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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 1 minute ago, Shawn0000 said:


    The failure of the talks was the failure of the PM to dissolve parliament, just saying he would call an election did not fool anyone, he did not have the legal authority to call an election anyway and when asked to dissolve parliament he questioned whether that would help, even a fool could see though his game, and on him lies all the guilt, the people have the right to democracy, he did not have the right to deny them that, as they showed him with blood.

    evidence please.

  2. 13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    "But their common aspirations are much bigger and overwhelming – to be the freest and most democratic members of Asean."

    What utter hogwash? I suspect I will be dead many a year before Thailand ever becomes remotely close to a truly free and democratic country.

    I laughed at that sentence too.  I get the feeling that most Thais are happy living under a dictatorship.

  3. On 2/22/2017 at 3:34 PM, Jingthing said:

    Detailing the rapid "fall" of super troll Milo.

    But somehow I reckon he'll find a way to continue to cash in ... more people hate him now BUT he's also much more famous than he was a few days ago. But it's hard to imagine what audience he has now for public speaking ... but it wasn't about the speaking, it was about cynically exploiting the PROTESTS about his speaking that he was about.  But if nobody invites him anymore, that game is stifled. 





    Maybe he can be sponsored by NAMBLA?

  4. On 2/22/2017 at 1:22 PM, Jingthing said:

    Update on the Milo story.

    He "resigned" from Breitbart but did he really?

    Word is that a large number of staff members threatened to quit if he didn't go away. So more like he was fired.

    Now he says he will start his own media organization.

    He can self publish his books and I'm sure they will sell just like people can't help themselves to look at a train wreck.

    As far as his role in the "alt-right" and as a college republican club speaker ... it's hard to imagine that will be the same. 

    He has made his "career" on being hated so he's expanded that pool of people but he still has an audience, probably smaller now.

    Anyway, there is a rich irony here. The right loved him because of his attacks on the left ... and made fun of the left for "denying" him free speech ... turns out the right thinks there is sometimes a limit to free speech as well, even the outrageous "alt right" witnessed by the Breitbart staff threatening to quit rather than work with him.

    Turns out the Right are the biggest Princess Snowflakes of them all!  :)

  5. 5 hours ago, webfact said:



    Thug in security guard attack goes to police - says sorry for going over the top



    Picture: Thairath


    BANGKOK: -- The ringleader of a group of three men caught on CCTV mercilessly kicking a security guard in the head has given himself up to Ratanathibet, Nonthaburi police.


    Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/973656-thug-in-security-guard-attack-goes-to-police-says-sorry-for-going-over-the-top/


    Tie the fuckface to a chair naked and give the security guard a variety of tools to shut him up forever....in a very slow and very painful way.  Make it last a few days.



  6. 5 hours ago, webfact said:



    Thug in security guard attack goes to police - says sorry for going over the top



    Picture: Thairath


    BANGKOK: -- The ringleader of a group of three men caught on CCTV mercilessly kicking a security guard in the head has given himself up to Ratanathibet, Nonthaburi police.


    Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/973656-thug-in-security-guard-attack-goes-to-police-says-sorry-for-going-over-the-top/


    Thai the fuckface to a chair naked and give the security guard a variety of tools to shut him up forever....in a very slow and very painful way.  Make it last a few days.



  7. On 3/14/2017 at 7:33 AM, Wilsonandson said:

    Reminds me of the Hua Hin elderly couple and son beating. People just walk on by or stand back and watch. No one steps in to help.

    The story of the good Samaritan is obviously not told in Thai schools. I wonder if there is a Buddhist story that is similar to that told to children?

    Why is the culture of this country to turn the other head? Ignore the crys for help of the injured or victims of crime. Who teaches this culture? Don't get involved, don't help, not my problem.

    Is it karma? The victim deserves it as they must have done something wrong in the past. Anyone know?

    Not all Thais are like this and do come to the aid of those being attacked or those injured but for the many years I have been here I haven't seen that happen very often.

    I guess this is not just Thailand either but an Asian culture thing. Oh well, survival of the fitest or should I say the one with the biggest gang.


    So if you were walking down the street alone and saw three thugs beating up someone like that, you would try to stop them?  Just asking....I would wait til the thugs had left then do whatever I could for the poor guy, but sorry I am not going to play Mr. Hero and get my head kicked in as well.  Whether, here, Cameroon, or my hometown, I think most people would think the same as me.   I think your comment is a bit silly.

  8. 9 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Definitely at your own risk. 


    A ninety 90% chance the cloth used to make your suit will not be the cloth you selected.


    Maybe 10 or 12 years back my old boss visited the Bkk office (first time ever in Asia) and was accosted by an Indian man in the mall attached to our office building.


    Boss was convinced in 5 minutes, selected some quite nice cloth for a suit and 2 or 3 pairs of trousers and several shirts then he returned to the office to proclaim his good luck.  Another farang in the office said 'did you get small samples of the cloth that was agreed'. Answer: NO.


    They immediately went back to the Indian shop and got the usual 'not necessary sir', 'we will take care of you sir' etc. They made further demands for cloth samples, Indian guy refused to oblige. Second farang took out his phone and said he was calling the police. Then suddenly samples given.


    Three of four days later both farang returned to the shop, clothes all finished. They compared the cloth samples, sure enough much cheaper very poor quality cloth used for all the finished clothes. Such poor quality nobody would want to wear the clothes.  


    Second farang called the police station nearby,  police arrived quickly, police instructed Indians to return all deposits paid and compensate the farang for his time and inconvenience with 10,000Baht cash.  Police also called for backup and all the stock and fittings were thrown on the back of trucks. Senior Police guy mentioned they had been called to same shop several times before. Shop never restarted in the same mall. 

    Unfortunate.   I use Majestic Tailor over on Sukhumvit by the Sheraton.  Great service and wonderful cloth.  Been using them for about ten years now, highly recommend them.  High integrity and warm owners.  

  9. On 2/25/2017 at 7:55 PM, rijb said:

    Try interval running.  Run a little, then slow to a walk, run a little, etc.  Eventually, you'll run more and walk less.

    Great for fat loss.


    I walk about ten minutes to warm up, and then do easy sprint for 30 seconds, walk for a minute.  Rinse and repeat about 8-10 times depending on my mood and stamina.  Finsih with 10-20 minutes more walking.

  10. I'm amazed how much rice people eat with their food.  If you go to a curry shop they'll put up to 2 cups of rice down, with the food on top.  I don't take any, or just about a quarter cup. Takes awhile to train them not to shovel it on, but they get the point after a few visits.  Still charge the same though :)


    I also see people order some moo ping, maybe three sticks, with three bags of sticky rice.  That stuff has the same glycemic index as table sugar - 100.


    When I first moved here in 92 there was far less junk food too, and I agree about the sugary drinks, people weren't guzzling them down like they do now.  When I go to starbucks for my tall black brewed, 90% of the customers are ordering what are basically milkshakes.

  11. 13 hours ago, Silurian said:


    There was a cool season in Bangkok this past year? I must have missed it. There is usually around 2 weeks of low/mid 20's (Celsius) and people wearing stocking caps around Bangkok (always funny to me) but I think there was only 2 days that I would consider cooler.


    Stocking hats, down jackets, standing around a fire in a barrel.  All that and it's 25 celcius outside.  Haha.

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