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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. I started as a teacher here 25 years ago, having trained and licensed in the states.  I volunteered way back in the mid 90s to share ideas about cooperative learning, student centered learning, etc.  There was a push that far back for this change, and it is still something they are struggling with.  However, with very limited resources and rooms packed with 45 kids, it just ain't gonna happen.

  2. I couldn't find an 11" MBA in the end anyway so went with a 13" MBP.
    My 8GB RAM preference was because the windows laptops I've had previously seemed to max out my RAM easily at 4GB but I understand that the hardware to software coordination is much smoother with the Macs and so far so good with the MBP.

    Cool, enjoy your MBP! Yeah RAM was always an issue when I was using windoze, definitely not when you are using Mac software, never ever had a hang or hiccup. I use non Mac originated programs too like the DAW Reason, and that generally does great though when I get into projects with many tracks I need to lower the bitrate sometimes til it's time to render. I feel so much more productive with a Mac. It lets me focus on my work and not on trying to get programs to work. I just got a new drone so have been throwing a lot of 4K video at iMovie. Smooth as butter from import to export.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
  3. 5 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    They are just simple sheeple.

    Farmers promised 500 baht a day, by red shorts then abandoned by their loyal leaders, thankfully bused back home to their dustbowls by the government.  They had no idea what was going on and didn't care, all they knew was someone was supposed to pay them a per diem which they actually never got.

  4. 21 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Why would i google it.. you are stating something and don't back it up with some news articles. That is what you asked of me and others but when its your time to deliver you dont. I just apply the same rules to you that you apply to me and others.so put it up or shut up. 


    Your making pretty strong claims.. that are YOUR interpretation of things, now your stating the army is the same as the yellow-shirts. Your becoming more and more crazy. The yellow shirts were BKK citizen fed up with YL and her mob. There were some from the South later too. I knew many of the anti goverment protesters and i can tell you they had no links with the army at all. Many of them have no love of the army at all.


    You still havent proven how the yellows control the army.. like you said. The army is the army and is controlled only by the army.





    Shawn0000000000000 uses this tactic.  Better not to feed the trolls.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:



    The evidence was on the very post I replied to, it is also on a post above this one, if you cant take the time to read the posts you are responding to then do not ask for evidence, we are not here to spoon feed you.

    There was no link on the post i replied to sweetie.

  6. I never have a problem reading anything.  I max any screen I'm using and flip from program to program with the four finger swipe.  I have the 128/4 version.  I easily keep 40 or so gigs free at any time for things I'm working on.  I use google drive to store stuff....I don't find space an issue though.


    What requires you to have 8Gig?  I use photoshop, all the usually productivity apps, plus garageband and other music apps, and have never had a hiccup in my work.  I make simple movies all the time with imovie, no problem.  I'm not sure what your plans are that you want that much RAM, I've found I just don't need it.


    The best thing is that the air is so damned light.   My favorite and most used computer so far.  Even after having it for 3.5 years and using it a lot every day it still gives me 6 hours plus of battery life.

  7. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    You saw any Blue Shirts? Just Red?

     I'm trying to recall, can only remember red shirts.  That was around the time they were getting protestors to 'bleed themselves' so they could dump a bunch of blood on the streets in front of parliament.  They actually didn't get much blood, so they went out and bought a bunch of pig blood to add to it.  After they dumped it and made a big mess, while the govt. cleaned it up they also tested some of it and found it infected with hepatitis and HIV.  Then the reds protested them testing the blood because they said it was private!  My my those were weird, funny, frightening days.  I'm not Thai so I won't make too many comments, but those reds were a lot of dum dums.

  8. A little less time trying t implement probation and a little more time getting strict on drunk driving.  During Songkran days around my 'hood in N. Bangkok there is nary a cop....they all just disappear.  That's why all the 13 year old boys are riding motorcycles around with 3 of their friends with him on the bike. 


    I've read about 90% of the deaths during songkran are from motorbikes.  It's a good thing, weeds out some of those selfish jerks.

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