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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. It's strange in this day and age that people are still judging a person's worth based on their sexual orientation.

    Your worth needs to be measured on how you treat and respect others, and the contributions you make to your community specifically and society in general.

    Who you want to (consensually) <deleted> is irrelevant.

  2. Breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince & evening meal like a pauper. Works for me, oh and buy a cycle and a couple of dogs, I got a Husky who can go miles!

    Unless you are doing intermittent fasting,then you don't eat anything all day and have a 4 hours or so feeding window int he evening. That works great as well!

    • Like 1
  3. Started the Whole 30 Program a few days ago, and really like it. It is basically paleo, quite restrictive as far as no grains, legumes, sugar (or sugar free stuff), alcohol, etc - but it is only for 30 days. They claim that at the end of the 30 days you'll feel so good that you'll want to stay on it.

    Basically it's meat and eggs, fish and chicken, lots of veggies of every kind, and you can have squash, pumpkin, and sweet potato for your carbs. It also allows small amounts of fruit for your treats/desserts (melon, berries, and other low carb fruits). Very easy to do here in Thailand. After a few days I have noticed that my meals satiate me and I have lots of energy.

    Check out the diet summary here. You don't have to by their book, all the info you need to follow it is on the linked page. However, I was able to find the book somewhere online,s o if you would like a copy, just PM me.

    • Like 1
  4. Again it would be nice for them to tell us where most cases are contracted, in Thailand, and in Bangkok in particular. Not very useful otherwise.

    I think this is them telling us enough information.. ALL PROVINCES... and this is very typical of health departments the world over not just Thailand to be VAGUE. Anyway ALL PROVINCES tells us that Dengue fever is now widespread and at dangerous levels so people SPRAY. YOU DO NOT WANT this illness.

    I'm sure some have it worse than others. It would be nice for them to point them out.

  5. Somehow a few on this thread seem bent on turning this into a Thai people verbal bashing.

    Some teens beat up a man, yet somehow the discussion turn to Thai women?

    Last warning, stop with such generalised AND off topic remarks. Next one who comes up with such again will get some time off

    I agree.

    Pity the Nation is such a bad rag you can't get a straight story from them and people have to resort to making things up instead :)

  6. There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

    He must have done something wrong in the past....

    yes I have doubts on the "no reason". But who knows.....

    According to the Daily News article referenced in the Coconutsbangkok story, he was staying at the Manhattan Hotel and had been there for three days. On the evening of the assault he'd been to visit some entertainment venues at the end of Soi Manhattan and he was assaulted on walking back to his hotel by the teens who pulled up on their bikes.

    So it looks like the cause of the attack could be something that happened at the entertainment venues he visited.

    Trying to pick up on one of their girlfriends?

  7. Come on all you people stop bickering you all know very well young teenagers everywhere in the world now are mostly ass holes they have no respect for nothing even themselves and if you don't have respect for your parents or yourself how the hell can you have for a stranger. They had no right to assault this man no matter what he did that's what the police are for.As six of them attacked one man they are just a bunch of lilly livered ass holes. Now Good Day and take care its becoming a dangerous world out there.

    We don't know what he said or did, or was trying to proposition them to do. We don't know anything. So best wait til they can find these teens and get a story from then, then try to figure out who is the worse liar.

  8. Green tea, like coffee, helps your metabolism to burn calories faster. I prefer green tea for a number of reasons: it has more antioxidants than coffee, it gives you mental clarity but none of the jittery/worried feeling one can get from too much coffee; also, my digestive system definitely prefers green tea - individual response to coffee can be quite different though. If you are going to try, buy green tea dried leaves (I like sencha leaves) and make your own at home.

    Daily brisk walks of 45-50 min are great for burning fat. If you have the time, add them to your exercise schedule.

    I love my daily walks. Good for me emotionally as well as physically. I incorporate a little HIIT in it too to get the metabolism going.

  9. Can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit by a motorcycle on the freaking sidewalk in Bangkok!

    Unheard of in other countries. One of my number one annoyances about Thailand. Sidewalks are for walking, not motorized vehicles. Very annoying and unsafe.

    We had a trainer flown in for our company from the States...first day she emerged from her hotel on Sukhumvit 24 was nailed by a bike on the sidewalk, it knocked her over and she nearly broke her arm. Plus shell shocked her all to hell.

    • Like 2
  10. As a scarred old biker, i'd just like to note that a huge number of the motorcycle-deaths will of course have been caused by car, truck and bus drivers, not any stupidity on the part of the bikers. Not wearing a helmet is of course, stupid, but in a large number of car - on - bike smashes, death will happen with or without a 'lid'. Having had 'Sorry mate i didn't see ya' actually said to me while i was laying in the flower-bed in the middle of a huge roundabout after being knocked sideways by a car-driver in the middle of the afternoon in the London suburbs...i know for sure that drivers really don't see bikes from time to time.

    I don't agree. The majority of two wheeled accidents I am sure happen because the bikes are consistently and constantly taking risks, overtaking, riding int he wrong lane, coming up behind and cutting off from the left, changing lanes willy nilly, taking extreme risks to fit into a wedge of cars. Every day I see 10 near fatalities from bikes riding irresponsibly and erratically. And I'm not saying 4 wheeled vehicles are much better!

  11. The OP is very vague - 'between 70-80%'

    Where are the actual stats?

    This chart from 2010 gives % (source)

    'two wheels bad'

    Five times a day I am making some maneuver to keep a bike from crashing into my car. After awhile here you get a sort of spidy sense about things. Sometimes I think they are actually trying to get me to crash into them.

    It also helps to assume the rider you are approaching is going to do something stupid. The don't disappoint me often. As I said on another thread. My thumb is always resting on the horn, to let them know I'm there. Down south it's not considered an insult to toot the horn.

    I find a quick series of honks, fairly light touch, does not offend people here in BKK.

  12. I found in the OTOP section of my local Foodland a Garcinia tea. Little sachets..about 30 in a box for 40 Baht. Has a very zesty lemony and earthy taste...not bad but takes a bit getting used to. Have been having a cup of that in the mid morning every day, and take the pills just before I leave work. That seems to help me not be so hungry at night.

    What interests me more than the weight loss claims of Garcinia is that it also claims to reduce body inflammation, which I think it actually does. Anybody that knows about inflammation knows that it is designated as one of the main causes of many modern ills in society Reduce the inflammation and live better! smile.png

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