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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

    I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.

    Thaksin pardon. Check.

    I guess the saving grace is (one would hope anyway) that Thaksin would NOT allow those ridiculous promises to go through. If some of the more extreme policies were implemented the economy would be a basket case within months. :blink:

    Good point! :jap::ph34r::jap:

  2. Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.

    That got to you too.....hmmmm....

    I thought that Mr Thaksin was not allowed to participate in Thai politics?

    Me too

    He'll be back very soon directing the death squads that go after you and I.

  3. Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

    Finally we know why so many farang are anti-Thaksin. Because they're worried they will lose access to cheap prostitutes.


    There was a whole thread discussing that a couple of months ago.

    He doesn't want to destroy it, on the contrary, he wants to reign it in, and own/control it all!

  4. Well it looks like well done Yingluck. I'm off for a spot of Mrs Changers finest Isan cooking and will look under the table to see if I can spot any of the usual suspects from here that seem to be missing. whistling.gif

    You keep your maid under the table to service you while you eat dinner? What does your Issan-wife think about that?!

    She's right behind the maid, "dining at the Y"....haha.

  5. ...to download to your galaxy phone use the 'tubemate' app from android store, it's free.

    ...for Apple, if your phone is jailbroken you can use 'atube' from the Cydia store. It is also free.

    ...to download to your com and then upload to the phone, use 'download helper' app in Firefox. You can download in MP4 format, which then plays on most phones.

    good luck!

  6. Do these Thai schools not do background checks... who knows what sick twisted Paedo's are teaching our children in the various schools in Thailand You can be sure he is not the only one..... DISGRACEFUL.

    any decent Intl school here in Thailand will require criminal checks from their applicants. If you are shopping around for a school for your kid, be sure to ask about their vetting process when recruiting teachers. You would be surprised to know that even some of the top schools here in Thailand have hired child molesters with standing records in the states.

  7. Incredible that The Nation's last update was over two hours ago. Can they not afford to send somebody over there to SMS tidbits back to headquarters? Lousy, lousy paper it is, amateur to the nth.

    BP no better at their coverage.

    Must be a night with a lot of good soaps on TV, don't want to disturb any of their journos' evening recreation. Never mind that one of the most important rallies in the past year is happening right now. Then they dare print articles about apathetic citizens.

    Amazing Thailand!

  8. They should have been doing this long ago. Letting the red shirts attempt to take some kind of moral high ground from their terrorist seizure of the city is ridiculous. Red Shirts deliberately set out to create as much bloodshed as possible, by launching terrorists attacks against the city from their barricaded and armed fort, until the army had no choice but to remove them. Reasoning that every government that engaged in conflict with protesters was overthrown, and the government would be forced to step down after the battle was over and the pawns were dead, paving the way for Thaksin to immediately return. Ridiculous that they have until now meekly let them use this as a propaganda vehicle.

    Perfect, spot on post! Cheers for that one!

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