your idea of this diet being unnatural is funny for me to try to understand. Fresh meat, eggs, veggies, fruit, and real unprocessed oils....hmm, seems pretty natural to me!

    Anyway, I have been low carb a couple of years and have enjoyed it and have long been off the grain and sugar wagon. Quitting dairy was a new one for me but I feel great since letting it go. Quitting alcohol is something I have been working up to...glad to let go of that unnatural demon. My sobriety is frightening in how clear it makes me feel and think.

    Cravings are the creation of eating unnaturally sweet, salty, empty carb-laden man made foods. You don't get cravings when your diet is balanced and natural.

    However, ignorance is bliss and I wish you well!

  17. Paleo is about eating unrefined foods - meat, eggs, poultry, tons of veggies, a bit of fruit, and using olive or coconut oil mainly for your oils (or clarified butter).

    Paleo absolutely restricts grains, seeds and seed oils, dairy, sugar (no cane sugar, honey, agave honey blah blah blah) and no artificial sweeteners either, and alcohol.

    Focus is on quality free range meats, which are difficult to find here, so I make do with what I can get.

    Have been on it now a couple weeks - feeling fantastic and have lost a fair amount of weight, less bloated, more alert...

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