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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Sugar is a bigger potential evil than just the calories it brings.

    For many people who have poor digestion or low hydrochloric stomach acid it is a potential disaster. Many people as they get older suffer from low hydrochloric stomach acid but you don't have to be older to suffer from this condition.

    The symptoms are similar to high acid with reflux and IBS, bloating etc common symptoms.

    When you add sugar into a person with these problems and there are a lot of people suffering this which goes undiagnosed in many cases you get even more problems like candida and yeast overgrowth in the digestive tract. This leads to all sorts of health issues including things like malabsorption vit b deficiency, liver issues, osteoporosis, heart disease etc.

    If you have ridges in your fingernails you may want to check out if you are suffering from low hydrochloric acid in your stomach.

    This is all rather depressing.....

    Here's some good news for once. A thumbs up for red meatthumbsup.gif

    "why red meat is good for you"


    The kefir should help with most digestive issues so you shouldn't need to worry too much.

    Interesting to note that frying or grilling red meat is not that good for you according to the link you provided. I would also add that you should try to get organic cuts of red meat because what our ancestors ate and what we are eating now bears very little resemblance.

    Or at least grass fed beef. I have a dealer who gets his stuff from NZ, good stuff!

  2. Cut out sugar (including sweets and pops, and beer) from your diet. Concentrate on greens and meats as your staple foods. Try to limit starch (bread, potatoes, rice, etc.) - I shred up cabbage and use it as a sub for rice - works great!

    I agree with this but would add- cut meat out, or at least animal. Plain chicken , fish OK and you'll lose,quite naturally,. Natural honey in 1 coffee is OK ,

    Just don't eat processed foods, have a baked or boiled potato, smother it in plain yoghurt, or even a little butter, don't use margarine, limit oil but a little 1 table spoon one or twice a week is OK, olive esp is healthy and be wary of " diet foods" too processed. LIMIT alcohol , that's the fatty-upper. you can do cardio for 30 minutes and only burn the calories of a glass of wine

    Mild cardio for 30 minutes everyday is the way to lose it fast , and keep it off. brisk walks etc, elliptical is optimal for non joint stress

    When you do sit ups, always hold the muscle tight or what you'll train is a gut.

    You should also not eat high sugar fruits, like watermelon, or juices. Drink soda water w lime it's delicious.

    All sounds good. I make myself a couple nor-cal margaritas on saturdays, the rest of the week no alcohol. Couple black espressos a day, and the rest of the time all I drink is either plain ole water or soda water with lime.

    I have about 10 ozs a day of animal protein (beef, chicken, fish, pork). I use olive oil or macademia oil, but usually not to cook, but as a little bit or drizzle or in oil/vinegar dressing for a salad.

  3. Hi, I don't run in the streets. I usually keep it in my village, which has a .7 kilometer loop that I will run around 8 times like a hamster. Lots of other villagers doing the same thing so we have kind of a fraternity, haha.

    I'll hit the running machine at my gym, but I prefer outdoor running, esp in the evening or very early morning (before sunrise).

    Have you checked around your 'hood for parks? What part of town you in? About a 10 minute drive from my house there are two really great parks, that I will go to on the weekend mornings or evenings...but this option might be difficult if you don't have your own transport. One has a 1.25 loop and the other a .8 loop.

    There is a small park in my village but i dont like using small loops. When I run i like to do 4-6 kilometers at a clip and running around a circle 40 times can be quite boring.

    A boring circuit or getting bitten/inconvenienced by dogs? It's a no-brainer. Go for boredom.

    i'd have to agree with that. I live in the 'burbs and love to ride my bike around exploring, but there are just too many crazy dogs out there...

  4. Hi, I don't run in the streets. I usually keep it in my village, which has a .7 kilometer loop that I will run around 8 times like a hamster. Lots of other villagers doing the same thing so we have kind of a fraternity, haha.

    I'll hit the running machine at my gym, but I prefer outdoor running, esp in the evening or very early morning (before sunrise).

    Have you checked around your 'hood for parks? What part of town you in? About a 10 minute drive from my house there are two really great parks, that I will go to on the weekend mornings or evenings...but this option might be difficult if you don't have your own transport. One has a 1.25 loop and the other a .8 loop.

    There is a small park in my village but i dont like using small loops. When I run i like to do 4-6 kilometers at a clip and running around a circle 40 times can be quite boring.

    Yeah my.6 loop is a bit tedious, though at one point I lived in a village that had a .4 loop...

    Any parks outside your village that you can get to?

  5. Hi, I don't run in the streets. I usually keep it in my village, which has a .7 kilometer loop that I will run around 8 times like a hamster. Lots of other villagers doing the same thing so we have kind of a fraternity, haha.

    I'll hit the running machine at my gym, but I prefer outdoor running, esp in the evening or very early morning (before sunrise).

    Have you checked around your 'hood for parks? What part of town you in? About a 10 minute drive from my house there are two really great parks, that I will go to on the weekend mornings or evenings...but this option might be difficult if you don't have your own transport. One has a 1.25 loop and the other a .8 loop.

  6. His exercise does require strength, but I'm not so sure the guy is very strong. I'd have to see how much he can pull or push, squat or dead lift in the gym to determine that. It would be interesting.


    Its a different kind of strength and control we are talking about. I am strong you are too but we would not be able to do as he does. The body adapts to the task it is forced to preform.

    It would still be interesting to test his lifting strength to see how the yoga strength carries over.

    and then get one of those gym bunnies to try and do his poses....haha.

  7. you could even buy some cacao and add it to the drink though you would probably add sugar then too and that would be bad.

    Just use a packet of artificial sweetener.

    Cacao, a little coconut milk, maybe some bran for extra fiber, cinnamon. Fruit unfortunately means sugar, not recommended for dieters.



    Interesting, about the artificial sweetener I have not used it as it had gotten a bad rep. I do like drinking some hot chocolate milk at times but as i don't add sugar it usually tastes a bit bitter. But still nice.

    I'm avoiding all sweet stuff, including artificial sweeteners now, but you can try "stevia", it is a natural sweetener You can find it in liquid form at foodland.

  8. Regarding bodyweight exercises. Chin-ups are a very intensive exercise that can result in good muscular gains. How you go with these will be dependant on your body weight. Heavy people could find these very difficult.

    You can do them palms facing to stress the biceps more.

    At my club they have the chin up machines with the assists....I've been meaning to add some into my routine.

  9. Sorry after watching the clips i now see they are not for muscle building but for at burning as i thought. My apologies i got mixed up when talking about full body exercises and mixed them up with compound exercises. Plus the squat there got me going to thinking about weights and such.

    My mistake.. so no I don't have those sorry they are just not for me as i got a home gym with all I need so I don't have to improvise.

    Think those exercises you mention there are nice after a run to burn a bit more and do something different.

    Yeah lots of burning going on there! I would say the crunches will help you develop your abs though, especially if you start getting into the variations on them.

  10. I dont do only body weight exercises, they are not for me as i build muscle i need to progressively load my muscles you can only do that with body weight exercises if your not too strong.

    I do weighted squat and dead lifts, weighted dips ect ect.

    Oh yeah I am back to free weights now three times a week - I have a great complementary routine. But sometimes it isn't feasible for me to get over to the club. Instead of not doing anything at all, these work great to stretch you out and keep you toned. Better than nothing! And for beginners, I would say these three exercises area good start. Not everyone is looking to be all bulked out.

    Even if you don't want to be bulked out but just a few muscles you need to apply progressive strain on the muscle within a certain rep range 5-18 or so. If you can do 18 reps easy (already real high for muscle building) then you wont get any muscles at all. So its not about being bulked out or anything just waste of time if you want to get any kind of muscle.

    It can be a good calorie burn or a beginner exercise to build a little strength but you soon progress past its effectiveness for muscle building.

    Yep I aim for a set of 3 reps of 8, max 12. I just got back into lifting about a week and a half ago, starting slow to ease muscles into it but expect a fairly rapid gain.

    I have been using Fitness Buddy, a great weight training app. Has 1700 exercises in it, all with animations and/or vid. Lots of pre-set workouts or you can build your own. Quite a steal for 70 Baht!

  11. I dont do only body weight exercises, they are not for me as i build muscle i need to progressively load my muscles you can only do that with body weight exercises if your not too strong.

    I do weighted squat and dead lifts, weighted dips ect ect.

    Oh yeah I am back to free weights now three times a week - I have a great complementary routine. But sometimes it isn't feasible for me to get over to the club. Instead of not doing anything at all, these work great to stretch you out and keep you toned. Better than nothing! And for beginners, I would say these three exercises area good start. Not everyone is looking to be all bulked out.

  12. I was looking for cinamonn tea , as i would like to try it as a bg friendly beverage , and I came across a guava tea in a Hong Kong supermarket . It is made in Thailand .

    Manufacturer - Chin Huay Co. Ltd.

    Brand name - Guava tea.

    HK packaging name - Eros Guava Tea

    The blurb on the packaging claims it can help reduce blood sugars and protect the labour .

    I will post on results if any .

    Just brew your coffee or tea with some cinnamon...works great!
    Does the powdered stuff do ? Just stir it in like ?

    Yep, about half a teaspoon is enough, too much is not good for you (I think they recommend not more than a teaspoon a day). Just vigorously stir it in. If you let your coffee/tea set and it gets cold, the cinnamon forms a slimy blob at the bottom of the cup...so drink it up fairly quick smile.png

  13. all of the above works....

    if you can cut out 100% zero sugar and ALL types of bread,limit rice and starches, remember if you are lifting get some GOOD carbs into your system prior to workout and some extra protein straight after for full benefits. Good luck and more importantly Good Health.. smile.png

    Excellent advice. Try this for a month: no sugar (or artificial sweetener), dairy, grain, alcohol, or seed oils. Eat all real foods, including meat, fish and eggs, lots and lots of veggies. Use olive oil or coconut oil. Get your starch from a little bit of sweet potato or squash. You can have one or two pieces of fruit a day, but if you are trying to lose weight, you can do without (your veggies have plenty of nutrients).

  14. Just shove a water hose spray up your butt and turn it on for 15 minutes. Fully cleansed!

    Haha I've done a couple colonics in my life. Interesting experience, but not something I would recommend to do regularly. To each his own.

    I gather you are just taking the piss with your unhelpful comment. Please go back to your pop tarts and beer leo and leave people interested in improving their health to their own devices. Thanks Krup!wai2.gif

  15. I was looking for cinamonn tea , as i would like to try it as a bg friendly beverage , and I came across a guava tea in a Hong Kong supermarket . It is made in Thailand .

    Manufacturer - Chin Huay Co. Ltd.

    Brand name - Guava tea.

    HK packaging name - Eros Guava Tea

    The blurb on the packaging claims it can help reduce blood sugars and protect the labour .

    I will post on results if any .

    Just brew your coffee or tea with some cinnamon...works great!

  16. I wish it were Rob, that way I'd feel morecomfortable about the whole thing. This morning was a classic example, I'm hunting around for breakfast but I don't want to eat eggs again so I settle on some plain yogurt, some cottage cheese, a piece of ham and four prunes, not exactly the Ritz gourmet breakfast but it works and gives the desired carbo's vs protein ratio.

    So I start with a fasting level of 109, eat my breakfast and one hour later I'm 167, <deleted> I ask myself! But then at 2 hours I'm back down to 112 - methinks I have some way to go on the education front of all of this.

    The prunes are actually pretty high in sugar, that may have been the culprit. Better to have some berries. I get frozen raspberries from foodland. A bag that lasts me a week costs about 120 baht.

  17. You can find real MS in Villa and Foodland. Sometimes they have Grade B, but not always.

    An alternative (much cheaper) is to use freshly 'squeezed' sugar cane juice (nam oi) that you can get at the side of the road at various places. You can also use limes instead of lemons. These alternatives are approved by the orginator of the MC, I can't remember if it is in the little book he wrote or something I read he said online. Definitely a cheaper alternative!

    I like the MC, have done it a few times - great way to fast and clean your system out.

  18. I am not saying that the Paleo diet as it is touted is bad, it certainly has good aspects.

    What i am saying is that the arguments that they use are faslse as Paleo men certainly did not eat like this, and they did eat grains ect.

    They are using false arguments, and like i said before the Paleo diet was not about health it was about survival and far from optimal and varied a lot per location and per season. It is no where near what is being sold here and promoted. Both scientists in both clips back up what i have to say.

    So I am not attacking the diet as such but more their "proof" because eating un processed foods is good and most diets / food programs go like that.

    No grains or milk could be good.. but only for those who are sensative to gluten or lactose, other people have absolutely no problems with grains or milk.

    So yes sure it could be good but the arguments are false as are the arguments against grains.

    I still believe that Paleo men had a real limited diet goverened by location and season, what we can eat now today is far superior.

    The part about the digestive track not resembling that of carnivores is very interesting. It's a point I've always known, but it somehow got forgotten when discussing this recent fad diet. Our gut also does not resemble that of herbivores, and therefore it's impossible to digest cellulose. Humans are like "jack-of-all-trades, but master of none". We are in the middle where we most efficiently digest fruit, milk, cooked grains and legumes. We are just not suited to eating too much meat.

    Our guts are designed to digest meat, veggies, and fruit, really. The de-germified de-fiberized leftover polished grain endosperm that people eat nowadays resembles nothing what ancient man had or ate in their diet.

    I agree it is not the same but not all progress is bad, if you look the second vid the scientist there stated that before veggies had more stuff in it that we could not handle.. But by selective breeding (done for ages) we changed it to better suit us.

    I am not a big fan of genetically engineered stuff. but selective breeding has been around for ages. I doubt it is all bad, I do agree its bad in some cases.

    Not all change is bad, the fact that you can get all those vegetables so easy back in the paleo days. Back then most of the day revolved around getting food.

    True that...you might have had to hunt and gather all day, plus escape the occasional wilderbeast or sabertooth. :)

    Selective breeding of fruits/veg have negative consequences - lots of fruit, oranges apples pineapple and bananas come to mind, where most of the nutrients have been breeded out and they are basically huge sugar bombs.

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