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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. I bought some "lite mayonnaise" the other day, expecting it to be sugar free. It was disgustingly sweet and when the GF showed me the 30% sugar content in Thai I was astounded. How can they label something as "lite" with such a sugar content?

    The mayo was given to the neighbours and replaced with Heinz.

    Great story! I have one of my own. I was with my girlfriend in a mall food court, and had just piled up a great veggie salad. She then gently took it from my hands and killed it with a ladle full of sickening sweet mayonnaise from one of those troughs. I was fuming, but in love. Ha! What's a guy to do? I ended up marrying her a year later, and I now keep my hands on the salad at all times!

    You don't let her toss your salad?

  2. All these attack on sugar are unfounded and based on questionable research. It's a fact that threnody needs sugar and our brain is the largest consumer of glucose.

    Try over eating and general consumption of processed foods.

    Untrue. In the absence of glucose your body will produce its own. Look up gluconeogenisis. Your body makes it from protein. Your body does not need one gram of carbohydrate to run efficiently. Most people consume way too much ---cose than is good for them.

  3. There's a horse race track!?

    Yes. It's called The Royal Dusit Turf Club & includes The Royal Dusit Golf Club.

    Apparently i have been living in a spider hole. Can you bet at this track? This is a real live track like the Kentucky Derby? With horses?

    It's interesting to go see but all the races are supposedly fixed and it has a rather scummy appearance.

  4. I think this article deliberatly misleads. Yes carbonated drinks are one of the culprits but most of the international brands have a zero or low sugar alternative. Within the Thai culture sugar is added to nearly everything, localy prepared fruit drinks and food is loaded with sugar.

    These so called academics should look at the overall food culture in Thailand . I think baning carbonated drinks at schools is simply myopic as it appears to disregard the overall problem. Thai food culture has a very sweet tooth and sugar loaded soda's are meerly the tip of the iceberg

    Be warned, those low and zero sugar alternatives contain stuff far worse for you than sugar. If you want a coke on a hot day, just accept it and have a fatboy coke, just dont drink 10 a day. The zero sugar alternatives are very bad indeed.

    Get those Chang sodas with bitter lemon essence. Really good, and if you don't like it so bubbly add about a third water to it. Great thirst quencher.

    • Like 1
  5. I bought some "lite mayonnaise" the other day, expecting it to be sugar free. It was disgustingly sweet and when the GF showed me the 30% sugar content in Thai I was astounded. How can they label something as "lite" with such a sugar content?

    The mayo was given to the neighbours and replaced with Heinz.

    Lite mayo replaces fat with sugar and other carbs. Nasty! Make your own, I do, it's delicious and simple!

  6. For non-diabetics, fresh fruit is a good safe food. Fruit juice unsweetened is not as good if the roughage is discarded. But get real, most fruit juice consumed in Thailand and most countries is SUGAR water!

    Problem with a lot of fruit is that it has been bred to be supersweet (ie pineapple). Better to stick to semi sweet fruit like papayas, or berries.

    • Like 2
  7. Most Thai people have destroyed the ability to taste sweetness. I had a Thai friend hand me a bottle of green tea. I told him I don't take sugar, and he said, oh this one isn't sweet, just a tiny tiny bit to take the bitterness away. I took a sip and choked on tasting nothing but sugar... sickeningly sweet sweetness. My Thai friends thought I was overreacting, but it was positively disgusting.

    Another friend's mother has Type 2 diabetes...So she does her best not to put sugar on stuff, but eats tons of sweet fruits and her family buys her cartons and cartons of processed fruit juice - because it's natural! (Sigh). then they sneak her ice cream all the time because she needs a 'treat' once in a while. And glasses of coke. I tried for awhile to educate them, but they don't listen, don't want to learn, or don't care...not sure which it is. She's thin for her age, so maybe they don't understand the dager she is in....

    I saw a guy put about 8 spoons of sugar into his pork noodles the other day. Ick. And I saw a guy last night buy a medium piece of chicken to go with his 5 packets of sticky rice (sticky rice has the same GI as table sugar).

    • Like 1
  8. One life has already been destroyed and the Thai "justice" system is going to totally destroy another one. The braindead Thai media will blame games (which had nothing at all to do with this) while hundreds of thousands of people with mental issues in Thailand will still be laughed at and ignored instead of helped.

    Exactly, look at how often people with downs syndrome or other mental ailments play the part of buffoons in TV shows. Thai parents also normally turn a blind eye to mental instability or autism. Lacking support for his sickness, the parents probably found it easier to park him in front of a computer to get hi out of their hair.

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  9. Come on guys! The important aspect of this anti-government protest was it's timing and location. On a Sunday in a confined area in the government district. That's very considerate. I'm sure lots of Bangkok people and a handful tourists know to appreciate that.

    Hear Hear! By the looks of it they didn't have to persuade any farmhands with purple notes and lao khao to attend as well. Good on Boonlert! I'm just glad that he is there to protect the great institution from this curent band of thieves in office.

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