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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. to be fair if the Thai men were not so keen in selling their women, then this problem would be no more then say in England. When a foreigner gets into a taxi in London, the driver does not ask him 'do you want lady boom boom'?

    Unless its a rich Arab! smile.png

    Arabs are generally muslim so they would not be sex tourists or frequent bars

    They generally order in....the boys! haha!

    • Like 1
  2. For those who condem the infamous trade they should look deep and find out if they have not contributed to some extent to its existence. After three decades seeing unnumbered cases of ' lost Farangs ' in Soi Cowboy and Nana, Surawong and Silom, and all others from North to South I feel this is part of the culture.

    The trade provides solid income for those workers and their families. They grow old with the trade and it provides them with a pension.

    One can not condem one nor try to beautify it, just live with it.

    Do they actually save any money from their earning years? I heard it is all blown as soon as they can get it.

    • Like 2
  3. Ok, so let's recap: The OP was inebriated and crashed his vehicle into a 3rd party. The 3rd party suffered a physical injury.

    The OP ended up in jail.

    Yes, the conditions the OP reports are rather grim. However, adults that drink and drive and then injure other people should be prepared for such consequences.

    Had the other person been a TVFer or a TVFer family member, I doubt there would be any sympathy.

    I don't doubt for a minute some of the inhumanity and lack of professionalism cited. It cannot be justified, Unfortunately, we all know that such a situation is part of Thailand. Some people are quite prepared to accept such conditions. I'm not and don't think the conditions while in custody are acceptable. Again, unfortunately, that is the way it is in most of the world. The only way to avoid such treatement is;

    1. Don't drive drunk and crash injuring someone in Thailand or,

    2. Stay in Austria where the prison conditions are better so that the next time you are drunk and hit someone, you have a nicer stay.

    The guy is sharing his experiences. He knows he did wrong & I'm sure he doesn't need you to remind him of that. Let us enjoy the thread before you put him off posting.

    That's what ProphylacticKid does best!

    • Like 2
  4. Have been taking it a couple days now an hour or so before meals. It definitely curbs my appetite, which is a good thing. But I do a pretty low carb diet anyway so that also naturally curbs my appetite. It seems to make me more alert too, but not in a speedy way, just in a clearer mind sort of way. Will take it for a couple weeks straight and evaluate after.

    Our bodies, our science experiment! smile.png

  5. Smart phones and others mobile devices (tablets) are just toys. Why would we want to buy something we might have to do some work on?

    Wholeheartedly disagree. I do half my work using my iphone. Especially with dictation, it makes all my emails simple to complete. I also start drafts fo reports and such using iphone or ipad. Complete them later in Word on my laptop

  6. We are well into Fri night happy hour Tom, don't try and make sense of anything after 7.30 on Thai Visa wink.png

    no matter what a woman may do or position they may put themselves into, it is never their fault for what happens to them.

    Ok, but she did not say, the men raped her and ran to the police?
    So, I see no comparison to the Thread.That is a completely different book, at least for me.

    You must not bring a woman's story about that, "special irresponsibility", in connection with Sex, which sure happens to a women only few times, but,
    happens every day many times to men in South East Asia, just change your words regarding Female to Male upstairs and it fits many of times in a year!

    These men say than also, -How do I deserve, that the 'Ladies - Lady Boys" took advantage of my carelessness!


    First, I do not drink Alcohol!

    Maybe the "Readers" should not drink, than they do not have to accuse the 'Writer".

    (As the rogue is so he thinks of the others.) tongue.png

    What is so difficult to understand. "Tominbkk" presents a story from a woman who get drunk regularly,

    takes (mostly Thai) men to her room, passes out intoxicated and some men, use more than once that situation and the woman looses money and valuables.

    Realizing that, she is complaining about her misfortune.

    That is special, because its a woman who is doing that in TH.

    To many men, the same story, happens every day, taking "Ladies and Boys" to the room and loosing valuables because they are drunk and not care.

    And, after realizing the loss, they are complaining to!

    (But maybe. they learn faster to hide their belongings next time before going out and have only small money accessible in room and with them.)rolleyes.gif


    Has now the opinion that his "story" shows how, irresponsible (all) women are, from one story.wink.png

    "no matter what a woman may do or position they may put themselves into, it is never their fault for what happens to them."

    So, the young Scottish woman was -irresponsible- and it was (also) her fault the incident did happen?
    I doubt that, that is all! whistling.gif


    Hi, I would say the Thai man was responsible for taking advantage of and possibly raping her, the Scottish girl was responsible for throwing utter caution to the wind and wandering around in the middle of the night in a foreign country without any care at all for her safety (passing out in the hallway).

    I guess the notion some posters are trying to make that it is a black and white clear cut case (man completely guilty, girl, completely innocent) that I have some problems with. At this point it is her word against his, but she left country so we may never really know. It's all quite grey to me at this point.

    I just know that even I don't walk around my 'hood at 3am blackout drunk, because it would only be inviting awfulness of one sort or another. I do have sympathy for the girl, she was young and careless and paid a dear price. And if she had stayed and the man was convicted then she would have her judicial vengeance.

    • Like 1
  7. I knew a Canadian woman here in BKK that I worked with who had real bad issues with alcohol...she would routinely black out in the bars by 9 or 10 o'clock. She would end up taking guys home ( I think usually Thai guys ) and being blacked out would have sex with them, pass out, and several times woke up in the morning minus whatever money and valuables she had in her room gone. She would complain about these guys, and if I or other men tried to bring up the fact that the problem was her indiscretion caused by her problem with alcohol, she would yell at us that we were women haters and she didn't deserve what happened to her, and that men always took advantage of her. An extreme case, but I think it reveals a certain attitude that quite a few people hold - that no matter what a woman may do or position they may put themselves into, it is never their fault for what happens to them.

    Ok, but she did not say, the men raped her and ran to the police?

    So, I see no comparison to the Thread.That is a completely different book, at least for me.

    You must not bring a woman's story about that, "special irresponsibility", in connection with Sex, which sure happens to a women only few times, but,

    happens every day many times to men in South East Asia, just change your words regarding Female to Male upstairs and it fits many of times in a year!

    These men say than also, -How do I deserve, that the 'Ladies - Lady Boys" took advantage of my carelessness!


    We are well into Fri night happy hour Tom, don't try and make sense of anything after 7.30 on Thai Visa wink.png


  8. I knew a Canadian woman here in BKK that I worked with who had real bad issues with alcohol...she would routinely black out in the bars by 9 or 10 o'clock. She would end up taking guys home ( I think usually Thai guys ) and being blacked out would have sex with them, pass out, and several times woke up in the morning minus whatever money and valuables she had in her room gone. She would complain about these guys, and if I or other men tried to bring up the fact that the problem was her indiscretion caused by her problem with alcohol, she would yell at us that we were women haters and she didn't deserve what happened to her, and that men always took advantage of her. An extreme case, but I think it reveals a certain attitude that quite a few people hold - that no matter what a woman may do or position they may put themselves into, it is never their fault for what happens to them.

    Ok, but she did not say, the men raped her and ran to the police?

    So, I see no comparison to the Thread.That is a completely different book, at least for me.

    You must not bring a woman's story about that, "special irresponsibility", in connection with Sex, which sure happens to a women only few times, but,

    happens every day many times to men in South East Asia, just change your words regarding Female to Male upstairs and it fits many of times in a year!

    These men say than also, -How do I deserve, that the 'Ladies - Lady Boys" took advantage of my carelessness!

  9. Rape is a terrible thing, I have a 26-year-old daughter and know how I would feel if (God forbid) something awful like this happened to her. But can the law say that having sex with an inebriated woman is always going to be classified as rape? Because the woman is not in full control of her senses and may consent to having sex while being vulnerable to suggestion, but if sober would never consent or participate in such acts or have second thoughts about her sitution?

    Firstly, does the woman not share any of the responsibility for her acts as she failed to safeguard her own security and safety by allowing herself to fall into a situation of unawareness with drink or drugs or whatever?

    What happens if a woman becomes submissive due to alcohol or drugs, than awakes the morning after not remembering the full circumstances of her situation the night before and then concludes that she was probably raped?

    Considering the circumstances where the woman could hardly recall herself the actual events that lead up to her sexual activity with the accused, than there must be a fine line drawn here as to the full facts of events that took place on the said evening, because 4 men’s lives could be destroyed here just on the account of this woman’s testimony, a person who only had vague recollections of this incident.

    The mind boggles on this one.

    "Firstly, does the woman not share any of the responsibility for her acts as she failed to safeguard her own security and safety by allowing herself to fall into a situation of unawareness with drink or drugs or whatever?

    This comment of yours reminds me of the muslim cleric in Australia who said, "If western women do not wear the burka then they deserve to be raped and are fair game and it would in no way be the mans fault as she is asking for it."

    So are you saying that women should never have to act responsibly and that anything that happens to them is always going to be somebody else's fault?

    If I got blind drunk and passed out on the street and someone stole my wallet, kicked me in the head, had their way with me, etc., I would be embarrassed as hell but would also know that my negligence to acting safely at least partly caused what happened to me.

    I totally abhor rape and of course the guy needs to suffer for what he did. I just don't understand why so many posters are putting her up on a pedestal like she is some kind of angel who was pulled down from her cloud.

    I knew a Canadian woman here in BKK that I worked with who had real bad issues with alcohol...she would routinely black out in the bars by 9 or 10 o'clock. She would end up taking guys home ( I think usually Thai guys ) and being blacked out would have sex with them, pass out, and several times woke up in the morning minus whatever money and valuables she had in her room gone. She would complain about these guys, and if I or other men tried to bring up the fact that the problem was her indiscretion caused by her problem with alcohol, she would yell at us that we were women haters and she didn't deserve what happened to her, and that men always took advantage of her. An extreme case, but I think it reveals a certain attitude that quite a few people hold - that no matter what a woman may do or position they may put themselves into, it is never their fault for what happens to them.

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