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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. basic arithmetic is sadly lacking . surely you noticed how they reach for a calculator in most stores etc..

    I was going to mention that. The little store I get my 2-3 cans of Chang from about 4 nights a week (for the last 10 years or so) has the same 2 people working there all the time. Never once have they tried to figure out the price without the calculator. Sad, when a beer is 30 baht each, especially...

  2. Thai students and children get no guidance on "prioritizing" tasks and work. They have no work ethic or sense of reward for "achievement. They are not driven by achievement success. They are driven by "compatibility" and fraternity with their sakdi na network and pecking order. When it comes to schoolwork they have no discipline, the work has little meaning or application. They waste time and dilly dally about chit chatting and playing games and uploading pictures.

    They have never been taught "order" and priority of work tasks. It doesn't mean anything in Thai culture. Homework in Thailand is merely busy work , it is not designed to teach or for students to learn and take interest. Thailand education is a sham and everyone knows it. They are not prepared for adult life. Everyone who knows and understands Thailand knows that the system is broken long before homework is assigned. Assigning homework at any level of volume in Thailand is an exercise in futility.

    I think you are way over-generalising here. I've known lazy students, hard-working students and everything in between.

    I agree though that too much busy work is given out.

  3. I really cannot understand why prostitution is still not legal in Thailand. It happens at such a large scale, at least if it's legal brothels can be regulated and it will also significantly reduce the spread of STDs. Legalization would also destroy the need for such child prostitutes and the need for forced prostitution. The lack of foresight is saddening... sigh...

    That would take a huge amt of $$$ out of the hands of mafia, police, village officials.

  4. Was the monk walk the thing that left me waiting in traffic two hours yesterday on Ramindra road?

    probably, similar thing caused chaos last year. Said they wouldn't do it again at the time I think.

    If they were trying to raise the consciousness of and awareness of Buddhism....well, instead they raised the ire of thousands of poor commuters who worked all day and had to sit in traffic for two hours in what should have been a 10 minute trip.

    It's showboat activities like this that reveal how massively big certain Buddhist leaders' egos are....I'm a Buddhist, and daily am confronted by these Buddhist fakers that are just in it for the show.

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