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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. The Ipad is a much more accomplished machine as it's designed to do many things but it's expensive and heavier than the Kindle. The Kindle is brilliant for what it was designed for - reading (and buying) books. I'm really pleased with mine.

    I use my Kindle for reading novels and other books, and my iPad for everything else! As well, the torrent sites will lead you to vast collections of popular fiction and non fiction......just a hint.

  2. I did experience freezes in big pdf (500mb and i have to switch the device off and reboot to get it to work again) documents while every Apple fanatic that i know always claims there are never problems with freezes and its a windows thing.

    wow that's a huge PDF...wonder if you can resize it somehow? Also, the app, Goodreader, is the best out there for reading pdfs on an ipad, plus it does a great job with just about any other graph/text file....beautiful little app!

  3. Motorbike taxi drivers complaining about corruption ... Is there not enough of corruption and illegal activities available for them to make a good income?

    I'm not saying all of them are corrupt but I think everyone knows if you want something illegal or underground you only need to visit the local motorbike taxi stand.

    In fact all moto taxis are run by armed forces mafia and are absolutely corrupt and illegal.

  4. They were breaking the law, looting and disrupting hospitals, threatening to burn down Bangkok, firing RPGs at the skytrain. They want to play like that, then accept the fact you may end up with extra unwanted holes in your body. They are lucky not to be in prison for the chaos and lawlessness they caused everyday Thai people to suffer.

    Let Daddy Thaksin pay the 10 million.. He's the one with their blood on his hands.:angry:

  5. Haha the reds will be back a'burning within 6 months :lol:....this time though Thaksin will be on top of the pyre! :lol:

    Err, right... so you are suggesting that the alleged paymaster of the reds will be paying them to come after himself. I'm at a loss to find a suitable adjective to describe your comment.

    And if you think I'm going to use my 1,000th post to engage in an petty, illogical discussion based on hatred and sour grapes you are very much mista.... oh.


  6. Whether her family name - the only thing confrontational about her

    and the only reason she is an MP and the PM.

    Thaksin2, the (self proclaimed) clone of Thaksin1. I'm fine with her being a proxy for Thaksin. I find it ridiculous when people try to spin it into anything different than that though.

  7. It would appear that thaksin has defused and nullified every threat to his expected election victory. Even the honest hard bitten Dem supporters may be doffing their caps to a brilliant politician. Long may he be with us

    More devious and evil than brilliant. I saw an article on him in BP where he was showing how busy he was because he had to have 15 mobile phones, all out in front of him. Made him look like a real knob, while he of course felt it made him look important and tech savvy.

  8. The classroom A/V systems in the normal program were just installed a few weeks ago. Now they're all completely trashed. EP fares better because the students pay for what they break and the FOREIGN TEACHERS keep a close watch over equipment (we don't like using busted junk).

    This is one of the main problems they will have, amongst all the others I mentioned earlier. Without a proper system in place holding students accountable for the equipment, or a staff dedicated to IT maintenance, within three months 75% of the pads will be broken, stolen, or otherwise not working. And who will be responsible for replacing them? Nobody, and within 6 months they will not be used in the school anymore.

    Better to spend the money on desktop computer labs and proper instructors and maintenance crews to manage them. I work in a decent intl school, and IT/Tech/Design is a dynamic part of our curriculum, starting at Grade 1 up through Grade 12. You need professional educators though who know how to create, integrate, and facilitate IT within the school, with the know how to keep up organization and maintenance of the IT equipment.

    This whole tablet PC initiative is, pardon the french, going to end up being one big pigfuc_k.

  9. First, the tablets bought will probably be some horrid pos from China that couldn't handle running much of anything, not something nice like a galaxy tab or ipad. Secondly, has anyone tried to write more than a post or e-mail on one? I hate having to edit things when I post on my ipod. Tablets are being bought left and right in the west and when I am in class I notice that students just use them to play instead of listening to a lecture. If 18- 23yr old kids can't handle it, why would anyone believe elementary kids will fare any better.

    Actually I am very fast at typing and taking notes on my iPad, I use the 'Pages' app. I have a wireless keyboard but hardly ever remember to bring it anywhere. I can type on the pad pretty much as fast as everyone else is doing on their putes. You just have to practice at it a few weeks, but your fingers make the adjustments necessary. For final editing I often send it over to the desk or laptop, but in a pinch I can easily make a very nice looking document just with the iPad.

    Kids are not listening to the lectures probably because they are irrelevant and possibly quite boring. I went to uni well before laptops, and in my boring classes managed to slough off, using paper and pencil! Teachers that inspired me or kept things energetic or controversial were the classes that I (and everyone else around me) paid attention to.

  10. Children need to have books around them.

    My 2 1/2-year old gets read to every day, handles some of the basic alphabet books herself, repeats some of the words. She also respects my books and doesn't scribble all over them. (She does scribble on scrap paper a lot, though)

    When she gets older she will gradually move from the passive 'being read to' to the active 'reading and writing' on her own. With transitional stages and plenty of help and encouragement. This will broaden her view of society far more than sitting passively in front of a screen, being spoon-fed one agenda.

    Obviously my daughter will also have a computer for her schooling, and for entertainment. But I intend to encourage book learning, reading for pleasure and researching libraries as a way to discipline the mind.

    At my school we have a very large fiction and non fiction library, and encourage as much free reading as possible. Quite a few of our older students have Kindles and are avid readers. The readers are always the most intelligent students.

    Did I read somewhere that the average Thai person reads less than 10 lines of text a year?

  11. Of course tablets arent going to be a cure-all for the deficiencies of the system. The MoE would need to be sorted out first. However, they are another option for kids and shouldnt be knocked. There are Asian countries aiming on replacing paper in classrooms with these very machines in the not too distant future. Obviously Thailand is behind the curve on this but the idea of issuing tablets is founded on things others are doing. Obviously there is also the advantage that all kids as opposed to just wealthy ones get to handle modern technology and that in itself is going to be a bonus in the future.

    Tablets will work if:

    • Teachers are trained how to use them for education
    • They are loaded with appropriately designed educational software in line with the curriculum
    • They have the students' texts and other documents loaded
    • There is a proper monitoring of how the tablets are being used by students
    • There is a proper/scheduled maintenance program in place
    • There is a standards of use contract in place, agreed upon and signed by teachers, students, and parents
    • There is some form of thought regarding policies on theft, loss, and damage of tablets
    • There is a proper server infrastructure in place, for sending, receiving, saving files

    I worked at a school where we ran a pilot High School grade using tablet PCs. These are just some of the criterion we considered before opening up the program. Even then, we had issues.

    How many of the above do you think have been considered already by the Thai educators wanting to use tablets? I doubt they had even a thought towards the program, except for the amount of commission they are going to receive from such a large purchase.

  12. Nice to see they are arresting people who owe a small amount of of back taxes from other countries, while offering up MP positions to a convicted terrorist who spent 6 weeks threatening to rouse his followers to burn down Bangkok, invade hospitals and threatened to murder patients, and threatened to tip over skytrain carriages. Glad to see they have their priorities straight!!!

  13. We had a Canadian teacher go bonkers, and had to have him institutionalized. When parents would not come retrieve him, we contacted the Canadian embassy. they told us that there was nothing that they would or could do for him as well, very clear that he was in no way their problem. Eventually we had him heavily sedated, and put him on a plane to Toronto.

  14. The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

    It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

    It will be sad when Thaksin has to 'take Yingluck out' because she is not following orders. His vast access to black shirt snipers will know what to do.

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