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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Dr Mercola's diabtetes treatment is probably more suitable for most people and has proved very effective. I think you read his blog which is based on avoiding grains and limiting carbs with higher protein etc etc which is what you do i think.

    Let's not give Dr Mercola too much credit here. A low carb diet is how diabetics have been "treating" their disease for a very long time. Dr Mercola is just a marketing guru pushing other peoples' ideas.

    Fixing blood sugar numbers through diet is not a cure though, Many people think that if they lower their numbers by exercise and diet they are curing themselves. All they are really doing is controlling their blood sugar. If they start eating a high carb diet again they will soon be where they were before.

    I really wanted to stress this point because so many people are touting "cures", when in fact they are not.

    At least Dr Mercola is interested in people taking control of their own health and he is providing valuable information to do that. Is he self serving because he makes a living out of it? I dont know about that. I think you are being far too cynical by taking that viewpoint.

    Arent people allowed to endorse ideas and treatments that others have researched without being accused of being self serving? Heck there is probably almost nothing new when it comes down to it !

    Agreed! I learned about GI and its importance from the Mercola site. Never paid him a dime and got great info!

  2. Dr Mercola's diabtetes treatment is probably more suitable for most people and has proved very effective. I think you read his blog which is based on avoiding grains and limiting carbs with higher protein etc etc which is what you do i think.

    Let's not give Dr Mercola too much credit here. A low carb diet is how diabetics have been "treating" their disease for a very long time. Dr Mercola is just a marketing guru pushing other peoples' ideas.

    Fixing blood sugar numbers through diet is not a cure though, Many people think that if they lower their numbers by exercise and diet they are curing themselves. All they are really doing is controlling their blood sugar. If they start eating a high carb diet again they will soon be where they were before.

    I really wanted to stress this point because so many people are touting "cures", when in fact they are not.

    Well, in that sense I guess you can never cure anything. Instead of thinking of it as a diet it has to be a whole new way of eating. Just like the alcoholic cannot go back to drinking once he has his drinking under control.

  3. Last year I was visiting the monks in a temple in Laos. I climbed the tower to check out the view of the area. I looked down at the buildings below and there was a monk crowched down on the verandah by himself having a romantic time alone with his right hand inside his robe. He did not know that I was in the tower... until I rang the bell and he looked up shocked and ran away

    That was kind of mean of you to ring the bell!

  4. By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

    Following that logic christianity and islam are just cults of judaism, which got it roots probably from hindu.

    I always laugh when christians call Scientology a cult. One is just as wacky as the next!

  5. One of many many monks up to naughtiness I think. Then again any cult that demands celibacy from its followers will end up with many who eventually need to blow their gasket on hookers or whatever warm body they may have access to in the temple.

    Buddhism is not a cult.....although there are cult like sects within it..(such as Dhammakaya).

    It does demand celibacy from the monks and novices, but they are free to leave. If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen....if you can't keep the precepts, then disrobe.

    but we know that many 'monks' ordain not for the correct reason...to gain enlightenment....but because it is an easy life and can be profitable too for those with no morals.

    However do not tar all with the same brush.

    Why is Dhamakaya considered by many, like yourself, a cult? I've been there myself and though I don't subscribe to any religion I hardly can say that my observations were led me to be witness to cult activities. They are different from Theravada Buddhism no doubt. But they are not isolating members from friends and families or anything that I can see that is traditionally a cult like activity.

    They abandoned the idea that one must live many lives to find Nirvana for a more shall we say "Christian idea" that they have Nirvana in them already. In other words they can find salvation in this life. Which is why it must be so appealing to the masses.

    I think you're missing how the word "cult" is used here - not in the sense of some mind-control, brainwashed following of a charismatic leader; but in the technical sense in that they are a splinter group off of traditional Buddhism. By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

    In a sense, when we accept the rules of any culture we decide to live in and follow its rules, it has become a cult, really.

  6. Buddhism is not a cult.....although there are cult like sects within it..(such as Dhammakaya).

    It does demand celibacy from the monks and novices, but they are free to leave. If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen....if you can't keep the precepts, then disrobe.

    but we know that many 'monks' ordain not for the correct reason...to gain enlightenment....but because it is an easy life and can be profitable too for those with no morals.

    However do not tar all with the same brush.

    I realize that Buddhism is a way of life, one which I mostly follow myself specifically because its essence seems to be against practising weird rituals and doing other silly things. I was tongue in cheek though when I used the word 'cult'. Though many Thais seem to treat Buddhism here more along the lines of some South East Asian sect of Santeria than a cool way to look at and lead your way through the material world. :)

  7. Yuck...pizza with a 3 inch thick spongy crust.

    Better than the ketchup on a cracker type that you usually get around here.

    Try Duilios over on Suk 49...yummy! thin crispy crust and great high quality and tasty toppings. they use a wood oven as well. A little bit more expensive than the chains, but not by much!

    • Like 1
  8. That is not the point of my post. Grape juice, like other fruit juice is "good for you". I drink it myself. This is not what the post I was objecting to was saying.

    Freshly squeezed or extracted juice has some health benefits. Any juice from a can, bottle, or carton is no better than glorified sugar water with a bit of vitamin c thrown in. You're better off taking a vitman c!

  9. ]Well, well, well I finally found someone else living in thailand other than me that has never had contact with a sex workerwink.pngwink.pngwink.png . We are few and far between my friend.

    Morally I have nothing against them - do as ye shall, hurt nobody, and have fun. Personally though, the thought of poking one of those skags freaks me out a bit.

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  10. Why don't they enforce the law? Well I can only guess based on what I've heard as I'm not close enough to know but maybe someone else can correct me if I'm wrong. There are influential people who make money out of the sex workers. That might be the police, politicians and others of high standing.

    Bingo. It's a trickle up pyramid scheme that benefits many hungry corrupt pockets!

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