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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. And no, I'm not going to buy a bottle to sup at home. It's about social life, not anaesthetic.(Incidently the next person the next person that uses that crap American cliche "mom & pop store" should be barred)

    Goodness me, sounds like you need a drink! :D

    "Mom and Pop Store" is a perfect term. It means a private store not linked to a chain, where mom and pop sit doing their trade. Would you prefer calling it the "local small shop not affiliated with any name brand franchise store"? Please enlighten me....

    Also, why is having a drink at home with dinner or just relaxing watching a movie or listening to music considered an 'anesthetic' but when done in a blaring club a means of being sociable? Can you not be sociable without alcohol in you? :blink: I'm a good cook with a beautiful kitchen and love making meals for myself, my family and my friends. Having some steaks on the BBQ, some beers in the fridge, wine on the counter, and a little cognac in the cupboard is not a sin!

    Anyway, I'm sure that your friend Mali down at Cowboy probably looks much better after the beer goggles are on. I suppose it also makes the situation seem more socially acceptable? :D

  2. Buddhism is the state religion. Countries with state religions may or may not be tolerant of other religions, but in this case about alcohol consumption, it's the secular laws that apply. So, freedom of religion is a separate topic.

    Interesting how Thais have made Buddhism a religion. In my eyes Buddhism is supposed to be the antithesis of religion (I'm a Zen Buddhist). Course if you want power and $$ you gotta have control....thus make it an official religion for your country and you are set!:lol:

  3. Personally I don't get people getting worked up about this and it certainly is not he business of foreigners to get involved with laws such as this. The laws have been around a long time and it just seems strange to get worked up about them especially since they should have been known to anyone coming here. If they came here without knowing then they only need to look in the mirror for blame if this creates such turmoil in their life. It is like moving to a country that has a complete ban on alcohol and then getting worked up when you are there because they have this law.

    Must be a big hit on the bars and clubs....feel bad for them and all the workers. Personally, if I want a beer or even to get a bottle of Johnny Red I know of about 10 mom and pop places a 5-10 minute drive around my house that will sell to me. 3 of those are within 500 meters of schools, and sell any time day or not. So no big deal. Just because Foodland and Tesco aren't allowed to sell booze, it doesn't stop smaller places from getting out the black plastic bags :)

  4. There is nothing wrong in buying votes, nothing wrong with that at all. The British (All parties) have been doing it for decades and so have the Americans and Australians and all the rest.

    We are going to cut taxes (Buying Votes) We are going to increase pensions (Buying votes) We are going to give you health care (Buying votes)

    Get real will you no one anywhere would vote for anyone if they where not going to get something more or better for themselves. You add this repetitive statement almost daily

    Ridiculous. In America if you were going through towns handing out $100 bills to people to vote the next day for a particular candidate you would most certainly not get very far. When you tell someone you are going to lower taxes, of course you have to get approval from proper checks and balances, you are not bribing anybody.

  5. It would make for a kind positive gesture to release these people. Win win for all concerned. The fools learnt their lesson, the PTP gets points for helping, and the Cambodians for a humanitarian act. The only ones that need worry are the former Abhisit cabinet members that were aware of the visit and that may have encouraged it. In any case, it's time to free these people and maybe they will spill the beans. :D

    It would be good to get them out....but don't fool yourself, it's all one big dirty political slimefest - for all. If Thaksin hadn't sold his a$$ in the first place to the Cambodians we wouldn't be in this mess.

  6. So how will Thaksin's other tool(Police) react if the reds repeat last years antics under the PTP? I doubt they will do nothing like they did last year. I find it a delicious irony.

    Thaksin1 and Thaksin2 (and of course Chalerm) will just make sure that several of the tear gas canisters are of the "exploding with shrapnel" vareity that they are so fond of tossing into large crowds of demonstrators. In fact, it would not surprise me to see them skip the pretense and just toss a few grenades into the crowd and not pretend they are tear gas. Those pesky little reds would learn their place then!

  7. What are the ingredients that would be hard to find here? Villa pretty much has everything, and substitutes are easily made.

    I bought a few of these Tupperware 'bento box' type lunch boxes at central, and make my lunch either in the evening before bed or in the morning. Then I can nuke the hot portion at work and can control what I eat very easily.

    I think that it is a good move to learn to cook for yourself, esp if you are trying to lose weight.

  8. I had never heard of this diet...so looked it up on google.

    It seems to me to be very much an 'Atkins Diet" clone.

    Similar to Atkins, but the focus in the beginning is much lower fat.

    Basically stage one is lean meats, seafood, eggs, no oil to cook (broil or boil meats). That's all, no veggies, fruits, grains etc, only lean proteins. This will get you into ketosis rather quickly. This stage is 2-10 days.

    Stage two-four allow increasing amounts of low carb veg and some fruit, you still avoid grains and fruits that are high carb. You also have a couple days a week where you eat only lean protein, to get your body back into the groove.

    Need a little self control, but it is using all natural foods, and the weight comes off easy.

  9. Any pasteurized juice is basically just as bad for you as full sugar soda. I have plain soda water with just a spritz of cranberry juice, and a squeeze of lime. Takes care of the desire for something fizzy and juicy and hardly any calories at all. Try it, you'll like it!

    As well, you can get a couple flavored soda waters now, I think Chang brings them out....not all stores sell them, but i think 7-11 usually have them. They have and apple-mint and also a lemon flavor. Nice flavor, 0 calories. Good!

  10. The article mentions "magnetic Blackboards". This is probably a bad translation. They probably mean interactive or electronic whiteboards, which are now commonly used in schools throughout the developed world:

    However, I still stand by my assertion that tablets for P1 students is not the way to introduce technology into the classroom. The average Thai class has 40+ students. Until they train and hire enough teachers to bring the class sizes down to reasonable levels, the tablets would just be a distraction, not an effective learning tool.

    If they had 15 or so students per class, the teachers could supervise tablet use effectively, however, given the current situation, interactive whiteboards would be far more useful.

    My school has what they call 'smart boards', which are basically a big tablet PC with wands to manipulate things. With the right software packages and development tools, teachers get an awful lot out of our smartboards and ti really adds interactivity to the class and lessons. But teachers require quite a bit of training in them, and a class of 60 students crammed together being force fed multiple choice quizzes all the time will not benefit from them.

  11. What's your big hangup with the reds winning the election? Just get over it.

    I don't like Thaksin and I don't like that the red shirt leaders are now MPs. Why should I be happy about it?

    I'm not saying you should be happy about it. I'm just saying, get over it. The elections are over, the reds have won. There is nothing you can do (though you might like to think differently) about it. And if you are really unhappy, you know what you can do (hint: Suvanabhumi)

    Just because somebody expresses a different idea then yours, you have to use the "love it or leave it" argument...so droll.

    Personally I could give a shit one way or another, they are all crooks.

    But people should be allowed to give their opinion on this forum without being told by some blowhard that they are not allowed to express themselves. If you don't want to allow others the right to their opinion, then you should be the one leaving, TV that is.

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