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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Apple TV 2 is good option now as you get iTunes store purchases option, Netflix, Vimeo, NBA MLB and youtube all in the one device and also you can use it with Airplay for your IOS devices.

    Roku products are also very good with a wide wide selection of channels to add to the device the main benefit to the ATV2 is Hulu Plus. Although value for money and ease of purchase i would go with ATV2 in Thailand.

    So Hulu plus is not available with the ATV2, right? It's not necessarily a game breaker, and I like Apple products lots and there are great reviews of the ATV2, but not being able to have hulu with the ATV2 would be a bummer....

  2. Hi all

    Thanks to everyone for your details, it gives me a lot of ideas. I am looking at the Apple TV 2 device, that might be the best bet for me. I have a very good internet connection at my house, and am on a trial with ublock.us right now, and am enjoying it very much. I'll let you all know what I finally end up doing.



  3. I use Apple TV 2G. It is super easy. Put in Unblock.us data in the Apple TV 2G thats it. Streaming Computer/ TV also no problem.

    I got it from www.apple-tv-thailand.com

    Also check out :


    Thanks to you two, that was what I was looking for. the others misunderstood me, as I typically watch downloaded shows by just throwing them on my usb stick and plugging it into my phillips dvd player's usb port. when you say just put int he unblock.usa data, you mean the internet settings for it, the DNS? Then I can browse over to the hulu site and see the content there?

    Anyway, cool!

  4. This is probably covered elsewhere, but maybe you can help me out, cause I can't find it.

    What is the quickest and easiest way to connect my HDTV with my online content (I am unblock.us enabled). I would prefer a wireless solution, just streaming from my com to the computer, but would be open to other solutions as well.


  5. 3 billion baht divided by the projected 800,000 students who will use this = 3,750 baht per tablet. But the actual costs will be much more than this- with this amount you will have to cover the cost of the components (and if it is to assembled locally it will have to factor in assembly costs as well too), maintenance and support costs (will the school have to allocate more of their already meagre budgets to do this?), and finally logistics costs (how are you going to ship tablets to upcountry schools). And this is even without the development costs needed for content. Finally you will need to build a network infrastructure to support these tablets i.e. 3G/Wifi etc (no guesses as to who will benefit from this)

    I am reminded of the 1 million PC project 6 years ago by the Thaksin government...another flop and waste of tax payers' money in the end.

    I'm sure nobody is really surprised by this farce, and if they are, then they have the rose colored glasses super-glued to their skulls.

  6. Of course if something like this was passed as law, they would also have to concede that common law "marriages" between males and females being legally recognised as well.

    Why? If a male and female want to get married now, they can. Two like sexes cannot. I Don't understand your statement.

    I think it was clear enough for anyone who wanted to understand. Why must a heterosexual couple be required to get certification?

    EVERYBODY deserves these rights so why gays first?

    Louder and more active does not mean a particular group of citizens deserves priority over the vast majority of people.

    Although I hesitate to guess if common-law heterosexual relationships outnumber gay relationships in Thailand.

    Fix the MAJOR stuff that needs fixing and the minor stuff will not be far behind.

    There is perhaps no country on the planet where gay people experience so little discrimination as in Thailand so in the overall scheme of things I agree this is not a priority and plenty of other stuff should rank higher.

    Gays do NOT suffer in Thailand at all. They've got it good. No penalties of which I am aware.

    I still don't get your point though. Common law straight couples have the choice to legally get married. "Common law" gay couples do not. Giving the gay couples the right to get married would equal the playing ground for straight and gay couples who choose to get married should they desire.

    I also think that recognition and acceptance of gay unions would encourage more gay couples to legitimize their unions, and hopefully provide more legal rights that straight married couples have, esp in regards to wills, insurance, and other things.

  7. What I'd like to know is why is software updateable (or is it? nobody mentions it) leaving the iPad1 users of course more likely to chuck in the 1 for a 2.

    Certainly the Ipad2 is updatable. mine has the latest update and works great. Plug it into your com, go to the app store,a dn get yourself the update. You may have to update your itunes before you can get the update for your pad.

  8. Thailand is the only place where I've been asked would i like my chicken stake rare, medium or well-done...

    I've been here coming on almost 20 years now and have never had a Thai person serve me chicken not well done, intentionally, anyway.Or offer it to me in a rawer state than well done. Pork and beef, different story.

  9. I agree with you completely.

    I too hate the Thai ex-pat big-mouths who come out with all the crap and conjecture and always seem to support the Thais version pouring scorn on anyone's downfall as if they were really living in Paradise. Its just a very dangerous place to live in and can't be acknowledged as anything else. I left AMAZING/MIRACLE Thailand for far nicer places in Asia, that are not a threat to my life or wallet and retain a certain degree of normality not fraught with danger encounters. Although must admit, the whores are not in abundance however realised there's more to life than these flights of fancy and cheap bad food engulfed with spices.

    Mark my words, tourism will fall dramatically in Thailand soon now the world is aware of the all the facts and places like Vietnam etc are now vying for position. Who wants to go on holiday and come back with one family member amiss now been interred in an urn and taken back to be spread over their own countries homelands. All the parasites seem to take the Thai version 'period' and at some stage their own family might be facing these involuntary dilemmas. Lets face it. it ain't AMAZING or even a MIRACLE if you can go on holiday or work abroad and come back safe and sound - so why is it so different in THAILAND ?

    Oh my goodness, thank god you made it out of here alive! Never mind, I'll stay on a bit and keep an eye on things!


  10. That tubbo guy (is he actually a cop? No uniform) is cuddling the Syrian like a newly found boy toy. So amateurish, esp the last scene in the car when they are playing around with one of those cheapo plastic swords you can buy at Tesco Lotus for 69 Baht. That video is surreal on many levels. And the opening scene when the perp gives everyone the peace sign and smiles broadly is really frightening.

    Just noticed how the Syrian straddles the tubbo on the bed....and that guy seems to love it!

  11. I've had my Kindle now for several months and use it all the time when I have a spare moment and don't want to fill my brain with internet stuff from my iPad. Out of many many Thai people who have seen me reading from it, only one person asked me what it is, but wasn't curious about it after I showed them a 30 second demo. Everybody else, once they see it is just black and white text, gets this 'nah bua' look on their face and turn their attention elsewhere. Ebooks will never be popular here, unless they can get all their imported Japanese/Korean cartoons on it.

  12. There are may places around town that allow kids in their early teens drink....especially if they are pretty girls. Mostly they are around Sukhumvit. All sanctioned by our fearless BIB, by the way. I know because there have been alerts via intercommunications amongst international school administrators on this problem. Nothing happens unless somebody dies in a car, gets raped, or a hiso teen gets into trouble, then the place closes down and the party moves to the next place that can afford the police protection.

  13. I did experience freezes in big pdf (500mb and i have to switch the device off and reboot to get it to work again) documents while every Apple fanatic that i know always claims there are never problems with freezes and its a windows thing.

    wow that's a huge PDF...wonder if you can resize it somehow? Also, the app, Goodreader, is the best out there for reading pdfs on an ipad, plus it does a great job with just about any other graph/text file....beautiful little app!

    Using the iPad to post. Yes it's a big file. It's 900 pages. It is a print from a carom tax book. I know it's possible to get it smaller. A smarter guy then me did it with a previous year it was only 3mb and not images but searchable text. He must have cracked or disabled the protection.

    It depends what program you use to "burn" it. when I make a PDF I like to use 'dopdf'. Great windows program for making PDFs.

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