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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Happy Birthday Thaksin !! And please ignore the silly comments made by my fellow foreigners who don't like you. Not all of us hate you.

    And when you do come back to take power again, please don't draft in new laws that will make it a bit more difficult for us foreigners to stay in your country. I mean, you might be tempted to do something a bit nasty after your staff have noticed all the comments on Thai Visa. But, I know that you are a man of mercy and forgiveness. After all, those generals who removed you from power in a coup back in 2006, well, it seems like you never really punished them. If this was back in my country, well, there's definitely a punishment when people do a coup.

    Oh sorry, I've just realised, you're suppose to be already back in power ??!! Anyway, I'm on Thai Visa right now, and I wish you happiness, good health and good fortune !!

    From Tonbridgebrit !!

    Haha lick his taint a little bit more, I think you missed a spot or two!:lol:

  2. Sad indeed. Fame and money doesn't buy happiness. Reminds me of Janis Joplin and the Bette Midler movie the ROSE.

    Janis Joplin.

    Brian Jones.

    Jimi Hendrix

    Jim Morrison.

    Kurt Cobain.

    All at the age of 27. (Though all much more significant in terms of music history, success, and arguably - talent).

    Amy only really had one song that people knew. About not wanting to go to rehab (no no no). I liked some of her other stuff (I was jamming to 'Frank' for a couple weeks in the car) but she was in no way even close to most of the songsters noted above.

    Reports said she bought a bunch of goodies Friday night: Heroin, Coke, Ectasy, Horse Tranquilizer. Dissapeared into her house and was found dead the next afternoon.


  3. It's okay to sell illegal foreign goods as it foreign companies who suffer. (but they are rich and powerful and Thai people are poor, meek and humble so that makes it acceptable, right? ) But. OMG see the seething anger and resentment when foreigners try to copy and make a profit from Thai stuff. I remember the fury when US companies tried to create their own version of Hom Mali Rice.

    Thais a few years ago were trying to put an intl patent on "Thai food", saying that they would be in charge of all Thai food cooked in the world, so that it could be to their standard...haha.

    This whole thing is really stinky. Howabout if I wanted to join their group, and was a mugger. i would be stealing from people, and then reselling their shit. Same thing, right?

  4. Hi there

    So I used to be able to post using my iPad on the site, but for the last several months it has not been able to work. When I try to switch to the mobile site it does not allow it as well.

    I am sure there are plenty of people who regularly browse TV using their iPads, and it is frustrating not being able to join in without having to go to the computer.

    And before all the iPad haters start chiming in, I am a member of several other online BBs and forums and have never had any problem using their advanced or mobile sites to read and post.

    Wonder if somebody could look into this? I am sure there would be many happy customers who would love to be able to post using their iPads....

  5. Have you tried doing it with another browser app? (Firefox?)

    Hi CD

    I've tried several browser apps, Mercury works great, but none of them have been able to access the posting box for Thai visa. Currently there is no Firefox browser for iPad.

    So strange as I counted and am participating in about 6 different forums to some extent or another, and don't have a problem posting in any of them...just TV.

  6. Hi there

    So I used to be able to post using my iPad on the site, but for the last several months it has not been able to work. When I try to switch to the mobile site it does not allow it as well.

    I am sure there are plenty of people who regularly browse TV using their iPads, and it is frustrating not being able to join in without having to go to the computer.

    And before all the iPad haters start chiming in, I am a member of several other online BBs and forums and have never had any problem using their advanced or mobile sites to read and post.

    Wonder if somebody could look into this? I am sure there would be many happy customers who would love to be able to post using their iPads....

  7. I don't understand what this gender modification training has to do with Buddhism. More blowhard closet queens in orange trying to stop everybody else's rights to be who and what they want to be. Again Thailand proves that their unique taliban style of Buddhism will not tolerate anything but the party line.

  8. Not convinced? When it comes to development projects for the poor, set aside the propaganda. Who has an established track record and the most street cred? The answer is obvious, but you can Google it if necessary. In fact, you'd have to be a brain-dead zombie to believe the rubbish pouring out of the filthy mouth of a disgusting, lying, corrupt, self-interested criminal fugitive who can't even bring himself to pay taxes and isn't satisfied with the mere office of Prime Minister.

    haha, why don't you tell us what you really think of thaksin!:)

  9. Would anyone care to place a wager (jk) that the inability to follow through on this promise will be blamed on entrenched opposing interests, rather than the lying liars who first floated this lie.

    Right, The yellow shirts and Abhisit will be blamed right away...."Dear Red comrades, we would like you all to have 300 Baht a day but Abhisit and his yellow shirts cast a spell on us! therefore they are evil and we are powerless to give you any more money". and 95% of the red shirt followers, sadly, would fall for that hook, line and sinker.

  10. Sounds to me more like a bunch of alcoholics bitching because that they can't get a drink! Denial! Denial!...Rationalize make excuses...Oh it gets so old! :annoyed:

    If you can't go one or two days without, you have a problem. You can have all the problems you want. That's you choice. But don't make them ours.

    Been there, done that....ain't going back.:D

    Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean everyone around you who enjoys a drink is an alcoholic. But if it makes you feel better to preach, that's fine.

    Nope sure doesn't...so wait until Sunday then you'll get your fix.

    I don't need alcohol to 'fix' anything.....Often I have none for days, sometimes I have a drink in the evening while relaxing, and sometimes I actually get silly with friends. Please don't try to paint everybody here at TV that likes to drink as raging alcoholics in need of their fix, it says nothing about the people you judge and everything about you. B)

  11. Sounds to me that a lot of people have not taking any time to learn about Buddhism and instead are applying assumptions based on religions they are familiar with when in fact, Buddhism would not even fall into many people's definition of a religion as their is no God or deities, let alone ones that punish or reward you.

    Thank you! +1

    I commented as much earlier in this thread. Thailand has warped Buddhism into a religion. That way it can be used as a form of control and extortion over keeping people in line morally and saving their souls....which is NOT what Buddha was about!

    Seems to me you are preaching what you "think" Buddhism is about, as opposed to letting people decide for themselves what they think Buddhism is about. Thais will worship Buddhism the the way they want. Maybe some follow your style, maybe not.

    But the whole point of the thread was people complaining about not getting spirits for two days. Too bad, Sunday will be here soon.

    Haha, you're so angry! Truth is I have beer in the fridge and wine on the counter...and yet, have not drank any of it since last weekend...., but who knows, I might have a nice glass of merlot tonight while I curl up with my Kindle! Why wait til Sunday? :D

  12. There's a BP article today about how PTP and Thaksin2 have already discounted nearly all their campaign promises, openly, to the press. Check it out. Didn't take them long to show everyone that they are true snakes in the grass! Bet they are really only here to keep one promise, and Thaskin1 will do anything and pay anything to make that happen!!!!:D

    Show us the link!

    I can't find it anywhere on BP site.

    Or are you just making it up? :rolleyes:

    I read it in hard copy today, front page! Should be online....

  13. Sounds to me that a lot of people have not taking any time to learn about Buddhism and instead are applying assumptions based on religions they are familiar with when in fact, Buddhism would not even fall into many people's definition of a religion as their is no God or deities, let alone ones that punish or reward you.

    Thank you! +1

    I commented as much earlier in this thread. Thailand has warped Buddhism into a religion. That way it can be used as a form of control and extortion over keeping people in line morally and saving their souls....which is NOT what Buddha was about!

  14. Sounds to me more like a bunch of alcoholics bitching because that they can't get a drink! Denial! Denial!...Rationalize make excuses...Oh it gets so old! :annoyed:

    If you can't go one or two days without, you have a problem. You can have all the problems you want. That's you choice. But don't make them ours.

    Been there, done that....ain't going back.:D

    Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean everyone around you who enjoys a drink is an alcoholic. But if it makes you feel better to preach, that's fine.

  15. What's this about Mali and beer goggles. Your comment was quite well made but then you go and spoil it. Which bar on Cowboy do you recommend. You seem to be a bit of an expert......

    Hee hee, sorry, a joke gone wrong....I'm definitely not someone who goes to any of those places. Hanging out at places where sex is for sale depresses me for some reason, though morally I could care less what (two consenting) people do. However, have to agree with you about how a good pub and nice thick stouts can't be beat.

  16. There's a BP article today about how PTP and Thaksin2 have already discounted nearly all their campaign promises, openly, to the press. Check it out. Didn't take them long to show everyone that they are true snakes in the grass! Bet they are really only here to keep one promise, and Thaskin1 will do anything and pay anything to make that happen!!!!:D

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