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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Snacking is not bad as some are saying. Many successful diets or lifestyle plans advocate eating a little bit 4 to 5 times a day as opposed to eating a lot 2 or 3 times a day.

    As well, there is a whole field of new nutritionists who advocate timed meals, and/or intermittent fasting (eating only once a day). Constant snacking never gives the liver and digestive system a rest, so that it can burn fat stores and repair the body. Timed meals also promote production and release of HGH, amongst other things. Look into it! Marks Daily Apple, Jack Kruse, and Robb Wolf all have excellent sites and literature on the benefits of IFing and timed meals. They also go pretty deep into the science behind it, if you like that kind of thing.

  2. Oh, last Saturday I went out with a buddy barhopping. I probably had 8-10 drinks that night. Whiskey and soda and gin and tonic work well with this diet. I also had a long island iced tea with diet coke replacing coke. Over the pst two months I have drank fairly often without too many problems loisng weight. Most of the time I don't drink though.

    I have drinks maybe once a week, similar to what you have, I usually choose vodka soda with lime if I can, or a NorCal Margarita (make them myself). Still though, they cause cravings in me to eat carby stuff sometimes, and if I have been on a very low carb jag I have to be careful not to get drunk off just a couple drinks (AKA 'cheap date syndrome'). Usually it take me a day to a day and a half to get my blood sugar back into a good place after drinking too, so I try not to have too much or sometimes just have water or soda water.

    I used to be a diet coke whore as well, but have really curbed that monster down to just a few cans a week as a treat. Ice cold water is my main beverage of choice these days.

    I also do my best to avoid MSG....that seems to keep my brain nice and clear. I cook 85% of my own food, and when out sometimes it's avoidable but try to let them know that no MSG should be used in my food.

  3. I guess you could look at it like this for people who are compulsive overeaters: A lowcarber is almost like an alcoholic going cold turkey and not drinking any more alcohol whereas a low fat dieter is an alcoholic who continues to drink but cuts back on the drink by willpower.

    Never thought of it that way, good simile!

  4. Seems like exercise can really make a difference if you are low carbing, Frank. I've lost a bit of weight low carbing but now I need to kick in the exercise to try to keep it moving.

    dclary, I like your blog. Looks like you've got quite a few posts. I'll have to read through it sometime.

    I've been reading up on this, a lot of professionals seem to recommend far less aerobic exercise than was previously said to be beneficial to weight loss. Instead, they say to invest more in HIIT, which involves explosive motion, like walking fast and doing a series of sprints for 20 minutes, instead of running for long periods of time, or doing lesser reps in the gym and replacing them with a few heavy explosive sets.

    Anyone else here doing HIIT?

  5. I have gone from a beer belly 84kg to 76kg (176cm) by quiting drinking, working out 3x a week and cutting out the sugars (junk food).

    My weight is slowing going back up as I add on more beef.

    8 months on, my old pants are way too big around the waste while my shirts are a lot tighter around my upper body.

    I eat pretty much what I want (sans the junk food, chocolates, ice cream, crisps) including carbs and meat.

    Moral of the story-get off your ass: I am 44 and in the best shape of my life since my early 30s.

    Not sure if your weight is going up because of the beef...more likely the fat plus refined carbs is moving your weight up. Cut out the simple carbs (rice, noodles, bread) and replace with complex (dark, colorful, or green veggies) and you would see a further decrease. But, YOMMV, as they say.

  6. Coconut products are fantastic. I do nearly all my cooking with Coconut oil along with macadamia oil and butter. Coconut water is essentiall natures gatorade.

    You're absolutely right about the SAD diet but I really didnt want to get into too much. But what they recommend is truly astounding. Look at how the whole low-fat craze started. It really started to pick up momentum with Ancel Keys 7 country study but like the China Study it was incredibly sketchy and missing a ton of data that was conveniently excluded from the study.

    Mmmm love me some coconut water! So good after a workout, talk about instant hydration!

    Also +1 on China study....manipulating statistics to benefit your favorite agro-industries...

  7. Want more energy ? stop eating Foods that rob your energy: meats, eggs, dairy etc.

    Foods for health: fruits

    Calorie - heat measurement. Has no meaning for the body/diet

    Quality (and semi-fatty) meat, eggs, colorful veggies and green veggies, occasionally some low glycemic legumes. That's what we thrive on and survive on. They will give you energy through the roof.

    Throw out the fruits, but keep the berries. The genetically refined sugary fruit like pineapple, banana, oranges, apples, etc has way too much fructose, that adversely affects insulin levels and speeds up the aging process (and makes you fat and slow). Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries (and an occasional piece of melon) are where you need to go if you want something 'fruity'. Don't overdo these products though.

    Don't believe the perpetrators of the Standard American Diet (SAD) regime, and their sanctimonious guidelines for health. It is a corrupt policy and diet philosophy paid for by the heavily subsidized grain, dairy, and fruit conglomerates.

    I do agree with you on dairy, to a point. Low fat and Skim milk is deadly. A little heavy cream or cheese is ok, but in moderation. I use coconut cream and coconut milk mostly though, as well as coconut oil for most of my cooking. Read up on coconut products and why they are so good for you. It's <deleted>' rocket fuel! Ttry to get organic though (it is out there, but you have to look).

    Those that see my post and are in the know will know that I am into the paleo diet. I also use intermittent fasting and other timed meal tricks. It has helped me lose a ton of weight, given me a ton of energy, and my doctor checkups are outstanding. Go figure!

    Your towing the party line is old news, Cameravisio. There is a whole new field of eating out there that goes against big agri-business, and is threatening the giants of industry that have brought us industrialized refined sugary starchy non-foods. Do a little reading. I would be happy to point you to all kinds of excellent literature in cutting edge nutritional news. Just let me know! You need open eyes, to open your mind!

  8. read the third post, the guy knows what he is talkin bout.

    Carbs = life. No carbs = death.

    Is that so difficult to understand as a mature person? Here's moar of rocket science:

    Less carbs = less cals = weight loss.

    Moar carbs = moar cals = weight gain.

    Why would someone try to avoid carbs? There is a reason people eat food - it is Basal Metabolic Rate, which is an amount of cals burned a day, without any activities included. If u consume less cals than ur BMR is, u lose weight. Doesnt mean u dont have to eat carbs, fats and protein at all, u will die doing so. Healthy Carbs to Fats to Protein ratio is 40/30/30. Thats all to it, srsly, not a rocket science, and google+wiki is always there to help anyone.

    The body is much more complex than calories in calories out. Eating grains for humans is a realtivley new concept....we can thrive just fine on colorful veggies, green veggies, meat, and eggs.

  9. It is however a well-known fact that any number ever given by Red Shirt leaders is drastically over-optimistic, some times in the ratio of 10 times the true number.

    Spin it as you want.

    Any examples other than the one I have already given, once you've defined "drastically over optimistic" in terms of multipliers that is?

    Pretty much every rally/demo/ etc that the reds have held are exaggerated by tenfold. Don't pretend you don't know that.

  10. During the second half, the red team scored six more goals - including four by Hun Sen, from whom members of the blue team dared not try to take the ball.

    Bowing to their other master.

    Can you imagine the wires that would be strapped to the testicles of anyone who dared cross His Holiness Hun Sen. Short sharp shocks for several hours followed by a bullet and teeth sandwich.

  11. My colleagues and I have also made similar observations over the past 10 years. Some friends who work in universities here also agree that the standard of student performance has dropped noticeably over the last decade of us teaching here. PISA measures mostly application of math/science skills to solving problems. This is the main reason why they have perfomed so poorly on this exam. Once the MoE changes its policies to de-emphasise rote learning and puts more emphasis on application, analysis and synthesis skills, then their scores might improve. The kinds of tasks are rarely addressed in regular classrooms in Thailand.

    Cooperative Learning, student centered learning, building critical thinking skills, developing independent learners, inspiring a love for reading and learning. This is what educates. Unfortunately it requires teachers to change their role from dominating the classroom to being an educational facilitator, providing the teacher excellent training and resources, and limiting classes to 20-25 per room.

  12. I see quite a few fat monks....strange how that can happen if they only have one meal a day.

    Have also heard horror stories of massive amounts of child molestation going on in temples during the season when the young novices stay at the temples. Have heard about it from many Thai adults. All hush hush though.

  13. He said the ministry was considering building a Bt10-billion flood way to divert more water to sea outlets through the Chao Phraya dam bypassing Tha Chin River and Makham Thao canal in Chaiyanat and Uthai Thani provinces.

    If they could just harness the power of all the hot air coming out of these blowhards they could blow the water back to the gulf and dry half of it up!

  14. Instead of sniping at the messenger, could you please tell us which parts of the message that you disagree with? Your input on the post rather than the poster would be welcome.

    You'll be seeing this tactic used more and more often. Just wait a few more weeks when Tahksin is back....the spin from the pro PTP Thai visa folks will be so bad you'll need some dramamine just to get through a thread!

  15. I've done it twice, 12 years apart, for two different episodes of having things stolen. Minimum time in the station: 3 hours. mes of it. It's basically a colossal waste of time.


    Not my experience when I lost my passport, air ticket, and 500 dollars in U.S. cash years ago. Made a report at the Thong Lor police station, and the whole thing would have been finished at 30 minutes. The only thing that stopped it was that the Taxi driver whose taxi I had left it in brought it into the very same police station to return everything to me.


    Same experience at TL station....friendly and polite staff, one of the older female polis flirting with me even. It was funny and harmless,and they had me out of there in no time.

  16. Does anyone know if you need a US credit card/address to get a netflix account? Can I register with a Thai credit card?


    I did registered a netflix account using Non-US credit card. U need to fill in a US address. U can get 1 easily from those US Forwarding company. I use comgateway address. It worked. Netflix is somehow more lenient accepting non-US credit card. They also accept Paypal too.

    Give them a try.

    I am still looking for someone with US credit card to subscript to Hulu Plus. Anyone got any lead do PM me. Thank first!

    Great, thanks Mike, that helps.

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